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第一章 简介第二章 研究背景第三章 当今英语教学中存在问题解析 3.1 The Prevailin9“Certificate-Oriented”Environment 3.2 Time Limitation for“the Common Core” 3.3 Current Course Materials 3.4 Teaching Methodology and Teaching Activities 3.5 Students’Capacity and Their Reactions第四章 ESP,ESP教学法(导读) 4.1 Key Notions About ESP  4.1.1 What iS ESP? 4.1.2 Sub—branches of ESP 4.2 Origins and Growth of ESP 4.3 Differences Between ESP and GE 4.4 Characteristics of ESP Courses 4.5 Some Important Elements in the Description of ESP  4.5.1 The Time—pressing Factor  4.5.2 The Age of ESP Learners  4.5.3 A learner—Centered Course  4.5.4 Academic Language Proficiency Defined in ESP 4.6 Important Conceptions of ESP and Their Implications第五章 ESP教学法与交际教学法 5.1 Communicative Approach 5.2 Communicativeness of ESP 5.2.1 The Syllabus of ESP 5.2.2 The Teaching Methodology of ESP 5.2.3 The Course Materials of ESP第六章 在英语教学中应用ESP教学法 6.1 Needs Analysis  Step 1:To Understand the Learners’Needs and Their Language Level 6.2 Goals/Obj ectives Determination  Step 2:To Determine and Design What to Teach 6.3 Authentic Course Materials ……第七章 面临的挑战及给教师的建议第八章 结论


  Chapter Ⅲ Some Existing Problems in Current English Teaching  There is no denying that English teaching in China in the past decades has been under progress in great strides. However we always sense that there has been a considerable gap between reality and expectations. Take a close survey of our students,and we are not surprised to find that the majority of them are quite incompetent to express their own ideas in a simple way,let alone to communicate with foreigners appropriately in cademic circles,despite the fact that they have been studying English for more than ten years. As Widdowson (1972:117) put it well:  “The problem is that students,especially students in developing countries,who have received several years of formal English teaching,frequently remain deficient in the ability to actually use the language,and to understand its use,in normal communication,whether in spoken or written mode. “  Most learners of English are accustomed to taking the learning of a foreign language as a process of merely memorizing new words,doing countless questions in various types of test guide books,getting themselves familiarized with grammar rules,or memorizing some useful phrases. However,the real purpose of language learning is the most crucial function,i.e.,communication among people from different cultural back ground. Even though some learners may realize the significance of this function,they may still deliberately neglect it simply because to communicate in a target language appears so difficult a goal to achieve. Or they may rest contented if they can manage to say something based on some recommended tasks because they hold the belief “Fluency is foral learners;accuracy,for some;absolute accuracy for few.”(Corder,1981:9)  Needless to say,this situation is far from being satisfactory. It sounds unfair to blame teachers for their efforts because,to make sure that learners could pass the national standardized tests (which in many universities is taken as the prerequisite for a student to receive the bachelor's degree),teachers have been making every effort to effect this by putting aside the training of communicative skills,which is often thought to be time-consuming and hard to accomplish. Such a practice often leads to the emergence of an absurd phenomenon even among the English learners in some top universities in China. Many language educationists claim that,from their own experience,an average Chinese student may have a better pronunciation than,sayj his/her Japanese or Indian counterparts,but once he or she tries to enter into serious discussions on topic in English,his or her ability of speaking will be found ju,as wanting as his ability to write.  What is even more disturbing is that our learners frequentl take the target culture for granted and they tend to conside customs of other countries in their own light,so that communicatio may breakdown and even cultural misunderstandings or shock may occur once they initiate a talk with native speakers o English in person.  Suppose a university student has been equipped with the basic vocabulary stock and the grammatical rules of English,there would be no problems for him to digest the literature in his specialized field so long as he has got a technical dictionary at hand,would there? In no way! As we can see from common practice,after studying English for more than ten years,many students are still very inapt at using the language. They hold the word-by-word reading habit,fail to get the meaning of a piece of writing and show little interest in the language itself but bend hard on preparing the CET-4,CET-6,and other things like that. On the other hand,it is often the case that a high-scored student will find it too difficult to put“his English” into actual use in his specialized field,and even quite a few English majors are puzzled when they are to discuss some general technical problems with foreign experts.  ……




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