

华中科技大学外国语学院 华中理工大学出版社











本套大学英语教材是根据国家教育部大学英语教学的要求,并结合大学生的特点编写的。该套教材分读写和听说两种,每种三册,每册配备教师参考书和课件光盘。读写教材主要覆盖以下四个方面的内容: 一、阅读和写作。语言是交际工具,英语学习就是要把英语作为交际工具来学习。从教学的角度讲,就是要培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。阅读、理解一篇文章是一种交际行为,在有一定输入的基础上引导学生写作也是一种交际行为,它是学生运用语言进行积极思维活动的更高层次的交际行为。对于很多大学生来说,一方面,要提高他们的阅读理解能力就必须让他们阅读大量的英语语言材料;另一方面,由于他们的基础还不是很牢固,因此在基础阶段语言材料的选择上更注重趣味性,练习形式注重活泼与多样性,并在大量阅读提高语感的基础上设计一些紧扣阅读文章内容的翻译和写作活动,以提高他们的语言复用能力和表达能力。 二、词汇。词汇是语言学习的基石,也是学生感到最棘手的方面。其困难主要在两个方面:记住单词难,记住之后在具体语言环境中运用更难。因此本教材除了承袭以往教材给单词注音、标汉语意义的特点外,还在每个四级单词后给出一个例句,为学生学习该单词提供具体的“语言环境”。本教材在词汇方面的另一个突破是在词汇练习中对一些单词从构词法的角度讲解,帮助学生记忆和扩大词汇量。此外,每篇课文中选出三到五个四级词组作为词汇学习的重点,逐步为学生备考四级打基础。 三、语法。语法是连词成句的基础,也是大学生比较薄弱的另一个方面。本教材在上、中册中系统讲解英语语法规则,如动词的时态、动词的语态、非限定性动词、形容词和副词及其比较结构、情态动词、主谓语一致、强调句、倒装句、平行结构、虚拟语气、定语从句和状语从句,等等。在每讲解一类语法规则后都设计了一些相应的练习,做到讲练结合。 四、文化。语言是文化的一部分,也是文化的载体。因此,语言学习不仅仅是语言知识的学习,也是文化的交流,是文化素质教育的平台。本教材在每课后选取了与课文内容相关的影视片断,帮助学生进一步了解相关的文化信息,并在观看影视片断之后安排了一些发散性的、引导性的语言教学活动,培养学生的跨文化意识和文化素质。


Unit 1 Language Learning Part One In-Class Reading Want to Learn a Language? Don't Make It a Mount Everest Part Two After-Class Reading Passage I Reading--the Most Important Way to Learn Engli Passage II Improving Your Reading Strategies Part Three Video Program My Fair Lady Part Four Grammar 词类和句子成分Unit 2 Education Part One In-Class Reading Part Two After-Class Reading Passage I Bill Gatesl: Education Does Count Passage 1[ Standardized Tests? Part Three Video Program lt's Up to You! Part Four Grammar 基本句型Unit 3 Tales of People Part One In-Class Reading Part Two After-Class Reading Passage I The Bottom Line Passage 1[ Who Was Mary? Part Three Video Program A Place of Our Own Part Four Grammar 动词的时态Unit 4 Touring Around the World Part One In-Class Reading Beautiful Moscow Part Two After-Class Reading Passage I Finland Passage II Roaming in Hong Kong Part Three Video Program The Magic of Cuba Part Four Grammar 动词的语态Test OneUnit 5 Psychology Part One In-Class Reading Personality and Your Health Part Two After-Class Reading Passage I Howto Handle Stress, Anxieties and Worries Passage II Searching for Smiles Part Three Video Program Stress and Health Problems Part Four Grammar 非谓语动词 (--)——不定式Unit 6 Animal Kingdom Part One In-Class Reading Endangered Species Part Two After-Class Reading Passage I Interesting Facts About Ants Passage II Cats and Dogs Part Three Video Program The Wonderful Dogs PartFour Grammar 非谓语动词(二)——动名词Unit 7 Special Festivals Part One In-Class Reading The History of Thanksgiving Day Part Two After-Class Reading Passage I Christmas in America Passage II Spring Festival Part Three Video Program Thanksgiving Day ……Unit 8 High TechnologyTest Two


  Standardized Tests?  Tests, grades and homework, represent teaching by fear. Scare kids into learning.Score well on tests, and pathways to success widen. Do poorly and they narrow. Everyonecan ask students not what was learned in the course but "What did you get on the test".  And the illusion of excellence remains: The heavier a kids book-crammed backpackon leaving school, the more the kid is learning. Fear-based learning works for a while——until the course ends, when test-givers and graders can no longer threaten.  Quality teachers see students as burnable: Set students on fire with a passion foruseful knowledge and they will burn for a lifetime. In desire-based learning, a momentcomes when the receiver of knowledge thinks, "l need this, its important to my life."  Not passing a standardized test for promotion or graduation is fatal, whatever theirreal achievement in school course work, or however uncertain the validity of a test todemonstrate any meaningful connection to the real world or genuine learning.  Schools are people by two kinds of teachers: those who want power over studentsand those who seek power with. The power-over set are mind-controllers who let studentsknow that academic excellence demands a high price, with payments coming in the formof academic suffering: tough tests, rigid grading standards and loads of homework.  Educators seeking power with their students de-emphasize all that. They go alongwith Robert Frostls free-form method of teaching. In these classes in a college, Frostwalked in the first day of each semester with no books, no syllabus, no reading list, butonly a frightening question for his students: What do you want to learn? No teacher hadever asked them that. Frost and his students took it from there.




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