马龙海,李毅 主编,李毅 等编
随着大学英语教学改革的不断深入,提供多元的课程模式,满足不同学习者的需求,已成为大学英语基础教学完成后或与基础教学同步进行的大学英语课程改革的关键。商务英语作为国际商务环境中应用的语言,在涉外商务活动日益频繁的今天,使用范围越来越广,应用性也越来越强。在商务英语教学中,视听说课程是培养听说交际能力的直接载体。我国商务英语教学起步较晚,国内目前与该课程相适应的教材和配套音像材料比较少,而引进教材在体系编排和练习设计上又往往“水土不服”,因此,很多开设商务英语课程的学校在讲授视听说课程时都是以国内听说教材为主,辅以引进版的录像材料,这实为权宜之策。为了满足目前大学英语教学改革的需要,满足大学英语教学对拓展性课程教材的需求,为非英语专业的大学生提供合适的商务英语视听说课程教材,《商务英语视听说》教材编写组与相关院校的专家学者共同研讨,进行了大量的国内、国际相关教材的比较研究,精心收集、梳理相关资料,认真设计、编写了《商务英语视听说》。 教材创新是课程改革的关键。《商务英语视听说》在编写上以“语境理论”和“图式理论”等现代语言教学理论为指导,借鉴了“感觉和感知心理学理论”和“专门用途英语教学理论”以及“职业群集”等高等职业教育教学理论的最新研究成果。教材在教学目标、内容、手段的设计上充分体现了以学生为中心,以交际能力培养为目标的教育思想和理念,并在汇集多年商务英语教学实践经验的基础上,甄选素材,精心编撰,科学地将多媒体技术融入教材,改变传统的以“听”为主的听说教学模式,构建了多维度的“音”、“像”结合的互动式视听说教学模式。教材体系完整、内容丰富、题材广泛、语言规范、手段先进、形式多样,体例严谨,以期使我国高等教育大学英语视听说课程,特别是大学商务英语课程的教学建设有所突破。
Unit1 Job InterviewsUnit2 Jobs and ResponsibilitiesUnit3 On the PhoneUnit4 Ata MeetingUnit5 TraveI and VisitsUnit6 Company PresentationsUnit7 ProductPresentationsUnit8 Company PerformanceUnit9 Trade FairsUnit10 Making InquiriesUnit11 Placing an OrderUnit12 Terms of PaymenlUnit13 DeliveryUnit14 Claims and SettlementsUnit15 MarketingUnit16 Advertising
This interview is used to verify the candidates qualifications for the position and to establish a preliminary impression of the candidates attitude, interest and professional style. A professional screener from the employers Human Resources Department usually conducts the interview. At this stage, the goal is to select the most suitable candidate who will meet the decision-makers. Selection Interview Conducted by the decision-makers, the purpose of this interview is to probe the candidates qualifications and to assess the comfort level with which the candidate might establish working relationships with others. There may be more than one interview at this stage. As the number of candidates decreases, a candidate may be invited back to meet with the same person and/or with other managers or members of the work group. The candidates ability to establish rapport and present himself/herself as the right person for the position is critical. Even if there is only one decision-maker, the opinions of the others will be sought and will probably have an effect on the outcome. When youre invited to interview with a number of people, its important that you present yourself effectively to each one of them. Remember, they will evaluate your skills and ability to fit in. As always, be yourself, but sell yourself to each persons individual concerns. Work Sample Interview This interview is done to allow the candidate an opportunity to "show their wares". It could be a time for a graphic artist to display his/her portfolio or a salesperson make a sales presentation. An office worker may be asked to complete a business letter using a specific type of software program. Peer Group Interview This interview is an opportunity to meet and talk with prospective coworkers. Just as in other interviews, the peer group will evaluate the candidate, determining how he/she would fit in.
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