肖剑 编译
地道的财经英语,详尽的深入报道,“攻坚战”引领您走入财经的饕餮盛宴: 低碳社会,快乐标价,金融危机,经济动态,商业消费,政策导向…… Try,try,never say die. Things will come right,by and by.
肖剑,国内某知名大学英语语言文学硕士,多次参加国际、学校、企业会议中外宾接待、口译陪同等各种活动,担任国际展会及论坛的口译员,进行交替传译,适应各国人士的英语口音。 曾发表《同声传译心理过程模型和工作记忆研究》《海明威的写作风格与汉语翻译技巧赏析》《论外语课堂导入艺术的实施及其重要性》等论文,也曾出版过相关英语书籍数部。
热点讨论01 France Wants Happiness Included in Progress Measures 法国提议把幸福指数纳入经济指标02 So Where Are the Jobs 就业前景的迷茫03 Nearly Half of US Jobs Now Held by Women 美国近一半的职业现由妇女担任04 Cities Now Home to More Than Half of All People 城市成为半数人的安家之地05 Getting Clunkers and Distracted Drivers Off the Road 请旧车和分心驾驶勿上路06 Money Influence and the Election of Judges 资金、影响与法官选举07 In the US.the New Look of Gas Exploration 美国天然气勘探呈现新面貌08 Report:Economic Crisis Hurting Migrant Workers on All Continents 全球经济危机危及外国移民09 Seeking Opinions on Health Reform,and Getting an Earful 医疗改革征询意见,意见漫天10 Nobel Recognizes Research Into Economic Governance 诺贝尔认可经济治理的研究政策导向01 WTO:Successful Conclusion of Doha Round More Important than Ever 经济危机凸显多哈回合谈判成功重要性02 China’S Economy Shows Signs of Recovery 中国经济持续增长面临挑战03 India’S Economy Grows at Fastest Pace Since Global Financial Crisis 印度经济快速增长04 Some Japanese Families Face Hunger During Recession 经济复苏迟迟不到,日本更多家庭寻求食品援助05 EU says Europe Emerging from Recession 欧盟经济正在走出衰退06 Nobel Economist Says Asia’S Economies in“Remarkable”Recovery 诺贝尔经济学奖得主:亚洲经济明显复苏07 Some Asian Economies Edge Out of Recession,Caution Remains 亚洲开始摆脱衰退,经济学家警告莫急于欢庆08 Thailand’S Central Bank Hopes to Aid Exporters With Weaker Baht 泰国央行希望调降泰铢援助出口商09 World Bank President Says Too Soon for China to Roll Back Stimulus 世行行长支持中国继续扩张经济政策10 OECD Looks for G10bal Economic Growth in 2010 OECD预测经济温和增长金融市场01 Use of US Government Financial Aid to Banks Questioned 美注资金融系统只取得部分成功02 Global Financial Instability Expected to Continue 萨克斯:全球金融市场将持续动荡03 Russia Seeks New Global Economic Structures 俄罗斯寻求建立新的全球经济架构04 Reports:Noah Korea Revalues Currency 北韩更换货币、大幅调高币值05 More Job Losses Cloud US Employment Picture 美国失业率继续上升06 UN:Global Foreign Direct Investment Continues to Slide 联合国贸发会称全球外国直接投资急剧下滑07 Microsofl、Google Take Aim at Each Other 谷歌和微软之间的市场竞争08 Obama Seeks Reforms in Financial Supervision 奥巴马政府的金融监管改革新方案商业消费01 Big Down Turn on Consumer Spending(一) 消费者开支大幅下降02 Big Down Turn on Consumer Spending(二) 消费者开支大幅下降03 US Retail Sales Down,Jobless Claims Up 美国零售销售下滑,失业上升04 Where Every Day Is Christmas 圣诞节常年永驻05 E-Books Hold Next Chapter for Book Industry 电子书,图书业的未来06 Commercial Real Estate Could Be Next Economic Threat 商业地产可能是下一个经济威胁07 Illegal Marketing of Drugs:Pfizer’S Record Fine 药物非法营销:辉瑞罚款创纪录08 Driven by a Business Plan,but How Far Will It Get You 商业计划使你距离成功有多远09 Recession Easing,but Many Americans Still Afraid to Spend 衰退缓和,但许多美国人仍不敢花钱股市行情31 Asia’S IPO Market Awakens 亚洲首次公开募股市场复苏D2 Global Markets Edge Higher as Dubai’S Debt Woes Ease 迪拜危机缓和,全球股市回升03 Foreign Direct Investment Expected to Rebound in 2011 外国直接投资预计2011年反弹04 US Banks Under Pressure to Lend More 重压之下的美国银行,发放更多贷款05 General Motors Seeks Quick Bankruptcy 通用汽车正式申请破产保护环球视野01 African Finance Ministers Discuss Economic Recession 非洲财长讨论应对经济衰退方法02 What“Citizens United”Does for US Companies、Unions 公民联合会给企业和工会带来什么03 3D Televisions Hit Market 3D电视火爆上市04 Ecologists at Bali’s Environment Summit Call for a New Economic Order(一) 生态学家呼吁建立经济新秩序(一)/19505 Ecologists at Bali’s Environment Summit Call for a New Economic Order(二) 生态学家呼吁建立经济新秩序(二)06 Obama State of the Union Speech Focuses on Economy 奥巴马国情咨文重点强调经济07 Nobel Laureate Urges Financial Services for Poor 诺贝尔奖得主敦促为贫困者建立金融服务08 EU Wants Stronger Measures to Fix Greek Economy 欧盟要求希腊强力解决经济问题
Sprawl is common in the United States.Americans move a lot. In a recent study, Art Hall at the University of Kansas2 found that people are moving away from the major cities to smaller cities. He sees a trend towardde -urbani- zation3” aicross America. But urban economies still provide possibilities that ruralareas do not. Sabina Deitrick at the University of Pittsburgh, in Penn-sylvania, is an expert on cities. She notes that urbanizationbrings social change that can empower women. Sabina Deitrick:Women entering the labor force isone big change and that always goes up with urbanization andcertainly will proceed in many, many countries where urbani-zation is increasing rapidly. Sabina Deitrick has closely studied Pittsburgh from theloss of its main industry, steel, to its rebirth as a smaller citywith different industries. She says the reuse of existing landand spaces and the reinvention of urban life is important ifcities are to succeed. Professor Deitrick notes that a citys ability to educate and train its people is important to jobs and new industries. Even new industries based on old ideas. Around the world, people leave rural farm jobs to go to the city. Yet now there is growing demand for farm products grown close to the cities where they are used. Urban farming is taking hold in some of the worlds biggest cities. Sabina Deitrick says studies show that urban farming is one area where women can earn more than men do.