

Douglas Robinson 外语教学与研究出版社





Douglas Robinson  






  道格拉斯·鲁宾逊(Douglas Robinson)是一位多产的翻译理论家,他的学术观点新颖,文字犀利,在译学问题上常有别出心裁的论述。本书为其最具代表性的作品之一,也是西方翻译史研究乃至整个西方翻译研究领域迄今引用最频繁的作品之一。可以说,在涉及20世纪之前的西方翻译理论文献研究方面,无论从书的篇幅和内容覆盖面,还是从历史跨度和所涉人物范围,这部作品都称得上是相关领域里迄今最为完整、最有参考价值的英语读本。


道格拉斯·鲁宾逊(Douglas Robinson)是一位多产的翻译理论家,他的学术观点新颖,文字犀利,在译学问题上常有别出心裁的论述。


Editors PrefaceHerodotusThe Twittering of BirdsFrom Istoria, Book Two (mid-5th century B.C.E.)The Origin of the Class of Egyptian InterpretersFrom lstoria, Book Two (mid-5th century B.C.E.)Anonymous (Aristeas)The Work of the SevenS-TwoFrom Aristeas to Philocrates (around 130 B.C.E.)Marcus Tullius CiceroTranslating Greek Orations into LatinFrom De oratore (55 B.C.E.)The Best Kind of Orator (46 B.C.E.)Translating Greek Philosophy into LatinFrom De finibus bonorum et malorum (45-44 B.C.E.)Philo JudaeusThe Creation of the SeptuagintFrom De vita Mosis (20 B.C.E.?)Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)Imitating in Your Own WordsFrom Ars Poetica (20 B.C.E.?)Paul of TarsusRather Five Words with the Mind Than Ten Thousand in a Tongue1 Corinthians 14 (55 C.E.?)Lucius Annaeus SenecaWhat IsFrom Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, letter 58 (63-65 C.E.)Pliny the Younger (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)mitation of the Best ModelsLetter to Fuscus Salinator (85 C.E.?)Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus)On What We Should Employ Ourselves When We WriteFrom lnstitutio oratoria (96 C.E.?)Aulus GelliusOn the Importance of Avoiding Strict LiteralnessFrom Noctes Atticae (100 C.E.?)Epiphanius of Constantia (Salamis)Producing an Unadulterated TranslationFrom De mensuris et ponderibus (392)Jerome (Eusebius Hieronymus)The Best Kind of TranslatorLetter to Pammachius (395)Who Was The First Lying Author?From Praefatio in Pentateuchem (401 )Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus)The Use of TranslationsFrom De doctrina Christiana (428)C. Chirius FortunatianusTranslation as ExercitatioFrom the Artis rhetoricae scholicae (5th century)Anicius Manlius Severinus BoethiusCommitting the Fault of the True InterpreterFrom In Isagoge Porphyrii Commenta (510?)Gregory the GreatGiving the SenseFrom Letter to Aristobulus (590/91)Mangling the SenseFrom Letter to Narses (597/98)John Scotus EriugenaTranslator, Not ExpositorFrom Prologue to Translation of De caelesti hierarchia byPseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (mid-9th century)King AlfredTranslating Plainly and ClearlyPreface to Translation of Boethius Consolation of Philosophy (887?)Translating Books Which Are Most Necessary For All Men to KnowLetter to Bishop Waerferth (890/97)AelfricTranslating into Our Ordinary SpeechFrom Preface to Book I of Catholic Homilies (989)Pure and Plain WordsPreface to Book II of Catholic Homilies (992)Translating into Idiomatic EnglishPreface to Genesis (997?)Notker the GermanLetter to Bishop Hugo yon Sitten (1015)Burgundio of PisaThe Risk of Altering So Great an OriginalPreface to Latin Translation of St. John Chrysostom,Homilies on the Gospel of John (early 1170s)AnonymousThe Three Kinds of TranslatingFrom Commentary on Boethius De arithmetica (12th century)Thomas AquinasProemFrom Contra errores Graecorum (1263?)Roger BaconOn the Usefulness of GrammarFrom Opus Maius (1268?)Jean de MeunTranslating for Lay PeopleFrom Prologue to Roman de la Rose (c. 1280)Plainly Rendering the SenseFrom Dedication to .Translation of Boethius Li Livres de Confort de Philosophie(between 1285 and 1305)Dante AlighieriTranslation Destroys the Sweetness of the OriginalFrom II convivio (1304-7)AnonymousAnother MeaningFrom Ovide moralise(early 14th century)Richard RolleFollowing the LetterPrologue to English Translation of the Psalter (1330s)John of TrevisaDialogue Between a Lord and a Clerk