The fifteen year history of APIDA has witnessed the rapid progress and improvement of interior design level around Asia Pacific region. This year,more than 550 entries were received from such countries and regiQns in Asia Pacific rim as Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, mainland China and Chinese Taiwan.The judging process of 15th APIDA has been divided into 2 rounds, namely Hong Kong and International Round. The scores awarded by the 4 judges of the Hong Kong Round contributed to the 60% of the total scores whereas the scores given by the 6 judges of the International Round from France, ltaly, Malaysia, Japan, USA and UK,made up of the remaining 40%.Retrospecting the past and looking into the future, APIDA will continue to give recognition to outstanding interior design projects and designers, promoting professional standards and ethics among interior design practices operating in the Asia Pacific region.
会所娱乐空间 Sky 21, Macau 福建世欧彼岸城售楼中心 大湖之都正荣会 China Qiandaohu Country Club Forest Spring Spa at Mission Hills Club F1 Mission Hills Spa, Spring Valley Deep Blue Plaza Clubhouse Royal Green 广西柳州东郡会所展览展示 广州市中央商务区(CBD)规划建设主题展 Swarovski Trend And Application Centre 广州国际设计周展示设计 064 Chengdu Sales Office Hong Kong Art School Education Expo 07 My Light Orchard Turn Sales Office 金泰城·丽湾售楼处 “卓艺设计”展览酒店 Hotel V-wanchai 重庆喜百年酒店 Parkyard Hotel, Shanghai 广州南美水悦大酒店 金坛颐丰大酒店 The Bamboo Garden & Hotel Suitesat Royal Park Hotel 杭州西子宾馆(汪庄)改造 绿地公馆 Institution & Public Space 学院社团公共空间 English First Mega Centre St. Paul's Church Embrace Mellon Town - Tower 12 Residential Lobby Mellon Town - Tower 11 Residential Lobby Mega Box Tower One SKH Ming Hua Theological College Preserving, refining, glamouring The City Watchers MEGABOX中关村影城室内设计办公室 Lloyd's Reinsurance Company (China) Ltd. TBWA Hakuhodo Beijing Office DDB Hong Kong Office for Capital Group at IFC One 共想设计 Motorola Hangzhou R & D Centre TBWA Hakuhodo Guangzhou Office Bristol Myers Squibb Cadbury Le2 HK Office餐馆酒吧 Nishimura Restaurant Dance Green T House, Hong Kong The Eight Inagiku at Four Seasons Hong Kong Sheration Breeze De La Coast NEO Café & Bar 海底捞美食北京西单店住宅 Residence in Jardine's Lookout 福州融侨锦江D区7#2502 轻井花道吴宅 家的意境 Arc Taste Living with nature Apartment O Harbour Home 东逸湾 仙林新街坊样板房商业 Open FEVER FEVER Chinese Arts & Crafts Rebranding Z-Store VIA Bathroom Showroom The Revitalisation of the Peak Tower Smart Health Clinic Sole Town in Causeway Bay 三和名茶 高陶洁具中国总部样板房 Oriental Royal Showflat 万科西街花园样板间 Manhattan Hill Orchard Turn Showflat La Rossa - Red Showflats and Sales Office for Bel Air No.8 Phase V Show House at Mount Beacon Chianti - Premium Suite Chianti - Cristalli Duplex Chianti - Spa Residence学生作品 私人艺术馆 在“虚幻”中感受“现实” New Generation of Cultural Boutique Hotel - Paddy Green Hotel Singular @ Hong Kong Fiso Home Stargaze Hostel Artextiles Village - A Multi-function Art Centre Community Centre Resort Hotel Design
《15届亚太室内设计大奖+入围作品集》由大连理工大学出版社出版。亚太区室内设计界的“奥斯卡”诚邀您的参与宗旨亚太区室内设计大奖举办至今已十五年,旨在表扬杰出的室内设计项目和设计师,同时提高亚太区室内设计业内的专业水平和操守。亚太区室内设计大奖欢迎所有香港、中国内地、中国台湾、新加坡、日本、马来西亚、澳门、泰国、菲律宾、印尼、印度、韩国、澳洲及新西兰的室内设计人士参加,现在就把握机会参赛,赢取这个全球性室内设计界的殊荣!温馨提示首先感谢各位读者朋友对我们出版物的一贯支持,我们的亚太室内设计系列出版物一直秉承精益求精的出版宗旨,得到了广大设计师朋友的认可,并形成了一定的品牌形象。但是近来市场上也出现了针对我们的一些盗版图书,为避免广大读者买到盗版图书而出现损失,现将有关盗版图书的特点公示如下:1)第十四届亚太室内设计大奖作品选(全套6本):盗版书为红色封面,封面无任何文字,图片偏色,线图模糊。2)World's Best Interior Desigrler Series-Steve Leung梁志天50 20 10:盗版书的塑料封面较软,内页图片偏暗,线图模糊,装订略有不齐。3)派意在观澜一别墅设计大赏:盗版书完全模仿正版翻印,但与正版比较,内页图片偏色、颗粒感明显,线图模糊。最明显的区别在书后定价,正版定价220元,盗版定价340元。