为了帮助学生轻松闯关,更好地了解高考对知识与能力的要求、熟悉题型特点,本书编者除了详细地进行试题解析外,还深入地解读了每篇阅读试题的重点词汇和疑难长句,使学生在解题的同时掌握更多信息,更加充分地利用高考试题,在融会贯通的基础上实现知识和能力的升华。 本书的阅读试题解析按照如下体例编写: 【重点词汇】 根据《教学大纲》的要求,总结和归纳出现频率较高但又容易混淆或易被学生忽略的单词和短语,强化学生的词汇基础,提高学生应对较高难度的阅读试题的能力。 【疑难长句】 根据试题的内容和特点筛选出难度较高或容易误解的句子,提供相应的参考译文,帮助学生更好地理解语句,准确把握全文,进而提升理解能力。 【答案解析】 提供试题的标准答案。对试题进行准确归纳和精确剖析,引导学生熟悉解题要领,逐渐掌握解题技巧,从而提高学生的解题能力和答题速度。 由于编者的水平和时间有限,本书难免存在缺点和不足,我们真诚欢迎读者提出批评和建议,以利我们改进。
朱奋梅,上海师范大学硕士,现任北京交通大学附属中学英语教师。拥有十余年高中英语教学经验,数次参加北京市高考英语试卷阅卷工作,并有多篇论文在全国评比中获奖。 王薇,英国华威大学(The University of Warwick)英语教育硕士。曾任新东方写作中心经理、新东方图书事业部英语编辑以及新东方公益英语兼职教师。已出版图书有《留学申请推荐信写作模板》、《留学申请简历写作模板》、《时事题材英语会话》等。
人物传记Passage 1 2007全国ⅠDPassage 2 2006湖南EPassage 3 2006四川CPassage 4 2006安徽BPassage 5 2005福建APassage 6 2005湖南cPassage 7 2005江苏APassage 8 2005辽宁BPassage 9 2005浙江EPassage 10 2004上海春季CPassage 11 2004福建APassage 12 2002全国APassage 13 2002北京EPassage 14 2002北京春季D史地类Passage 15 2007湖北BPassage 16 2005福建CPassage 17 2005天津DPassage 18 2005重庆DPassage 19 2004辽宁DPassage 20 2004福建EPassage 21 2004重庆APassage 22 2003全国APassage 23 2002全国DPassage 24 2001全国D文化类Passage 25 2007北京EPassage 26 2006江西CPassage 27 2006湖南APassage 28 2006江苏BPassage 29 2006江苏DPassage 30 2006全国ⅠCPassage 31 2006福建DPassage 32 2006广东CPassage 33 2006北京DPassage 34 2005北京春季EPassage 35 2005广东DPassage 36 2005湖南DPassage 37 2005江苏CPassage 38 2005重庆BPassage 39 2005重庆EPassage 40 2004全国ⅡDPassage 41 2004北京春季DPassage 42 2004天津EPassage 43 2004辽宁BPassage 44 2004浙江D广告类Passage 45 2007北京APassage 46 2007天津BPassage 47 2006江西EPassage 48 2006湖北A Passage 49 2006江苏CPassage 50 2006全国ⅠEPassage 51 2006福建CPassage 52 2006四川BPassage 53 2005全国ⅠCPassage 54 2005山东DPassage 55 2005安徽DPassage 56 2005北京春季APassage 57 2005北京春季BPassage 58 2005江西CPassage 59 2005福建DPassage 60 2005广东EPassage 61 2005江苏BPassage 62 2005辽宁CPassage 63 2005天津APassage 64 2004上海APassage 65 2004全国ⅢDPassage 66 2004福建BPassage 67 2004全国ⅠAPassage 68 2004辽宁CPassage 69 2004广东EPassage 70 2004湖南BPassage 71 2004浙江CPassage 72 2004湖北C科普类Passage 73 2007北京BPassage 74 2007湖北APassage 75 2007湖北EPassage 76 2007天津DPassage 77 2006江西DPassage 78 2006安徽CPassage 79 2006湖南CPassage 80 2006湖南DPassage 81 2006全国ⅠAPassage 82 2006福建BPassage 83 2006安徽DPassage 84 2005山东EPassage 85 2005安徽BPassage 86 2005江西DPassage 87 2005广东CPassage 88 2005湖北APassage 89 2005湖北DPassage 90 2005湖北EPassage 91 2005江苏DPassage 92 2005辽宁EPassage 93 2004北京EPassage 94 2004全国ⅠCPassage 95 2004全国ⅡCPassage 96 2004江苏BPassage 97 2004全国ⅠDPassage 98 2004湖南DPassage 99 2004浙江BPassage 100 2004湖北BPassage 101 2004湖北EPassage 102 2004重庆D故事类Passage 103 2007北京CPassage 104 2007天津CPassage 105 2006湖北CPassage 106 2006江西APassage 107 2006江西BPassage 108 2006广东BPassage 109 2006江苏APassage 110 2006江苏DPassage 111 2006全国ⅠDPassage 112 2006福建APassage 113 2006全国ⅠBPassage 114 2006北京BPassage 115 2006安徽EPassage 116 2005北京APassage 117 2005山东APassage 118 2005江西APassage 119 2005全国ⅠEPassage 120 2005北京DPassage 121 2005广东APassage 122 2005湖北BPassage 123 2005湖南APassage 124 2005天津CPassage 125 2005浙江APassage 126 2005浙江CPassage 127 2005重庆APassage 128 2004福建CPassage 129 2004湖南CPassage 130 2004湖北APassage 131 2004天津CPassage 132 2004北京BPassage 133 2004北京C社会类Passage 134 2007天津EPassage 135 2006湖北DPassage 136 2005全国ⅢEPassage 137 2005全国ⅢBPassage 138 2005安徽CPassage 139 2005江西EPassage 140 2005江西BPassage 141 2004江苏EPassage 142 2004全国ⅠEPassage 143 2004辽宁APassage 144 2005安徽EPassage 145 2005北京CPassage 146 2005广东BPassage 147 2005湖北CPassage 148 2005湖南BPassage 149 2005湖南EPassage 150 2005江苏EPassage 