

郑海翠 吉林大学出版社













Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Contemporary communication1.2 Sports and national identity1.3 Beijing Olympic Games and Chinese national identity1.4 The structure of the thesisChapter 2 Nation, Nationalism and National Identity2.1 Identity studies: from essentialism to constmctionism2.2 Related concepts to national identity2.2.1 Different approaches to nation2.2.1.1 Nation as a historical development2.2.1.2 Nation as an imagined community2.2.1.3 Nation as a cognitive category2.2.2 State and nation - state2, 2.3 Nationalism2.2.4 Definition of national identity2.3 Assumptions about national identity2.3.1 National identity as social identity2.3.2 National identity as collective identity2.3.3 National identity: An interactive construct2.3.4 Multi - dimensional representation of nationalidentity2.3.5 Multiple empirical referents to national identity2.4 The discursive construction of national identity2.5 Current researches on Chinese national identity2.6 Towards multimodal discursive construction of nationalidentityChapter 3 Multirnodality Research: A New Frontier for Multi -semioMeaning Making3.1 Studies of semiotic meaning - making mechanism3.1.1 Founding fathers of semiotics revisited3.1.1. I Saussure‘ s linguicentric semiology3.1.1.2 Peirce’ s semiotics: logic - oriented theoryabout signs3.1.2 Social semiotics3.1.2.1 Social interpretation of meaning3.1.2.2 Multiplicity of meaning - making resources3.1.2.3 Social theory of signs3.1.2.4 Semiosis and the social3.1.3 Summary3.2 Critical discourse analysis: discourse as social practice3.2.1 Fairclough: The distinction between Discourse (s)and discourse (s)3.2.2 Wodak: discourse as a macro -topic concept anda particular occurrence3.2.3 Van Dijk: a multidisciplinary notion of discourse3.2.4 Kress and Van Leeuwen: discourse as the semiosicplane in semiosis3.2.5 Summary3.3 Critical social semiotics3.3.1 Multimodal theory of communication3.3.2 Modes and media3.3.3 Multimodal text3.3.4 Multiple articulation of meaning3.3.5 Reflections on Kress and Van Leeuwen‘ smultimodal theoryChapter 4 Proposed Frameworks for Multimodal Discourse Analysis4.1 Multimodal realization of discourse4.1.1 Mode identification4.1.2 Mode involvement4.1.3 Mode interaction4.1.4 Strategy and multimodal discourse as socialpractice4.2 A three - stage meaning - making model4.2.1 Cultivation4.2.2 Realization4.2.3 Distribution4.2.4 Relationship between the three stagesChapter 5 Multimodal Discursive Construction of ChineseNational Identity5.1 A plethora of multi - semiotic resources as data5.2 Multimodal realization of Chinese national identity5.2.1 Modes, sub - modes and media deployed5.2.1.1 Language5.2.1.2 Sub - modes of language5.2.1.3 Image5.2. 1.4 Music5.2.1.5 Dress5.2.1.6 Color5.2.1.7 Number5.2.1.8 Media5.2.2 Mode involvement5.2.3 Intersemiosis5.2.3.1 The bidding logo and its caption5.2.3.2 Intersemiosis in people’ s signatures5.2.3.3 A middle school student‘ s paper cranes and verbal hope5.2.3.4 Overseas Chinese’ s Wish Cup and open letter5.2.3.5 Overseas Chinese displaying “Olympic Dragon” Scroll5.2.3.6 Interaction between semiotic modes in presentation5.2.3.7 Fuwa: A kaleidoscope of the Chineseculture5.2.4 Strategy5.2.5 Summary5.3 The Beijing Olympic emblem: An illustration of three - stage multimodal meaning making5.3.1 Cultivation: digging Chinese culture5.3.1.1 Design expectation: China aiming to be unique5.3.1.2 Combining Chinese civilization with Olympic philosophy in the design5.3.1.3 The design - modifying: A Chinese culture learning process5.3.2 Realization: A witness of the Chinese nation‘ s commitment5.3.2.1 The visual image of the emblem: a multimodalconstruct5.3.2.2 Multimodal realization of the emblem seal5.3.2.3 Unveiling: an aggregate of signs5.3.3 Distribution: meaning enhanced and enriched5.3.3.1 Rogge giving approval in a Chinese way5.3.3.2 International Comments5.3.3.3 Chinese official interpretation5.3.3.4 Chinese experts’ evaluations5.3.3.5 Other Chinese people‘ s understanding5.3.3.6 Summary5.3.4 Chinese Seal -Dancing Beijing and Chinese nationalidentity5.4 Discussion5.4.1 Chinese national identity as a multimodal discursive construct5.4.2 Multi - dimensional representation of Chinese national identity5.4.3 Multiple empirical referents to Chinese national identityChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix: Data source




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