于笑苹 编
大学英语学习是不是仅限于课本?答案无疑是否定的。但需要明白,以课本为基础的学习是应付考试的最直接有效的途径。本末倒置则大违学习之道。听说读写,相辅相成,灵活变通,寓学于乐。 即使是在象牙塔这个简单世界里,英语也能给你带来诸多机会和乐趣。比如,校园英语电台,英文诗社、剧社,与国外的朋友聊天,就连电脑、手机、游戏甚至生活用品上也爬满了英文。与英语斗,其乐无穷。 虽然我们是大学生,但依旧逃脱不了考试的魔爪,且不论一年两度的英语期末考试和穿插于学习生活中的英语竞赛、英语征文等,每年两度的四、六级考试更是来势汹汹,绝对是我们不得不面对的关卡。它不仅是顺利毕业的必经关隘,也是就业之路的必备通行证。其中利害,不言自明。这就是为什么四、六级历来是引无数才子佳人竞折腰的经典战役的根本原因。所以及早重视这项考试,端正态度,改进方法才是上上之策。 在大学本科毕业生遍布大江南北的形势下,考研也将是大学生们不得不面对的未来选择。众所周知,考研英语的难度,通常更在六级之上;每年英语国家分数线在50分左右,其难度可想而知。很多专家直言:考研真正比拼的是英语,考研的梦想与现实之间只有一线(英语国家线)之隔。 不难看出,对于英语的付出是不可逃避的。英语学习也绝非一朝一夕之功,巧在方法,重在积累,贵在坚持。 很多学子往往用了四年的时间苦苦追寻一个合适的答案——大学如何学英语?作为本书的读者,你是幸运的,因为它会为你的大学英语学习指点迷津,告诉你种种学习英语的方法、技巧与工具,为你的英语学习节省时间,提高效率,增强信心。 英语学习没有捷径,但有方法。好的方法会让你收到事半功倍的效果;而如果方法错误,越努力只会让你越失败。很多时候,你不成功并不是因为努力不够,而恰恰因为太过努力,却适得其反。在相同的时间里,你比别人获得的知识越多,你就比别人更有优势,就越具有竞争力,尤其在当今激烈竞争的时代。
Part Ⅰ 大学英语——学习方法 英语综论 听力快车 日语论坛 阅读部落 写作地带 单词魔坊 语法驿站Part Ⅱ 大学英语——考试通关 大学英语考试 英语专业考试 考研英语 海外留学考试附录
Hire Advantage At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult, employers who caneliminate invalid biases(偏见) from the process have a distinct advantage. My company, MindsetsLLC, helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots. A real estate recruiter weworked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make. "During my Mindsets coaching session, I was taught how to recruit a diversified workforce. Irecruited people from different cultures and skill sets. The agents were able to utilize their fullpotential and experiences to build up the company. When the real estate market began to change, itwas because we had a diverse agent pool that we were able to stay in the real estate market muchlonger than others in the same profession. " Blinded hy Gender Dale is an account executive who attended one of my workshops on supervising a diverseworkforce. "Through one of the sessions, I discovered my personal bias," he recalls. "I learned Ihad not been looking at a person as a whole person, and being open to differences. " In his case,the blindness was not about culture but rather gender. "I had a management position open in my department; and the two finalists were a man and awoman. Had I not attended this workshop, I would have automatically assumed the man was thebest candidate because the position required quite a hit of extensive travel. My reasoning wouldhave been that even though both candidates were great and could have been successful in theposition, I assumed the woman would have wanted to be home with her children and not travel. "Dales assumptions are another example of the well-intentioned but incorrect thinking that limits anorganizations ability to tap into the full potential of a diverse workforce. "I learned from the class that instead of imposing my gender biases into the situation. I neededto present the full range of duties, responsibilities and expectations to all candidates and allowthem to make an informed decision," Dale credits the workshop, "because it helped me makedecisions based on fairness. " Year of the Know-It-All Doug is another supervisor who attended one of my workshops. He recalls a major lessonlearned from his own employee. One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in arequest to take time off to celebrate Chinese New Year. In my ignorance, I assumed he had hisdates wrong, as the first of January had just passed. When I advised him of this, I gave him a longtalking-to about turning in requests early with the proper dates. He patiently waited, then when I was done, he said he would like Chinese New Year off, notthe Western New Year. He explained politely that in his culture the new year did not beginJanuary first, and that Chinese New Year, which is tied to the lunar cycle, is one of the mostcelebrated holidays on the Chinese calendar. Needless to say, I felt very embarrassed in assuminghe had his dates mixed up. But I learned a great deal about assumptions, and that the timing ofholidays varies considerably from culture to culture.
学习方法:听力、口语、阅读、写作立体全能特训,单词记忆方法集萃,语法复习巩固提高。 考试过关:四六级、专四专八、考研英语轻松备考雅思、托福、GRE等留学考试全程关注。 识字不可强记。得其句中用法,自然容易记得。 --当代学者、语言学家 林语堂 一般人查词典为了弄懂单词的意思,而钱钟书却把词典当作有趣、消闲的读物。他把厚重的大词典按字母逐条细读;在漫长的旅途上,他手捧一本别人认为"索然寡味"的英文词典,冶然自得地读了一个月:在去英国的轮船上,他以Johnson博士的《英语词典》为伴,深得其乐,自称:趣味之深,有不足外人道者。 --当代著名作家钱钟书词典学习法 英语学习需要有pressure和pleasure的结合。 --《英汉大词典》主编 陆谷孙 学好大学英语,要有"三多"精神--多听英文广播,多卖英文报刊,多用英文表达。 --考拉进阶英语研究院院长 高煜
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