沙爱民,(日)姬野贤治 主编
China-Japan Workshop on Pavement Technologies (CJWPT) is a
regular symposium on the latest advancement and technologies on the
pavement of highway: road and airfield: which will be co-organized
by China and Japan every two years. Since 4th CJWPT held in
Sapporo: Japan in July 2007: the scholars and engineers of the two
countries have made advanced achievements in pavement materials and
technologies. As to share the best practices and innovative ideas
among the fields of design: construction and maintenance of road
pavements and new materials of the two countries: the 5th CJWPT
organizes the international symposium on pavement technologies:
which can promote the mutual communication and pave the way for
further collaboration.
Influence of Moving Load to Extend the Deformation of Asphalt
Study on the Influence of Particle Size Distribution on the
Pavement Performance of
Road Cement-based Materials.
Study on Microscopic Mechanics Characteristics of Air Void for
Porous Asphalt Mixture.
Heat Reflective Coating on Road Surface.
Virtual Fracture Test of Asphalt Mixture Based on Discrete Element
Fine Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA-5) Using for Thin Overlays.
Long-term Performance of Recycled Asphalt in Cold: Snowy
Determination of the Allowable Differential Settlement at the End
of the Bridge
without Approach Slab with Five-degree-of-freedom Vehicle
Impact Analysis of Water-film on Porous Pavement to Driving
Study on Thin Layer Porous Pavement Method to Save Energy and
Modeling and Optimizing of Superelevation Rates: This Study is
Based on the Regulations
of Design Specification for Highway Alignment in China.
Development of Vibration Reduction Pavement Using Rubber Vibration
Study on the Pre-maintaining Technology for the Drainage
Optimum Parameters and Properties with Age of CRAM Foamed
Some Issues on Surface Distress of Airport Pavements in
New Techniques to Detect Layers Debonding with Infrared Imaging and
Ground Penetrating Radar.
The Research on Slag Road Cement (SRC) Using Less Clinker and More
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag.
Experimental Study on Durability of Solar Reflective Airport
Pavement Subjected to Airplane Load.
Plastic Deformation Analysis of Coarse Granular Materials under
Cyclic Moving Wheel
Loads by Cumulative Damage Model.
Deformation Characteristics of Abraded Granular Materials on Cyclic
Study on Applicability of Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete to
Railway Roadbed.
Fundamental Study on Bearing Capacity Evaluation of Base Course for
Concrete Pavement.
Comparison of Natural Asphalt with Ordinary Asphalt in Chemical
Properties and Road Performance.
Research on the Performance of PR Anti-rutting Additive.
Study on Asphalt Pavement Roughness Based on Passengers
Physiological-psychological Reaction.
Fatigue Behavior of Bituminous Mixtures under Repeated Loading in
Low Strain Level.
FEM Modeling and Microstructure Analysis of Asphalt Concrete with
Tomography Identification.
A Study of Winter Road Surface Measures at Airports in Cold: Snowy
Experimental Investigation on Asphalt Modified by Xinjiang Wuerhe
Rock Asphalt.
A Study on Recycled Porous Asphalt Pavement Using General Recycled
Asphalt Materials.
Studies on the GTM Design of Asphalt Mixtures and the Quality of
Development of Pedestrian-friendly Pavements Using Pressurized
Fluidized Bed
Combustion Ash and Bamboo Chips.
Evaluation of Transverse Shoving Deformation in Asphalt Pavement:
Impact of
Base Resilient Modulus.
Study and Application of Heat Recycle Technology for Asphalt
Studies of the Calculation Methods for the Effective Density of
Aggregates and the
Volume Parameters of Mixtures
Study on a Countermeasure for Improving the Fatigue Durability of
Existing Orthotropic
Steel Deck Plates Using SFRC Pavement.
Effect of Sisal Fiber on Asphalt Mixture Performance.
Analysis of Reasons of Concrete Bridge Surface Defects and
Discussion on Relevant Patching.
Present State of the Application and Condition for Spreading the
Use on Nondestructive Methods.
Dynamic Load Model Test Study on Steel Bridge Deck Surface
Deformation of Pearl River
Huangpu Bridge.
Finite Element Analysis of Circular Track Testing and
Axle-equivalent Method.
Studies of the Performance and Design Standards of Graded Crushed
Stone Compacted by Vibration.
Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Backcalculation.
Glistening Asphalt Surface Course in Highway Tunnel.
Research on Inorganic Binder Stabilized Material Temperature
Shrinkage Coefficient Test Method.
Research on Dynamic Modulus of SBS Modified HMA.
Study on Reasonable Cracked Size for Old Concrete Pavement
Gradation Design Method based on Method of i Change.
Asphalt Mixture Design Method Based on High Temperature
Research on Application of Waste Rubber in Recycling Asphalt
Research on Compatibility of Nano-CaCO3 Modified Asphalt.
Research on Composite Characteristics and Models of Viscosity for
Recycled Asphalt.
Research on Evaluating Method and WRI of Asphalt Mixture.
Test Research on Fatigue Properties of Asphalt Treated
Study on Pavement Performance of Flexible Basement in Tibet.