杨立民 编
“现代大学英语”精读教本,自2000年年初陆续出版以来,不知不觉到了该修订的时候。再不修订,作为编者,我们于心难安。基于此,我们计划陆续推出各分册的第二版。但是由于第一版一、二册的原编者当中有相当一部分目前其他任务十分繁重,实在分身乏术,因此只好委托杨立民、徐克容两位(原主编陆培敏也参与了第二版的酝酿和讨论)具体负责一、二册的再版工作。 根据使用者的反馈,这次修订我们不打算推倒重来。原来的总体结构和编写原则大致不变,课文也尽量保留,以保证教材的相对稳定,便于经验的积累。但是我们希望工作做得再细一些,更加合理一些,能更好体现我们编写的各项原则。 具体说来,我们改动的地方大致有以下几个方面: 1.根据使用的情况,我们发现有的课文不够理想,决定予以替换。还有的课文,因为时过境迁,也更换成了更近一些的篇章。但替换的课文不超过总量的30%。 2.原版课文的前后次序也不尽合理,难易梯度不够自然,因此也做了较大的调整。 3.考虑到中学大纲对词汇量的要求已经达到5,000左右,原来我们设定的词汇量为2,000左右的起点需要适当提高。原来有意在第一年放慢进度,集中精力盘活中学所学,第二版不再做此强调。 4.由于以上原因,牵一发动全身,必须重新编写练习和其他相关部分。这方面修改的部分可能超过了一半。 5.首先练习部分总量大大压缩。词汇和语法练习相当严格地控制在10个之内。我们希望这样一来,一方面能突出重点,另一方面能有效减轻学生负担,使学生从题海中解放出来,使他们能学得更加生动活泼。
Pronunciation Table
Unit 1
Text A Half a Day
Text B Making the Grade
Unit 2
Text A The Boy and the Bank Officer
Text B My Bank Account
Unit 3
Text A Message of the Land
Text B The Son from America
Unit 4
Text A Midnight Visitor
Text B Double Cross
Unit 5
Text A The Nightingale and the Rose
Text B The Nightingale
Unit 6
Text A The Green Banana
Text B Cutting Across Cultures
Unit 7
Inter-Lesson (I)
Unit 8
Text A The Kindness of Strangers
Text B Just a Little Scratch
Unit 9
Text A After Twenty Years
Text B Hearts and Hands
Unit 10
Text A Mandela's Garden
Text B The Road to Literacy
Unit 11
Text A Maheegun My Brother
Text B A Secret for Two
Unit 12
Text A Christmas Day in the Morning
Text B "Yes, Daddy, I Promise"
Unit 13
Text A The Greatest Invention
Text B Galileo, the Stargazer Who Defied the World
Unit 14
Inter-Lesson (II)
Unit 15
Text A Clearing in the Sky
Text B The Clearing
Unit 16
Text A The Monsters Are Due in Maple Street
Text B Who Shall Dwell?
Glossary List
Language Items
Grammar Terms
I didn't think twice. "I was going to open a new account," I said, "but after seeing what's going on here, I think I've changed my mind." "Excuse me?" he said. "Look," I said. "If I understand what's going on here correctly, what you're saying is that this boy is old enough to deposit his money in your bank but he's not old enough to withdraw it. And since there doesn't seem to be any question as to whether it's his money or his account, the bank's so-called policy is clearly ridiculous." "It may seem ridiculous to you," he replied in a voice rising slightly in irritation, "but thal is the bank's policy and I have no other alternative but to follow the rules." The boy had stood hopefully next to me during this exchange, but now I was just as helpless. Suddenly I noticed that the open savings book he continued to grasp showed a balance of about $100. ......