中国人民大学、赵雁丽、张勇先、 康成翠 西安交通大学出版社 (2010-06出版)
中国人民大学,赵雁丽,张勇先,康成翠 编
Unit 1 The Nature of LawThe Nature of Law and Legal TheoriesAdditional Reading Functions of Law in SocietyUnit 2 Legal System.,The Common Law HeritageAdditional Reading Classification of LawUnit 3 iudicial SystemThe Supreme Court in the Judicial SystemAdditional Reading JurisdictionUnit 4 Legal ProfessionThe American Legal ProfessionAdditional Reading The Position of JudgeUnit 5 LitieationTrialAdditional Reading The Stage of the Lawsuit and the Use of ADRUnit6 Alternative Disp,Jte ResoiionMediationAdditional Reading Alternative Dispute ResolutionUnit 7 Constitutional LawConstitution of the United StatesAdditional Reading The Fundamental Principles of the ConstitutionUnit 8 Administrative LawAdministrative Law and Administrative AgenciesAdditional Reading Availability of Judicial ReviewUnit 9 Criminal LawSome Basic Concepts of Criminal lawAdditional Reading White-collar CrimeUnit 10 Evidence.,Rules of EvidenceAdditional Reading Types of EvidenceUnit 11 Contract LawContractsAdditional Reading Offer and Acceptance in an AgreementUnit 12 Tort LawTortAdditional Reading Duty as a Tort Law ConceptsUnit 13 Intellectual Property LawIntellectual PropertyAdditional Reading Introduction to Intellectual PropertyUnit 14 The Law of Business OrganizationsThe Forms of Business OrganizationsAdditional Reading Limited LiabilityUnit 15 Gifts and InheritanceAdditional Reading Testate SuccessionUnit 16 International LawAdditional Reading The World Trade OrganisationAppendix Ⅰ Reference Translation of the Main TextsAppendix Ⅱ Key to the ExercisesAppendix Ⅲ TapescriptsAppendix Ⅳ GlossaryAppendix Ⅴ BiblioRraphy
插图:Appeal to natural, or higher, law provides a justification for civil disobedience.For example, if one's conscience tells one that war is morally wrong, then one hasa moral obligation not only to resist induction into the military, but also to commitovert acts of civil disobedience in order to raise the consciousness of the communityabout the evils of war. It was by appealing to the conscience of society thatMahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., were able to make both those inauthority and the general public see the immorality of colonialism and segregation.Proponents of animal rights have attempted to make the question of treatment ofanimals, especially during laboratory tests for drugs and cosmetics, into a moralissue that justifies admittedly illegal behavior such as sit-ins and breaking intofacilities to release animals. Invoking this higher law is one way in which a minoritycan hope to convince the majority to change its mind by appealing to the majority'ssense of morality.A discussion of natural law inevitably leads to the question of whether it ispossible to "legislate morality". If by legislating morality it is meant that law canchange a person's values, then law obviously cannot legislate morality. A lawprohibiting gambling is unlikely to prevent someone who sees nothing wrong with itfrom betting on the Super Bowl6. In such a case the law has altered neither theperson's values nor his or her behavior. Among those persons who choose not togamble are those who refrain from doing so out of fear of punishment rather than aconviction that gambling is "immoral".