刘露 编
本书是为通信与信息工程相关专业学生学习专业英语课程而编写的,其目的是加强通信与信息工程相关专业学生科技英语的学习及训练,为学生打下良好的科技英语基础,使其能够熟练掌握通信与信息工程相关专业英语词汇,提高对通信与信息工程相关专业英文文献的阅读能力和学术交流能力。 本书共11单元,分为基础原理和专业技术两部分。内容包括:连续信号,离散和随机信号,信号处理基础,调制和解调,滤波器,通信网络,光纤通信,移动通信,多媒体信号处理系统,可编程DSP,ARM体系结构等。 本书内容丰富,在教学安排上各学校(任课教师)可根据学生的英语水平和学校对该课程的课时要求灵活安排,其中有些内容可作为学生课外阅读材料。 本书的特色是:①针对性强。本教材针对通信与信息工程专业学生介绍与该专业基础课程和专业课程有关的英语基础知识和专业知识。②方便学生阅读。本书给出了大量的通信与信息工程专业词汇、短语和专有缩写词,并对较难的长句给出了译文。 本书第1、2、3、4、5单元由哈尔滨理工大学刘露编写,第6、7、8单元由张斌编写,第9、10、11单元由马建为编写,全书由刘露统稿。 在本书的编写过程中,朱非甲、闫俊丽、冯少华、马思明、白祥云等研究生在词汇及音标的录入和校对方面做了大量工作,在此表示衷心感谢!由于地域和时间的原因,难以与引用的参考文献原作者取得联系,在此一并表示感谢!
本书共11单元。第1~5单元分别为连续信号、离散和随机信号、信号处理基础、调制和解调、滤波器,介绍了信号分析与处理的基本知识;第6~8单元分别为通信网络、光纤通信、移动通信,介绍了现代通信的新技术;第9单元多媒体信号处理系统给出了信息处理系统实例;第10单元可编程DSP和第11单元ARM体系结构介绍了通信与信息工程中常用的核心设备DSP与ARM。 本书给出了大量的通信与信息工程专业词汇、短语和专有缩写词,并对较难的长句给出了译文。本书可供大学本科或专科通信工程、电子信息工程及电子信息科学与技术等相关专业高年级学生使用,也可供相关的科研和工程技术人员参考。
1 Continuous Signals 1.1 Signals and Descriptions 1.2 The Fourier Transform 1.3 The Laplace Transform2 Discrete Signals and Random Signals 2.1 Spectra of Discrete SignaLs and the z -Transform 2.2 Random Signals and Descriptions3 Basic Aspects of Signals Processing 3.1 Linear Processing 3.2 Convolution, Correlatidn, and Filtering 3.3 The Processing of Random Signals 3.4 Nonlinear Processing4 Modulation 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Signal Sampling and Reconstitution 4.3 Other Modulation Processes5 Filters 5.1 Introduction 5.2 General Aspects of Filter Performance 5.3 Analogue Filters 5.4 DigitM Filter6 Communication Networks 6.1 WANs,LANs,and MANs 6.2 Switching Techniques 6.3 Asynchronous Transfer Mode7 Fiber Optic Communication 7.1 Historical‘Perspective 7.2 Advantages of Fibers 7.3 Optical Fiber Communication Systems 7.4 Applications of Fiber Optic Communications8 Mobile Communication 8.1 First Generation(1G)Analog Networks 8.2 Second Generation(2G)Cellular Networks 8.3 Third Generation(3G)Wireless Networks9 Multimedia Signal Processing System 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Digitization of Audio and Video 9.3 Multimedia Services 9.4 Hardware Implementation10 Programmable DSPs 10.1 Introduction 10.2 I,OW Cost 10.3 Other Performance 10.4 Summary11 The ARM Architecture 11.1 The Acorn RISC Machine 11.2 Architectural Inheritance 11.3 The ARM Programmer's Model 11.4 ARM Development ToolsBibliographyAppendix A希腊字母表Appendix B数学公式与计算
A signal may be random in a variety of ways, perhaps the most common type of randomness is in the amplitude of a signal waveform, illustrated in Fig. 2.8(a). In this case future values of the signal cannot be predicted with certainty, even when its past history is taken into account. Fig. 2.8 (b) shows another common form of randomness, of the general type displayed by the Morse-code message just mentioned. Here the signal is always at one or other of two definite values but the transitions between these two levels occur at random instants. Signals in which the times of occurrence of some definite even or transition between sates are random arise in many diverse fields of study, such as queuing theory, nuclear particle physics and neurophysiology, as well as in electronic communications. Fig. 2.8 (c) show a signal possessing both the common types of randomness so far mentioned, and represents an electrocardiogram (ECG), or recording of the electrical activity of the heart. The heartbeat is somewhat irregular, so that the timing of successive ECG complexes has a random component; furthermore, the waveshape itself is not exactly repetitive in form.
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