张法连 山东大学出版社 (2008-04出版)
《法律英语综合教程》共分十三部分:第一、二部分首先介绍了法律英语的基础知识;第三至第十二部分分别介绍了美国主干部门法;最后一部分简明介绍了引用(citation)的相关知识。 《法律英语综合教程》是法律英语精品系列教材中的一本,是法律英语精读教材。
Part One Introductions and Small TalksChapter 1 How to Make IntroductionsChapter 2 How to Start a ConversationPart Two General Legal TermsChapter 1 Quick Overview of the U.S. Court SystemChapter 2 Jury TrialChapter 3 The Adversary SystemChapter 4 How Does a Civil Action Usually Start?Chapter 5 What Can an Appellate Court Do?Chapter 6 What Can an Appellate Judge Do?Part Three Constitutional LawChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Judicial PowerChapter 3 Legislative PowerChapter 4 Individual Guarantees AgainstGovernmental or Private ActionChapter 5 Retroactive LegislationChapter 6 Procedural Due ProcessChapter 7 Substantive Due ProcessChapter 8 Equal ProtectionChapter 9 Fundamental RightsPart Four ContractsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Basics of ContractsChapter 3 Contract FormationChapter 4 Capacity of a ContractChapter 5 Vitiating FactorsChapter 6 Problems Involving Persons Other Thanthe Parties to the Original ContractChapter 7 DischargeChapter 8 Breach of ContractChapter 9 Remedies for Breach of ContractChapter 10 Dispute SettlementPart Five TortsChapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Intentional TortsChapter 3 Defenses to Intentional TortsChapter 4 NegligenceChapter 5 Cause in FactChapter 6 Proximate CauseChapter 7 Multiple TortfeasorsChapter 8 Damages for Personal InjuriesChapter 9 Limited Duty= Special Limitations on the Scope of DutyChapter 10 Premises Liability= Duties of Owners and Occupiers of LandChapter 11 DefensesChapter 12 Vicarious LiabilityChapter 13 Products LiabilityChapter 14 DefamationChapter 15 The Privacy TortsChapter 16 Part Six Property LawChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Acquisition of PropertyChapter 3 Possessory EstatesChapter 4 Future InterestsChapter 5 Concurrent EstatesChapter 6 Landlord and TenantChapter 7 FixturesChapter 8 Rights in the Land of Another——Easements,Profits, Covenants, and ServitudesChapter 9 ConveyancingChapter 10 Cooperatives, Condominiums, and ZoningChapter 11 NuisancePart Seven Evidence LawChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 General ConsiderationsChapter 3 Relevance and Judicial NoticeChapter 4 Real EvidenceChapter 5 Documentary EvidenceChapter 6 Testimonial EvidenceChapter 7 The Hearsay RuleChapter 8 Procedural ConsiderationsPart Eight Civil ProcedureChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Personal JurisdictionChapter 3 Diversity of Citizenship JurisdictionChapter 4 Federal Question JurisdictionChapter 5 VenueChapter 6 Removal JurisdictionChapter 7 Conflict of Jurisdiction BetweenState and Federal CourtsChapter 8 The Federal Rules of Civil ProcedurePart Nine Criminal LawChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 What Makes a Case a Criminal Case?Chapter 3 How to Interpret Criminal StatutesChapter 4 How Defendants' Mental States AffectTheir Responsibility for a CrimeChapter 5 Criminal OffensesChapter 6 Felonies, Misdemeanors and InfractionsChapter 7 Implications of a Crime's ClassificationPart Ten Criminal ProcedureChapter 1 Constitutional RestraintsChapter 2 Exclusionary RuleChapter 3 Fourth AmendmentChapter 4 ConfessionsChapter 5 Pretrial ProceduresChapter 6 TrialChapter 7 Guilty Pleas and Plea BargainingChapter 8 Constitutional Rights in Relation toSentence and PunishmentChapter Constitutional Problems on AppealChapter 10 Rights During Punishment——Probation,Imprisonment, ParoleChapter 11 Double JeopardyChapter 12 Forfeiture ActionsPart Eleven Intellectual Property LawChapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Trade SecretsChapter 3 PatentChapter 4 CopyrightChapter 5 Trademark LawPart Twelve Business LawChapter 1 Introduction to Business FormsChapter 2 PartnershipChapter 3 Limited Liability CompanyChapter 4 CorporationChapter 5 SecuritiesChapter 6 Commercial PaperPart Thirteen Understanding Legal CitationsChapter 1 How to Read a Case CitationChapter 2 Subsequent Case HistoryChapter 3 ParentheticalsChapter 4 Parallel CitationsChapter 5 The Functions of Legal CitationsChapter 6 Understanding "ID. " Chapter 7 Using "ID. " with Parallel CitationsChapter 8 Short CitationsAppendix Key to the Quiz
There are,for example,a series of rights and duties implied into contracts of agen-cy,employment and tenancy.Under a contract of employment,an employer owes animplied duty to take reasonable care for the safety of his employees,not to endanger theemployees’health and not to require the employees to do any unlawful act;and an em-ployee owes a duty to show good faith,to obey lawful and reasonable instructions,andnot to act against the employer’s interest.(3)Customary Implied TermsA contract may be subj ect to customary terms not specifically mentioned by the par-ties.However,customary terms will not be implied if the express terms of the contractreveal that the parties had a contrary intention.3.Exemption ClausesMany large companies and public authorities impose conditions in their contractsexempting or excluding themselves from liability for torts,particularly negligence,ari-sing from contracts.The rules applicable in such situations may be summarized as fol-lows:(1)An exemption clause can be incorporated in the contract by signature,by noticeor by course of dealing:a.Where the terms are signed,the parties are bound as a general rule even if theplaintiff has not read it;b.The inserter of exemption clauses must do all that is reasonability necessary tothe notice of the person subject to the clause or to draw his attention to it;c.The conditions must be brought to the notice of the offeree either before or at thesame time when the contract is made;d.An exemption clause printed on a receipt is not an integral part of the contract.(2)The party who wishes to rely on an exemption clause must show that theb reach and loss are covered by the clause.If there is any doubt as to the scope of an ex-emption clause,it will be construed under the following rules:a.The contra proferentem rule If there is any ambiguity or room for doubt as tothe meaning of an exemption clause,it will be construed against the person who puts itinto the contract;b.The repugnancy rule If an exemption clause is in direct contradiction to anotherterm of the contract,the exemption clause can be struck out;c.The four corners rule Exemption clauses only protect a party when he is actingwithin the four corners of the contract.Thus he is liable for damage which occurs whenhe deviates from contract and he would not be protected by any exemption clause.