

关晓红 主编 哈尔滨工业大学出版社





关晓红 主编  




  研究生英语的教学目标是为了使学生掌握英语这门工具,培养和提高学生的阅读能力和运用英语的能力,具有较高的听、说、读、写、译水平,从而顺利进行本专业的学习、研究与国际交流。  近年来,哈尔滨工业大学的硕士研究生培养制度进行了重大改革,从三年制改成两年制,教学学时的相应减少对硕士研究生英语的教学工作提出了更高的要求。因此,在硕士研究生英语读写的教学过程中,要求课堂的输入质量必须相应提高,要在有限的课堂教学中,有效地提高学生的英语应用能力。  针对这种要求,我们着手编写了《研究生英语读写教程》。  本书特点如下:  1.满足课时需要配合研究生培养“两年制”,适用英语读写30学时的课堂教学。  2.达到大纲要求紧扣教学大纲,以能力培养为出发点进行课堂英语教学。  3.培养应用能力读写并重,注重语言应用能力的培养。在大量阅读的基础上,提高学生  的写和说的能力,培养学生的国际学术交流能力。  4.强调理解应用 注重阅读文章的文体理解和欣赏,注重语言知识的灵活运用。  5.内容引人入胜语言地道、表达准确;话题广泛、内容新颖、时代感强,题材接近学生。本书在内容选择上,以科技英语为主线,以国际学术交流为导向,围绕学生所需要的英语知识,启发学生演讲和写作的灵感。同时,注重高质量的英语输入,帮助学生构建外语知识体系,培养学生的英语自主学习能力。本书所选文章均为原汁原味的英语佳作。本书共设15单元,每单元设有快速阅读、课文、词汇、背景知识、练习等,前10个单元设科技写作和实用写作。具体分工如下:第l和第11单元由关晓红编写,第2和第5单元由宋飞焱编写,第3和第14单元由敖丽峰编写,第4和第15单元由张继书编写,第6和第12单元由常梅编写,第7和第10单元由顾晓乐编写,第8和第9单元由周瑾序编写,第13单元由周胜绪编写,写作部分由孟勐、张辉编写。本书由关晓红、张继书、常梅统稿,并进行了多次校对。


本教材的教学目标是为了使学生掌握英语这门工具,培养和提高学生的阅读能力和运用英语的能力,具有较高的听、说、读、写、译水平,从而顺利进行本专业的学习、研究与国际交流。 本书共设15单元,每单元设有快速阅读、课文、词汇、背景知识、练习等,前10个单元设科技写作和实用写作。在内容选择上,本书以科技英语为主线,以国际学术交流为导向,围绕学生所需要的英语知识,启发学生演讲和写作的灵感。同时,注重高质量的英语输入,帮助学生构建外语知识体系,培养学生的英语自主学习能力。本书所选文章均为原汁原味的英语佳作。


UNIT 1 Culture Difference Fast Reading Culture Shock: A Fish Out of Water Text A Managers in Intercultural Environment Text B The Culture Code Writing Personal Statement UNIT 2 Education Fast Reading Why Have General Education Requirements for Students? Text A What Every Student Should Know? Text B Up in the Morning and off to School Writing Resume UNIT 3 Intellenctual Property and Its Protection Fast Reading Gengle Loses Trademark Dispute in France Text A Intellectual Property Text B Bush Administration's Report on Intellectual Property Enforcement and Protection Writing Job Application Letters( I ) (46)UNIT 4 Science and Literaturer Fast Reading Theory of Evolution Text A Textual Selection Text B Relationship between Science and Literature Writing Job Application Letters ( II ) UNIT 5 The Road to Success Fast Reading The Road to Business Success Text A Michael Delss Two Billion Dollars Dream Text B Passage One Skills in Demand Passage Two The Interview Writing Writing Memos UNIT 6 Food and Health Fast Reading Improving Your Health Text A Will Frankenfood Feed the World? Text B A Healthy Diet Writing Vroposals UNIT 7 Language Fast Reading English Language Imperialism Text A Potentially Confusing and Embarrasing Differences between American and British English Text B Linguistic Imperialism and Linguistic Democracy Writing Abstracts UNIT 8 Emotion Fast Reading The Emotional Bank Account Text A Challenges to a Lasting Relationship Text B Accepting Oneself Writing Summaries UNIT 9 Cyberspace Fast Reading Wikipedia Text A Who Knows? Text B Computer and Cyberspace Addiction Writing Research Papers UNIT 10 Music and Science Text B Music,the Food of Neuroscience? Writing Technical Reports UNIT 11 Men and Women Fast Reading Male Brain, Female Brain:The Hidden Difference Text A Can't We Talk? Text B Understanding the Difference between Men and Women UNIT 12 Overcoming Disease Fast Reading How to Stay Healthy and Overcome Disease? Text A Fighting Infection Effectively Text B What We Still Don't Know about AIDS? UNIT 13 Stern Cell Fast Reading Stem Cell Basics Text A Speech on the U.S. Stem Cell Research Policy ( I ) Text B Speech on the U. S Stem Cell Research Policy ( II ) UNIT 14 International Relationship & Nuclear Weapons Fast Reading Nuclear Weapons Text A Going Critical, Defying the World Text B North Koreans' Nuclear Device Underground UNIT 15 Environmental Protection Fast Reading Warming to Economics Text A A Silent Spring for Climate Change? Text B The Cost of Global Wanning Keys to Exercises


  The third dimension Hofstede indicated is individualism, the concern for yourself as an individualas opposed to concern for the group. The priority of self-oriented or group-oriented varies betweendifferent cultures. For example, most western employees like to work with their own plan fordefending their interest. This is considered high individualism. Because of different attitudes towardwork, "the incubator culture" arises when individuals from different cultures work together as agroup. Trompenaars told us, "the incubator is both personal and egalitarian." People do notcooperate at all. They just simply work in their own ways, follow their own rules, and achieve theirown objective. They do not like others to interfere. It is good for a company to gather as many ideasas they can when starting a new program. But how these individuals are managed to rezch the groupgoal should be important for managers.  Fmally, Hofstede pointed out masculinity. This regards sexual inequality. According toHofstede's definitions, masculine societies define gender roles more rigidly than feminine societies. Inbusiness, managers should be aware of the treatment of different sexes under different culturalinfluences. In today's world, because of the mascttUne value and point of view, males take mostsenior managing positions. But, an experienced manager is supposed to know that it is harmoniouswhen men work with women since women are sometimes more sensitive. Therefore, balancingmasculinity/femininity from different cultures and backgrounds can maximize team power.  The above four dimensions illtmfimted the most important cultural differences that affectbusiness. International managers should be able to be aware not only of the cultural differences butalso intercultural communication.   ……




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