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全新版“英语四、六级710分;中关快训”系列,是在认真研究《大学英语课程教学要求》和《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案》的基础上,完全以教育部制定的新的四、六级考试大纲和样题为蓝本进行设计,并组织一批在英语授课以及四、六级考试辅导方面经验丰富的大学一线教师精心编写而成。 该系列自2006年9月第一版出版以来,以其紧扣四、六级考试最新脉搏、准确把握命题思路、命题规律和命题趋势,连续命中四六级真题,为考生提供更加快速有效的考前冲刺方案的特点而深受广大读者、考生和培训班的欢迎。为了不负广大考生众望,更上一层楼,我们再次组织编写教师,对前几版进行总结、分析井加以补充完善,推出本次全新版。 “英语四、六级710分冲关快训”系列改变了以往传统的训练模式。强调“快速”、“准确”、“有效”。专家合理分配时间。瞄准考试重点、难点,反映最新考试信息。
《全新大学英语四级综合技能20天冲关快训(完形 改错 简答 翻译)》按照最新的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》及教育部针对全国大学英语四六级考试改革的精神编写而成。该书对改革后的四级综合测试的四种题型-“完形”、“改错”、“简答”及“句子翻译”采取分类讲解、训练的形式,为考生更快、更好地突破四级综合测试部分提供了制胜之道。该书讲练结合、简明扼要、重点突出、针对性强,具有省时,计划性、概括性强的特点。练习题均附有参考答案与解析。《全新大学英语四级综合技能20天冲关快训(完形 改错 简答 翻译)》可作为大学英语四级考前强化训练教材,也可供其他英语考试及自学人员参考使用。
完形填空篇第1天 完形填空题型介绍解题技巧第2天 完形快训今日练习今日讲解短文改错篇第3天 短文改错题型介绍解题技巧第4天 改锴陕训今日练习今日讲解简短回答篇第5天 简短回答题型介绍解题技巧第6天 简答快训今日练习今日讲解句子翻译篇第7天 句子翻译题型介绍解题技巧第8天 翻译快训今日练习今日讲解自我测试篇第9天 综合测试(1)自我测试A答案与题解自我狈0试B答案与题解第10天 综合测试(2)自我测试A答案与题解自我测试B答案与题解全真模拟篇第11天 模拟TEST 1模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第12天 模拟TEST 2模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第13天 模拟TEST 3模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第14天 模拟TEST 4模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第15天 模拟TEST 5模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第16天 模拟TEST 6模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第17天 模拟TEST 7模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第18天 模拟TEST 8模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第19天 模拟TEST 9模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解第20天 模拟TEST 10模拟测试A答案与题解模拟测试B答案与题解附录:2007年6月23日大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷2007年6月23日四级参考答案
Hearing can also soothe and comfort. The snapping of logs in the fireplace, thegossipy whisper of a broom, the inquisitive wheeze of a drawer opening——all are savoredsounds that make us feel at home. In a well loved home, every chair produced a different,recognizable creak, every window a different click, groan or squeak. The kitchen by itselfis a source of many pleasing sounds. Every place, every event has a sound dimension. The sense of hearing can perhaps be restored to modern man if he better understands itsworth and how it works. Most people would be surprised to discover how far the sense canbe pushed by cultivation. At a friends house recently, my wife opened her purse and somecoins spilled out, one "after another, onto the floor. "Three quarters, two dimes, a nickelsand three pennies," said our host as he came in from the next room. And as an afterthought: " One of the quarters is silver. " He was right, down to the last penny "How didyou do it?" we asked. "Try it yourself. " he said. We did, and with a little practice we found it easy. Curiously, evidence indicates that people need sound. When we are lost in thought,we involuntarily drum with our fingers or tap with a pencil——a reminder that we are stillsurrounded by a world outside ourselves. Just cutting down reflected sound can producesome odd results. The nearest thing on earth to the silence of outer space, for example, isthe "anechoic chamber" at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Burray Hills, N.J. , whichis lined with material that absorbs 99.98% of all reflected sound. Men who have remainedin the room for more than an hour report that they feel nervous and out of touch withreality.