

Marion Wyse 著 华中科技大学出版社





Marion Wyse 著  




  随着我国英语教育的快速发展,英语专业长期贯彻的“以技能为导向”的课程建设理念及教学理念已经难以满足社会的需要。专家和教师们密切关注的现行英语专业教育大、中、小学英语教学脱节,语言、内容教学割裂,单纯语言技能训练过多,专业内容课程不足,学科内容课程系统性差,高、低年级内容课程安排失衡及其导致的学生知识面偏窄、知识结构欠缺、思辨能力偏弱、综合素质发展不充分等问题日益凸显。  针对上述问题,我们依托国家哲学社会科学项目“英语专业基础阶段内容依托式教学改革研究”,以内容依托教学理论为指导理论,确定了如下改革思路。  (一)更新语言教学理念,改革英语专业教学的课程结构。在不改变专业总体培养目标和教学时限的前提下,对课程结构进行革命性的变革:改变传统单一的语言技能课程模式,实现内容课程与语言课程的融合,扩展学生的知识面,提高学生的语言技能。  (二)开发课程自身潜力,同步提高专业知识和语言技能。内容依托课程本身也同时关注内容和语言,把内容教学和语言教学有机结合。以英语为媒介,系统教授专业内容;以专业内容为依托,在使用语言过程中提高语言技能,扩展学生的知识面。  (三)改革教学方法手段,全面提高语言技能和综合素质。依靠内容依托教学在方法上的灵活性,通过问题驱动、输出驱动等方法调动学生主动学习,把启发式、任务式、讨论式、结对子、小组活动、课堂发表等行之有效的活动与学科内容教学有机结合,提高学生的语言技能,激发学生的兴趣,培养学生的自主性和创造性,提升思辨能力和综合素质。  本项改革突破了我国英语专业英语教学大纲规定的课程结构,改变了英语专业基础阶段通过开设单纯的听、说、读、写四种语言技能课提高学生语言技能的传统课程建设理念,对英语课程及教学方法进行了创新性的改革。首创了英语专业基础阶段具有我国特色的内容、语言融合的课程体系;率先开发了适合英语专业基础阶段的内容依托课程;系统开发了英语国家历史、地理、社会文化、欧洲文化、中国文化、跨文化交际、《圣经》与文化、功能英语交际、情景英语交际、英语演讲与辩论等教材,以崭新的途径实现英语专业教育的总体培养目标。  经过七年的酝酿、准备、实验,教学改革取得了鼓舞人心的结果。  (一)构建了英语专业基础阶段内容依托课程与语言课程融合的课程体系。新的课程体系改变了传统单一的听、说、读、写语言技能课程模式,实现了内容依托课程和语言技能课程两种模块的融合;课程包含综合英语、听力、语音、写作、功能英语交际、情景英语交际、英语演讲与辩论、英国历史文化、英国自然人文地理、英国社会文化、美国历史文化、美国自然人文地理、美国社会文化、澳新加社会文化、欧洲文化、中国文化、跨文化交际、《圣经》与文化;语言技能课程密切关注英语语言技能的发展,内容依托课程不仅关注系统的学科内容,而且也关注综合语言技能的培养。在课程外和课程内两个层面把内容教学和语言教学有机结合,通过内容教学培养学生综合语言运用能力,扩展学生的知识面,提高学生的综合素质和多元文化意识,从根本上改变英语专业学生知识面偏窄、综合素质偏低的问题。


  (一)打破了传统的教材建设理念。本教材改变了“为学语言而学语言”的传统教材建设理念,融入了具有时代特色且被证明行之有效的内容依托教学和任务型教学的优秀成分。改变了片面关注语言知识和语言技能而忽视知识内容学习的做法。它依托学生密切关注的交际文化知识组织学生进行语言交际活动,在语言交流中学习有意义的知识内容,既训练语言技能。又丰富相关交际知识,起到的是一箭双雕的作用。  (二)涉及系统的英语交际内容。《情景英语交际》共分十六个单元,涉及校园生活、业余爱好、影视娱乐、音乐欣赏、微机网络、运动健身、休闲假日、传统节日、旅游观光、爱情友情、潮流时尚、家庭生活、消除偏见、成败得失、未来求学、工作体验等日常生活中实用的交际话题和交际场合,为学生未来应对各种场合的英语交际活动打下良好基础。  (三)引进了真实的教学材料。英语教材是英语学习者英语语言输入和相关知识输入的重要渠道。本教材大量使用真实、地道的语言材料,为学生提供了高质量的语言输入。此外,为了使课文内容更加充实生动,易于学生理解接受,编者在课文中穿插了大量的插图、表格、照片等真实的视觉材料,表现手段活泼,形式多种多样,效果生动直观。


Unit 1 Campus LifeUnit 2 Hobbies and InterestsUnit 3 Movies and TV ProgramsUnit 4 MusicUnit 5 Computers and the InternetUnit 6 Sports and HealthUnit 7 Weekends and HolidaysUnit 8 Customs, Festivals and CelebrationsUnit 9 SightseeingUnit 10 Love and FriendshipUnit 11 FashionUnit 12 Family LifeUnit 13 Prejudice and ToleranceUnit 14 Failure and SuccessUnit 15 Further Study Home and AbroadUnit 16 Jobs and Work Experience参考文献


  Time is a precious commodity; basically, you use it or lose it. The good news is that we all have the same amount of time every day, so use it to your advantage. Since there will always be plenty of diversions to distract you from your goals, practice staying in the driver s seat when it comes to time management. Remember putting off for tomorrow the things you can do today is procrastination. Procrastination means wasted energy.  Here are some time management tools that can bring a sigh of relief to your busy college life.  Use task lists and a calendar to manage school, family, and social responsibilities. You have enough important facts and figures to remember right now without committing your ongoing calendar to memory. Use a time management tool to coordinate all of your daily, weekly, monthly tasks, obligations, social events, tests- and anything that is important for you to do.  Understand the difference between important and urgent. Important tasks must bed one; urgent tasks must be done NOW. Some things can be taken care of tomorrow, later this week, or next week. Really!  Work with your natural rhythm, not against it. Everyone has specific periods of peak productivity, so capitalize on your best time of day. If you re a morning person, plan to tackle the most difficult tasks before lunch. Likewise, ff you re a night owl, don t force yourself to study or work on complicated projects until late afternoon or evening.  Accept that you just can t do everything. Don t be a popularity addict. It may feel good in the moment to be "in demand," but wouldn t it feel even better to achieve the life you really want? Limit your commitments by choosing activities that you truly enjoy and are consistent with your goals. Practice saying no without feeling guilty; the mastery of the tactful decline is as dll that will come in handy throughout your life!  Take care of yourself by paying attention to your physical, emotional and financial health. The same rules still apply: eat well, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, and build time into your schedule for relaxation. Take proper care of your body and it will take care of you. Remember that stress, although it can t be seen, can cause a lot of damage——dont overtax your emotions with too many commitments. Also, pay attention to your financial health as well. Be realistic about your money, create a realistic budget and stick to it. Using a spending plan to control your finances can actually feel great- its em powering. Develop that muscle of determined discipline, and watch how it drives you towards your goals.




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