upon Translation (1387)Coluccio SalutatiLetter to Antonio Loschi (1392)Anonymous (John Purvey?)On Translating the Bible (1395/97)Leonardo BruniOn the Correct Way to Translate (1424/26)Duarte (Edward, King of Portugal)The Art of Translating from LatinFrom O Leal Conselheiro (1430s)William CaxtonPrologue to Aeneid (1490)Desiderius ErasmusLetter to Nicholas Ruistre (1503)Letter to William Warham (1506)Letter to William Warham (1507)Letter to Maarten Lips (1518)Thomas MoreWhether the Clergy of This Realm Have Forbidden All the People to HaveAny Scripture Translated into Our TongueFrom A Dialogue Concerning Heresies and Matters of Religion (1529)Martin LutherCircular Letter on Translation (1530)William TyndaleHow Happeneth That Ye Defenders Translate Not One Yourselves?From An Answer to Sir Thomas Mores Dialogue (1531 )Juan Luis VivesPractice in WritingFrom De Tradendis Disciplinis ( 1531 )Translation and InterpretationFrom De ratione dicendi (1533)Etienne DoletThe Way to Translate Well from One Language into Another (1540)Elizabeth TudorLetter to Catherine ParrPreface to Her Translation of Queen Marguerite of Navarre, The Glasse of theSynnefull Soule (1544)The Study of a WomanFrom Preface to Her Translation of Queen Marguerite of Navarre, A godlyMedytacyon of the christen Sowle (1548)Mikael AgricolaPreface to the New Testament (1548)Joachim du BellayThe Defense and Illustration of the French Language (1549)Anna CookeThe Study of Italian JustifiedFrom Preface to Her Translation of Bernadine Ochine, Fouretene sermons (1550?)Jacques Peletier du MansOf TranslationFrom Lart poetique (1555)Roger AschamThe Ready Way to the Latin TongueFrom The Schoolmaster (1570)Etienne PasquierLetter to Jacques Cujas (1576)Letter to Odet de Tournebus (1576)Margaret TylerM.T. to the ReaderPreface to Her Translation of Diego Ortunez de Calahorra, A Mirrourof Princely Deedes and Knighthood (1578)Michel Eyquem de MontaigneWe Call Barbarous Anything That is Contrary to Our Own HabitsFrom Des cannibales (1580)Gregory MartinFive Sundry Abuses or Corruptions of Holy ScriptureFrom the Preface to A Discovery of the Manifold Corruptions of theHoly Scriptures... (1582)The Holy Scriptures Ought Not be Read Indifferently of AllFrom The Preface to the Reader, The New Testament of Jesus Christ (1582)William FulkeThat None of These Five Abuses are Committed by UsFrom the Preface to A Defence of the Sincere and True Translationsof the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue, Against the Cavilsof Gregory Martin (1583)The Holy Scriptures Should Always Be in Our Mother TongueFrom Confutation of the Rhemists Preface, Confutation of the RhemistTestament (1589)John FlorioThe Epistle DedicatoryPreface to Translation of Montaignes Essays (1603)To the Courteous ReaderPreface to Translation of Montaignes Essays (1603)George ChapmanThe Preface to the ReaderFrom His Translation of the Iliad (1611)Miles SmithThe Translators to the ReaderPreface to the Authorized Version of the Bible (1611)Miguel de Cervantes SaavedraViewing Flemish Tapestries from the Wrong SideFrom Don Quixote, Part II (1615)Jean ChapelainTo the ReaderPreface to Le Gueux, ou la vie de Guzmdn dAlfarache (1619-20)Joseph WebbePerceiving the Custom of the AncientsFrom An Appeal to Truth, Concerning Art and Use (1622)Suzanne du VegerreThe Authors Epistle to the READERPreface to Her Translation of John Peter Camus, Admirable Events (1639)John Denham"To Sir Richard Fanshaw upon His Translation of Pastor Fido" (1648)Preface to The Destruction of Troy (1656)Nicolas Perrot dAblancourtTo Monsieur ConrartDedication of French Translation of Lucian (1654)Adjusting Things to Accommodate the SubjectFrom Preface to French Translation of Thucydides (1662)Abraham CowleyPreface to Pindarique Odes (1656)Pierre Daniel HuetConcerning the Best