Adrian Akmajian,Richard A. Demers,Ann K. Farmer,Robert M. Harnish
AcknowledgmentsNote to the TeacherPART Ⅰ THE STRUCTURE OF HUMAN LANGUAGEINTRODUCTlONChapter 1 What Is Linguistics?Chapter 2 Morphology:The Study of the Structure of Words2.1 Words:Some Background Concepts2.2 Complex Words and Morphemes2.3 Neologisms:How Are New Words Created?2.4 Inflectional versus Derivational Morphology2.5 Problematic Aspects of Morphological Analysis2.6 Special TopicsThe Meaning of Complex WordsMore on CompoundsMorphological AnaphoraClasses of Derivational AffixesChapter 3 Phonetics and Phonemic Transcription3.1 Some Background Concepts 653.2 The Representation of Speech Sounds3.3 Special TopicsVowels before/a/Contractions in Casual Spoken EnglishConsonant ClustersChapter 4 Phonology:The Study of Sound Structure4.1 What Is Phonology?4.2 The Internal Structure of Speech Sounds:Distinctive Feature Theory4.3 The External Organization of Speech Sounds4.4 Special TopicThe Word?Level Tone Contour of EnglishChapter 5 Syntax:The Study of Sentence Structure5.1 Some Background Concepts5.2 An Informal Theory of Syntax5.3 A More Formal Account of Syntactic Theory5.4 Special TopicsWh-QuestionsSentence Structure and AnaphoraX-Bar TheoryChapter 6 Semantics:The Study of Linguistic Meaning6.1 Semantics as Part of a Grammar6.2 Theories of Meaning6.3 The Scope of a Semantic Theory6.4 Special TopicsMood and MeaningSingular and GeneralDeictics and Proper NamesDefinite Descriptions:Referential and AttributiveNatural Kind Terms,Concepts,and the Division of Linguistic LaborAnaphora and CoreferenceChapter 7 Language VariationChapter 8 Language ChangePARTⅡ COMMUNICATION AND COGNTIVE SClieNCEINTRODUCrIONChapter 9 Pragmatics:The Study of Language Use and CommunicationChapter 10 Psychology of Language:Speech Production and ComprehensionChapter 11 Language Acquisition in ChildrenChapter 12 Language and the BrainAppendix The Written Representation of LanguageGlossaryIndex