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本书是按《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》规定的“外报外刊选读”和“网上阅读”两门课程提供的教材。国际媒体是国人了解世界的窗口。洞悉国际形势发展、关注中国国际地位的变化是英语专业生责无旁贷的任务,因此,能否读懂外报外刊是检验英语专业学生学习效果的重要标准之一。《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》有关阅读的教学要求和对二、四、六、八级的单项教学要求中多次提及Reader's Digest,Ne-wsweek,Times和New York Times等国外刊物,要求英语专业学生在不同时期能够循序渐进地读懂外报外刊上的国际新闻报道、社论和政论文章。 本书所收集的40篇新闻篇章均选自在世界上卓具影响的美英媒体,共含20个单元,每单元包括两个内容相关的新闻篇章,其中一篇为主要阅读篇章,另一篇为附加阅读篇章。本书是提高您英语阅读水平的指导用书,希望对您今后的生活有所帮助。


Lesson One Pains Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Families Grieve Loss of Loved Ones in Crash New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Making History : A Soldier ' s Tale - World War Ⅱ Will Soon be SecondhandLesson Two Catastrophe Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Editorial: Tsunami New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: The 12-Step Tsunami Trauma Survival GuideLesson Three International Relations Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: US Spies ' Dead Wrong ' on Iraq WMD New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: US Relied on 'Drunken Liar' to Justify War' Crazy' Iraqi spy was full of misinformation, says reportLesson Four Law Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Wisconsin Shooter was Upset over Sermon New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Ratzmann Shootings: A Theory of MotiveLesson Five Sports Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power, 2006 Australian Open New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading. Serena WilliamsLesson Six Travel Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: The Road to Shangri-La New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading, 12 Tips for Bridging the Cultural DivideLesson Seven Disease Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power. Vietnam is Seeking International Assistance to Fight Bird Flu New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: A Medical Mystery Man Bounces back from A-vian FluLesson Eight Management Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Disney Picks Iger to Replace Eisner as CEO New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Eisner ' s Post-Disney Life Hard to PictureLesson Nine Environmental Protection Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Feted and Hated, Kyoto Enters Into Force New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Kyoto Treaty Takes Effect at MidnightLesson Ten Language Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power. Don ' t Speak the Language? Live With the Locals New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Expert : New 'must learn ' language likely tobe Mandarin share of people who are native English speakers de-cliningLesson Eleven Statesman Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Profile : Rafik Hariri New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Mourning of Lebanese Leader, Cries for HisVisionLesson Twelve Commerce Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power. Is Online Retailing a Victim of its Own Success? New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading. Amazon. corn Earnings Disappoint InvestorsLesson Thirteen Myth Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: "Signs" Directs More People to Look into Crop-circle Mystery New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Mystery of Feral ChildrenLesson Fourteen Automobiles Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Big, Boring is Better New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Cameras or Not, Safe Driving isn ' t Child ' s PlayLesson Fifteen Education Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power. "It ' s Lowly at the Top. What Became of the Great College Presidents ?" New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading. The Man in the Ivory Tower Harvard ' s Law-rence Summers is a Study in ControversyLesson Sixteen Animal Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Depictions of Wolves in History. A Cautionary Tale New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: CommunicationLesson Seventeen Movies Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: "Million Dollar Baby" Dominates Oscars New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading. Ang Lee Seen as Front-runner in Oscar RaceLesson Eighteen Morality Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Schiavo' s Feeding Tube is Removed--Congressional Leaders ' Legal Maneuvering Fails to Stop Judge ' s Order New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: World Divided on Ethics of Terri Schiavo CaseLesson Nineteen Family Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: Now You Ask Me ? New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Girls Take Strain of Parents' SplitLesson Twenty Religion Introduction Learning Objectives Warm-Up Exercises Reading Power: All-Embracing Man of Action for a New Era o.f Papacy New Words and Expressions Notes Final Check Data File Supplementary Reading: Cardinals Elect Ratzinger PopeKey





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