151 2005辽宁APassage 152 2005辽宁DPassage 153 2005天津BPassage 154 2005天津EPassage 155 2005浙江DPassage 156 2005重庆CPassage 157 2004福建DPassage 158 2004全国ⅣAPassage 159 2004上海春季BPassage 160 2004湖南APassage 161 2004重庆CPassage 162 2004重庆E心理等Passage 163 2007北京DPassage 164 2007湖北CPassage 165 2007湖北DPassage 166 2006湖北BPassage 167 2006湖北EPassage 168 2006广东DPassage 169 2006四川DPassage 170 2006北京APassage 171 2006北京CPassage 172 2005北京春季DPassage 173 2005全国ⅢCPassage 174 2004北京春季CPassage 175 2004辽宁EPassage 176 2004上海CPassage 177 2004广东CPassage 178 2004湖北DPassage 179 2004重庆BPassage 180 2003全国BPassage 181 2003北京春季E新闻报道Passage 182 2007天津APassage 183 2006福建EPassage 184 2006广东APassage 185 2006江苏EPassage 186 2006四川EPassage 187 2006湖南BPassage 188 2006北京EPassage 189 2006安徽APassage 190 2005全国ⅠDPassage 191 2005全国ⅠAPassage 192 2005山东B Passage 193 2005安徽APassage 194 2005福建BPassage 195 2005福建EPassage 196 2004天津DPassage 197 2004全国ⅡAPassage 198 2004上海春季DPassage 199 2004全国ⅡEPassage 200 2004天津B
Passage 25(2007北京 E )HuntingThe days of the hunter are almost over in India.This is partly because there is praCTically nothing left to kill, and partly because some steps have been taken, mainly by banning tiger-shooting, to proteCT those animals which still survive.Some people say that Man is naturally a hunter.I disagree with this view.Surely out earliest forefathers, who at first possessed no weapons, spent their time digging for roots, and were no doubt themselves often hunted by meat-eating animals.I believe the main reason why the modem hunter kills is that he thinks people will admire his courage in overpowering dangerous animals.Of course, there are some who truly believe that the killing is not really the important thing, and that the chief pleasure lies in the joy of the hunt and the beauties of the wild countryside.There are also those for whom hunting in faCT offers a chance to prove themselves and risk death by design; these men go out after dangerous animals like tigers, even if they say they only do it to rid the countryside of a threat.I can respeCT reasons like these, but they are clearly different from the need to strengthen your high opinion of yourself.The greatest big-game hunters expressed in their writings something of these finer motives (动机).One of them wrote:"You must properly respeCT what you are after and shoot it cleanly and on the animal's own territory(领地).You must fix forever in your mind all the wonders of that particular day.This is better than letting him grow a few years older to be attacked and wounded by his own son and eventually eaten, half alive, by other animals.Hunting is not a cruel and senseless killing——not if you respeCT the thing you kill, not if you kill to enrich your memories, not if you kill to feed your people."I can understand such beliefs, and can compare these hunters with those who hunted lions with spears (矛) and bravely caught them by the tail.But this is very different from many tiger-shoots I have seen, in which modem weapons were used.The so-called hunters fired from tall trees or from the backs of trained elephants.Such methods made tigers seem no more dangerous than rabbits.1山东美术出版社There is no more hunting in India now partly becauseA.it is dangerous to hunt there B.hunting is already out of dateC.hunters want to prote CT animals D.there are few animals left to hunt
做起来很方便 侧重点很明显
难度有点大 全是高考题
好快 包装的好好 书一看就知道是好东西 翻了一下里面的题目每个省的都有 但愿我能把它们都做完= =···