本书包括项教授自选的在桥梁抗震、抗风和桥梁建设等各领域内的一些论文,综合介绍了他的论述与新见鲜。 本论文集汇编了作者自1978年以来所发表的论文共60篇,分为六个部分,既桥梁抗震理论与防灾、桥梁抗风理论、桥梁风工程实践、桥梁风工程综述、其他非抗震领域以及中国桥梁建设综述。这些基本上反映了作者29年来从事桥梁工程和风工程研究以及培养研究生的历程。
序前言绪论 出现提出问题 对比移植借鉴第一部分 桥梁抗震理论与防灾(1978-1991) 关于单孔拱桥的实用抗震计算方法 多孔连拱的实用抗震计算方法 斜拉桥在行波作用下的地震反应分析 规范的人工地震波 按全过程法确定Clough模型参数的非线性地震反应分析 环境、灾害和力学 钢筋混凝土桥墩弹塑性动力特性的试验研究第二部分 桥梁抗风理论(1985-2006) State -Space Method for 3-D Flutter Analysis of Bridge Structures 桥梁抗风设计的新概念——多振型耦合颤振 Passive TMD for Controlling Wind-Induced Vertical Buffeting of Long Span Bridges Practical Calculation Method for Buffeting Response Spectrum of Long-Span Bridges Buffeting Response Analysis and Control of Long-Span Bridges Time-Domain Analysis for Coupled Buffeting Response of Long Span Bridges On Mechanism of Flutter and Unified Flutter Theory of Bridges Application of a Reliability Analysis Model to Bridge Flutter under Extreme Winds Refinements on Aerodynamic Stability Analysis of Super Long Span Bridges Coupled Flutter Analysis of Long-Span Bridges by Multimode and Full-order Approaches Investigation and Prevention of Deck Galloping Oscillation with Computational and Experi mental Techniques Identification of 18 Flutter Derivatives of Bridge Decks A State Space Method for Coupled Flutter Analysis of I.ong-Span Bridges NASB: A Finite Element Software for the Nonlinear Aerostatic Stability Analysis of Cable- Supported Bridges 桥梁断面的雷诺数效应 On Aerodynamic Limit to Suspension Bridges第三部分 桥梁风工程实践(1987-2006) Aerodynamic Study on a Proposed Cable Stayed Bridge in Shanghai, China Wind-Resistant Study on Suspension Bridges in China On Wind Resistant Properties of Tiger Gate Suspension Bridge An Introduction of the Chinese Wind-Resistant Design Guideline for Highway Bridges Tsing Ma Bridge Deck under Skew Winds-PartⅠ:Aerodynamic Coefficients Tsing Ma Bridge Deck under Skew Winds-Part Ⅱ: Flutter Derivatives Statistical Study for Mean Wind Velocity in Shanghai Area Nonlinear Aerostatic Stability Analysis of Jiang Yin Suspension Bridge Ultimate Load Carrying Capacity of the Lupu Steel Arch Bridge under Static Wind Loads第四部分 桥梁风工程综述(1986-2006)第五部分 其他非抗震抗风领域(1989-2001)第六部分 中国桥梁建设综述(1990-2007)缅怀