外语学习的成功与否在很大程度上与学习者学习外语的动机是否强烈有关,这一点是教师和研究者们普遍认同的。但什么是动机?如何对其加以描述?如何强化动机?又如何对其进行评估?《动机研究与教学》对以上问题进行了讨论和回答。 本书总结介绍了动机这一概念及有关的理论;讨论了如何利用有关的理论见解来帮助教师更好地开展教学活动;引用研究实例具体说明如何对动机进行研究和评估,为教师们提供了诸多实用的建议。 本书语言简洁易懂,例证丰富翔实。书中最后一部分还针对相关课题提供了丰富的研究资源,可供读者参考和借鉴。
General Editors' PrefaceAuthor's AcknowledgementsPublisher's AcknowledgementsIntroductionSection I: What is motivation? 1 Main challenges of motivation research 1.1 The challenge of consciousness vs unconsciousness 1.2 The challenge of cognition vs affect 1.3 The challenge of reduction vs comprehensiveness 1.4 The challenge of 'parallel multiplicity' 1.5 The challenge of context 1.6 The challenge of time 2 Theories of motivation in psychology 2.1 Leading motivation theories in psychology 2.2 Sociocultural and contextual influences on behaviour 2.3 The temporal dimension of motivation 3 Motivation to learn a foreign/second language 3.1 Gardner's motivation theory 3.2 Expectancy-value theories in L2 motivation research 3.3 Self-determination theory, and L2 motivation 3.4 Schumann's neurobiological model 3.5 Constructs emerging from empirical studies 3.6 L2 motivation and the social context 3.7 The temporal dimension of L2 motivation 3.8 D6rnyei and Ott6's process model of L2 motivationSection I1: Motivation and language teaching 4 'Education-friendly' approaches in motivation research 4.1 The educational shift in L2 motivation research 4.2 Educationally motivated constructs 5 Motivation and motivating in the foreign language classroom 5.1 Motivational techniques, strategies and macrostrategies 5.2 A framework for motivational strategies 5.3 Motivational macrostrategies 6 Student demotivation 6.1 'Demotivation' vs 'motivation' 6.2 Research on demotivation in instructional communication studies 6.3 Findings in L2 motivation research 6.4 Concluding remarks on demotivation 7 Teacher motivation 7.1 Conceptualising the 'motivation to teach' 7.2The relationship between teacher motivation and student motivationSection Ⅲ: Researching motivationSection IV: Resources and further informationReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index