Kind of TranslationFrom De optimo genere interpretandi (1661)Katherine PhilipsTranslating PompeyFrom Letters from Orinda to Poliarchus (1705)John DrydenThe Three Types of TranslationFrom Preface to Ovids Epistles (1680)Steering Betwixt Two ExtremesFrom Dedication of the Aeneis (1697)Wentworth Dillon, Earl of RoscommonAn Essay on Translated Verse (1684)Aphra BehnTranslating French into EnglishFrom An Essay on Translated Prose (1688)Recasting, Not TranslatingFrom Fontenelles Preface to the History of Oracles (1688)Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizEnriching the German LanguageFrom Unvorgreifliche Gedanken, betreffend die Ausubung und Verbesserungder deutschen Sprache (1697)Anne DacierMy CondemnationFrom Preface to Translation of Llliade dHomere (1699)Joseph AddisonNational AccentsSpectator no. 29 (1711)Alexander PopeThe Chief Characteristic of TranslationFrom Preface to the Iliad (1715)Charles BatteuxPrinciples of TranslationFrom Principes de litt~rature (1747-48)Elizabeth CarterTranslating EpictetusFrom Her Correspondence with Catherine Talbot and Thomas Secker(1749-57)Samuel JohnsonThe Art of TranslationThe Idler 68/69 (1759)Translating HomerFrom Life of Pope (1779-81)Johann Gottfried HerderThe Ideal Translator as Morning StarFrom Uber die neuere Deutschen Litteratur: Fragmente, (1766-67)Language as MaidenFrom Uber die neuere Deutschen Litteratur: Fragmente, rev. ed. (1768)Alexander Frazer TytlerThe Proper Task of a TranslatorFrom Essay on the Principles of Translation (1791)Novalis (Friedrich Leopold, Baron von Hardenberg)Translating Out of Poetic MoralityFrom a Letter to A. W. Schlegel (1797)Grammatical, Transformative, and Mythic TranslationsFrom Blutenstaub (1798)August Wilhelm von SchlegelNoble RustFrom Dante - Uber die GOttliche Kom6die ( 1791)At Once Faithful and PoeticFrom Etwas tiber Wilhelm Shakespeare bei Gelegenheit WilhelmMeisters (1796)Poetic Translation an Imperfect ApproximationFrom Homers Werke von Johann Heinrich Voss (1796)Projecting Oneself into Foreign MentalitiesFrom Geschichte der klassischen Literatur (1802)The Speaking Voice of the Civilized WorldFrom Geschichte der romantischen Literatur (1803)Johann Wolfgang von GoetheProse TranslationsFrom Dichtung und Wahrheit ( 1811 - 14)The Two MaximsFrom Rede zum Andenken des edlen Diehters, Bruders und FreundesWieland (1813)TranslationsFrom West-Ostlicher Divan (1819)The Translator as MatchmakerFrom Maximen und Reflexionen (1826)On Carlyles German Romance (1828)Friedrich SchleiermacherOn the Different Methods of Translating (1813)Wilhelm yon HumboldtThe More Faithful, The More DivergentFrom the Introduction to His Translation of Aeschylus Agamemnon (1816)Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, baronne de Stael-HolsteinOn the Spirit of Translations (1816)Percy Bysshe ShelleyThe Violet and the CrucibleFrom A Defenee of Poetry (1821 )Arthur SchopenhauerOn Language and WordsFrom Parerga und Paralipomena ( 1851)Edward FitzGeraldLetter to E. B. Cowell (1859)Letter to J. R. Lowell (1878)Matthew ArnoldThe Translators TribunalFrom On Translating Homer (1861)Francis W. NewmanThe Unlearned Public is the Rightful Judge of TasteFrom Homeric Translation in Theory and Practice (1861)Richard E BurtonClothing the SkeletonFrom Preface to Translation of Vikram and the Vampire (1870)A Plain and Literal TranslationFrom Introduction to The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night (1885)Robert BrowningLiteral at Every CostFrom Preface to Translation of Aeschylus Agamemnon (1877)Friedrich NietzscheTranslation as ConquestFrom Die frohliche Wissenschaft (1882)Translating the Tempo of the OriginalFrom Jenseits Gutes und Boses (1886)BiographiesFurther ReadingReferencesName IndexSubject IndexTitle Index







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