隋桂岚,吴劲秋 主编
本试卷特色 一、题型、题量与真题完全吻合,试卷高度仿真 本试卷共设计10套全真模拟试题。试题的材料选取和题目设计是在作者仔细研究2006年6月以来三套新题型考试实考试卷和教育部下发的《大学英语四级考试试点样卷》的基础上进行仿真模拟编写的。每套试题都具有相应的区分度,其难度和考点的覆盖面与实考题和样卷相吻合,具有较高的信度与效度,考生可通过10套最新题型的实战模拟训练掌握最新考试的方向和重点。 二、权威讲解,透彻分析,详尽释义 本试卷的模拟试题后配有详细的答案解析,并明确标出试题类型和解题题眼,便于考生把握出题方向,从而顺利通过考试。各题型编写特色如下: 听力内容→英汉对译,画重点线指出题眼:在听力的题材选用上,除一般的记叙文、说明文、议论文外,还选用了大量的对话、讲座等更具实用性的材料,内容包括衣食住行、工作、学习等诸多方面,尽可能为考生提供多种不同形式材料的训练。同时,在听力的录音上,全部听力内容由资深的外籍专家朗读,每一套听力题都有准确的听力要求和标准的朗读语速。因此,考生不必担心像以往一样在书海中购买的听力试题无法达到测试和训练的目的。 快速阅读、仔细阅读和完型填空→“参考译文”、“文章大意”与详细的答案注释:此三部分的注释充分考虑了每一个考生的个体情况。即每一套测试题中的每一部分都有详细的注释,以适应不同层次的考生需求。如:基础比较差的考生可以参照“译文”和详细的注解来达到解惑之效果;基础好的考生只需参阅“文章大意”即可。编者在每一套测试题中的相关部分都配有参考译文,并且对所有试题的解题思路都用明显的波浪线做提示,指出解题题眼,旨在帮助学生理解试题,提高应试能力,掌握答题方法。 本试卷是由多年从事大学英语教学工作、一直潜心大学英语考试研究的高校教师精心编写而成,相信通过本试卷的使用,考生一定会受益匪浅,使考前的备考过程同时成为训练提高英语综合水平的过程。当然,编写过程中不妥之处在所难免,恳请广大师生批评指正,我们将不胜感激。
随盘附赠:历届4级听力真题,电子书音频链接随意跳转,4级考试必备4500词,手机Flash记单词。 含最新真题2套,赠最新热点预测作文26篇,含2009月6月最新真题。
最新热点作文预测26篇Model Test 1Model Test 2Model Test 3Model Test 4Model Test 5Model Test 62009年6月大学英语四级考试试题2008年12月大学英语四级考试试题全新4级预测试卷答案与解析
Earthquakes may occur in an area before, during, and after a volcanic eruption, andare the result of active forces connected with the eruption, but are not the cause of thevolcanic activity itself. Man-induced earthquakes are often caused by such things as the deep-sea drilling thathas occurred in recent years. Such activity deep into the earth can sometimes increasepressure on the plates, making a tense situation much worse. Can scientists predict earthquakes? Can animals predict earthquakes? Scientists have never predicted a major earthquake. They do not know how, and theydo not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future. However, probabilities canbe calculated for potential future earthquakes. For example, scientists estimate that overthe next 30 years there's a 67% probability of a major earthquake occurring in the SanFrancisco Bay area. Scientists often focus their efforts on the long-term; lessefiing ofear~~hquake hazards by helping to improve the safety of structures rather than creatingshort-term predictions. Changes in animal behavior before earthquakes have been observed and documented indifferent parts of the world, most recently in the northern California earthquake ofOctober 17, 1989. It has been recorded that a fish in a high school biology lab in Californiawould flip on its side before some earthquakes. Dogs, cats, snakes, and horses have alsobeen known to behave strangely before earthquakes. But it's possible the change in animalbehavior may be caused by other events. Also, the behavior is not consistent; sometimesearthquakes occur with no previous behavioral change. How to prepare for an earthquakes? Perhaps an earthquake's greatest danger lie in the fact that it can occur almost atonce. If you live in a location that's prone to earthquakes, preparation before the event iscertainly key. To paraphrase the American Red Cross: "It's not the shaking that hurts. It's theStuff that falls on your head. " Collapsing walls, flying glass and falling objects cause mostquake-related injuries and deaths. Look around your house for things that could fall or move. Ask yourself what mayhappen if your cupboard doors fly open during a quake, allowing dishes orGod-knows-what to fall across the floor. Is the TV and stereo fastened down and areshelves fastened to walls? Do you have hanging plants or light fixtures that might fall? Isthere a heavy picture or mirror on the wall over your bed? Know the danger spots. Secure all tall and heavy furniture that could topple over, such as bookcases, china cabinets or wall units. Hang heavy pictures and mirrorsaway from beds, couches, and anywhere people sit. Keep breakables or heavy objects onbottom shelves. ……
《710分最新题型快突破:最新四级预测试卷》含10套模拟试题,让你领略临场测试之感受! 写作:给出典型范文;听力:英汉对译,画重点线指出题眼;快速阅读:给出文章大意:英汉对译,译文中凸显试题答案;翻译:给出范例,并做解析。题型、题与真题完全吻合,试卷高度仿真。,答案解析详尽;仔细阅读:英汉对译,译文中凸显试题答案;完型填空。