秦泗武,郑九海 主编
我国的改革开放走过了三十余年的路程。三十多年来,为了学习西方先进的科学技术和文化艺术,我国各行各业都在学习英语,甚至出现过全民学习英语的热潮。回顾这种大规模的英语教育,我们既有成功,也有失败。说成功,是因为很多人的英语水平获得了大幅提高;说失败,是因为英语学习“费时低效”的问题仍未得到很好的解决。 今天,经过三十多年的发展,我们的国力雄厚了,地位提高了,我们的科学技术和文化艺术开始走出国门,走向世界。那么我们还需要学习英语吗?答案是肯定的。在经济全球化、文化多元化的背景下,我国与其他国家在政治、经济、科技、文艺等方面的交流日益频繁,而能担当这一国际交流工具的目前仍然只有英语,汉语要胜任这一角色或许还要再过三十年甚至更长时间,因此,我们应该继续学习英语。但是,我们必须打破以应试为目标的英语教育模式,提倡“实用为主、够用为度”的原则,以培养学生实际应用语言的能力为目标,突出教学内容的实用性与针对性;同时根据不同专业和不同学科的具体要求,多层次、多渠道地开展英语教学,以适应社会对英语人才需求呈现多元化、专业化发展的趋势。 人们常说语言是载体。我们学习其他学科的知识都要通过语言这个载体,换言之,科学技术、文化艺术等学科的专业知识既可以用汉语表述,又可以用英语表述。反向思维一下,如果科技、文化、艺术等领域的专业人士通过用英语表述的专业书籍来学习英语知识,那么他们的专业就成了学习英语的载体。事实上,无论我们是用专业还是日常生活作为内容来进行教学,只要表述的语言是英语,其基本的语言规则是一样的,不同的只是词汇和某些特定的表达方式而已。科技英语、经贸英语、法律英语等就是利用专业为载体来学习英语的实例。其优势是把各学科的专业内容和英语教学密切结合起来,让学生学习自己最熟悉、最感兴趣的话题,这样就能最大限度地激发学生的学习热情,从而获得最佳的学习效果,解决“费时低效”的问题。 我很高兴看到华中科技大学出版社推出了《大学艺术英语教程》。该教材依据英语学习的特点和规律,有机地结合文化艺术专业内容,在注重打好英语语言基础的同时,侧重培养学生使用英语进行艺术类相关领域的涉外交际能力。教材内容丰富,体例新颖,语言难易适中,既有利于学生掌握基本的英语知识和技能,又有利于他们拓宽艺术视野、丰富艺术感受,不失为上乘的艺术类英语教材。这套教材也是利用艺术为载体来进行英语教学的极好尝试,值得祝贺!
Activities)、阅读技巧(Reading Skills)、听说(Listening and Speaking
Activities)、写(Writing Activities)五个部分构成。
Unit One Dallcing
Reading Activities
Text A
Text B
In Dawn of Society,Dance Was Center Stage
Text C
White Men Don’t Dance
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Two To Music
Reading Activities
The Care and Maintenance of Your Guitar Strings
Text B
Native American Music
Text C
Converting MP3
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Three Upholster Design
Reading Activities
Tlext A
How Color Feels in me Home
Text B
Feng Shui in Interior Design
Text C
Common Mistakes to Avoid When P1aniling Home Improvements
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Four Animation
Reading Activities
The Cartoon King of Japan
Text B
Chinese Animmion
Text C
Donald Duck Quacks His Way to 75 Years
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Five Arts&Crafts
Reading Activities
Text A
Text B
Major Styles of Chinese Embroidery
Text C
The Art of Watermelon Carving
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Six Sculpture
Reading Activities
The Process of Stone Carving
Text B
Michelangelo’s Marble May be Flawed
Text C
Renaissance Art
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Seven Calligraphy
Reading Activities
A Brief Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy
Text B
Four Treasures ofthe Study
Text C
The Sage 0f Calligrapby—Wang Xizhi
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Eight Makeup
Reading Activities
Text A
Facial DesigIl
Tbxt B
Face Painting
Text C
Bridal Makelip a13d Hair
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Nine Horticulture
Reading Activities
Text A
Hofticulture Made Easy
Text B
Text C
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Writing Activities
Unit Ten Tovie
Reading Activities
Text A
Movies Of the World
Text B
Michelle Yeoh,Acting for Kicks
Text C
Summer Movies
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Wnting Activities
2 Guitar strings can lose their tonal quality prematurely due to factors that includeStretching, Wear, Corrosion. 3 Stretching: Guitar strings naturally stretch during tuning and while playing the guitar. Overtime strings slowly lose their elasticity and their tonal quality. Guitar strings that are stretched nolonger produce rich tone or harmonic overtones. As a result, the guitar becomes difficult to tuneand the sound of the strings become dull and lifeless. 4 Wear: Guitar strings wear during the process of playing. This process comes from movingthe metal strings against the metal frets on the fret board. Of the two most common types ofstrings, wound and plain steel, wound strings are more susceptible to fret wear. Wound guitarstrings tend to "flat-spot" more rapidly than plain steel strings. If left unchecked, the fiat spots cancreate breaks in the windings of the strings. Flat spots and broken windings will decrease tonalquality and can also cause the strings to "buzz". 5 Corrosion: Metal guitar strings are subjected to rust and corrosion. Metal guitar stringsare also subjected to the body chemistry of the individual guitar player. Individuals with higheracid levels in their PH will get less life from their guitar strings due to an accelerated rate of stringcorrosion. 6 There are several things guitar players can do to get extended life from their guitar strings.Taking the time to follow these simple steps will ensure you get the most from your strings andreduce the cost associated with premature string failure. 7 Do not over-stretch your strings during the tuning process. Be careful not to crimp thestrings at the tuner peg while replacing the guitar strings. 8 Periodically, check the condition of the guitar bridge and saddle to avoid breaking a string during the replacement process. 9 Monitor the condition of your guitar frets and replace any fret that develops excessive wear or sharp edges. Always clean your guitar strings when you finish playing the guitar. 10 It is impossible to say how long a new set of guitar strings should last. The life of guitar strings depends on many factors and variables. It is possible toextend the life of guitar strings through proper care and maintenance. Be sure to take the timet0 care for your guitarstrings and you will get the longest life from each set. 11 When the time comes to replace the strings, choose good quality replacements and change the strings carefully.