语言中的模糊现象一经被人指出便引发了众多学者的关注和研究,从而积累了大量的文献。尤其是在语用研究的触角进入到这个研究领域后,对模糊语言的研究更是从句法和语义的层面向语用层面深化。本书便是对模糊语言所进行的一个语用研究。 近年所见的对模糊语言的语用研究大都应用几个主要的语用理论对这个现象进行解读。本书的一大创新之处在于作者朱青大胆地提出了一个把语用研究中四个最有影响的理论,即Grice的合作原则、Sperber和wilson的关联理论、Verschueren的顺应论以及Brown和Levinson基于“面子”的礼貌理论进行综合,扬长避短,进行合理的整合,充分发挥这四个具有不同来源和取向的理论的解释潜力,构建成一个被他简称为CRAP的模式来解读模糊语言。建构这一模式的想法是大胆的,但并非脱离实际,通过运用该模式对模糊语言的解释,我们看到这一模式的确可信有效,是具有解释力的。 作者在建构这个模式的过程中做了一系列具有学术意义的铺垫工作。其中之一便是对模糊语言的界定和整理。对模糊语言的理解似乎本身就有点模糊性,究竟哪些语言现象属于模糊语言这个最基本的问题在以往的不少研究中还缺乏一个十分明晰的答案。作者对这个问题给出了自己的回答,比较明确地划出了模糊语言的范畴界线,并提出了分类的标准。这无疑为今后的模糊语言研究提供了一个颇有价值的可以参照的依据。
模糊性是人类言语交际的重要特点。几个世纪以来,模糊性一直是学术研究的重要课题,以其独特的魅力使众多学者为之着迷。本书对语用模糊与语义模糊进行了区分,并对语用模糊作了重新分类。构建了一个新的语用模型,即CRAP模型。并运用这一模型阐释语用模糊的话语是如何产生和被人理解的。本书对于帮助读者更好地理解并策略性地使用语用模糊,从而避免言语冲突、构建和谐的语言使用环境将起到一定的积极作用。 本书可供高校语言文学类专业本科生、研究生及广大语言爱好者参考。
PrefaceChapter One Introduction 1.1 Object of the research 1.2 Rationale for the research 1.3 Significance of the research 1.4 Methodology and data 1.5 Organization of the bookChapter Two An Overview of Approaches to Vagueness 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Etymology of "vague" 2.3 Vagueness and the Sorites Paradox: a historical survey 2.4 The philosophical approach to vagueness 2.5 The semantic approach to vagueness 2.6 The cognitive approach to vagueness 2.7 SummaryChapter Three Pragmatic Vagueness 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The pragmatic vagueness/semantic vagueness distinction 3.3 A taxonomy of pragmatic vagueness 3.4 Functions of pragmatic vagueness 3.5 SummaryChapter Four A Review of the Pragmatic Literature on Verbal Communication 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Grice's co-operative principle 4.3 Adaptation theory 4.4 Relevance theory 4.5 SummaryChapter Five The CRAP Model for Explaining Pragmatic Vagueness 5.1 Introduction 5.2 An overview of the CRAP model 5.3 The CRAP model: the production of pragmatically vague utterances , 5.4 The CRAP model, the interpretation of pragmatically vague utterances 5.5 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion 6.1 Major findings of the research 6.2 Ramifications and implications 6.3 Limitations of the research and suggestions forfurther workReferences
1.3 Significance of the research Vagueness and its related phenomena have been standard philosophical subjects and have crept into elementary texts in logic and the philosophy of language. Such widespread attention focused on the same issue attests to its value for scholarly research. The significance of the research is multiple. First, it distinguishes between semantic vagueness and pragmatic vagueness. Second, it works out a new taxonomy of pragmatic vagueness on the basis of a consistent criterion. More importantly, it intends to build a new pragmatic model by integrating different theoretical perspectives, philosophical, social and cognitive, within an adaptation-based framework. This brand-new model will be applied to account for the full complexity of pragmatically vague utterances. Therefore, this book sheds light on both pragmatic vagueness as an intriguing linguistic phenomenon and the construction of an integrated pragmatic model, whose implications, we hope, will go beyond the explanation of pragmatically vague utterances.
书很好 很实用 对自己的研究很有帮助