听知认之 四级英语频度听力
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教育部在2005年颁布的《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案》中强调指出:大学英语四、六级考试改革的目标就是要更准确地考核我国在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是听说能力。现行四、六级考试中听力理解所占的比例由原来的20%提高到:35%,而在即将到来的“机考”时代。听力的重要性就更加突显了。本书就是为了适应这个形势而编写的。常规的四级听力练习枯燥无味,很难让读者有兴趣坚持下去,而本书完全不同于其他四级听力书,具体特点如下: 一、话题编排科学 作者分析了自2006年6月第一次到最新一次四级考试真题的听力材料,其类型主要涉及社会、经济、科技、文化等10个方面。按照分析结果,将出现频率最高的话题类型放在第一单元,以此降序排列。本书所选材料的长度、难度力求与真题保持一致,学习者在进行训练时犹如实战,帮助考生有重点、有方向地进行练习。
. 听知认之——四级英语频度听力 本书以大学英语四级听力为编排模式,分为short conversation, long conversation, passage, compound dictation四部分,每部分都给出了详尽的解析,在练习开头点名关键词,解析中指明考点,难点注释中列出难点词汇。每个单元还加入了背景导读,对新闻内容进行解析、拓展和延伸。本书选材地道新颖,内容均选自VOA、BBC两大世界主流权威媒体的最新新闻报道,以及托福、雅思两大主要世界级英语语言考试的文章。作者分析了从新题型考试的第一年到现在的所有四级听力题,根据所考真题的内容进行了归类,由最长考到次常考依次划分了本书的话题类型,具有很高的信度与效度。
Unit 1 Polygon Prism 社会多棱镜Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One Modern Means of Communication—Telephone 现代通讯工具 ——电话 Passage Two Online Shopping — Our New Lifestyle 现代生活新主张 ——网上购物 Passage Three Living Online, Have You Tried?试试吧,开始网上生活Section C Compound Dictation On Cellphone手机小议 Unit 2 Focus 焦点访谈Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One Living in the City, Attractive or Not城市生活,真的精彩吗? Passage Two Choosing Bicycle as the City’s Transportation 城里的有 “车 ”一族 Passage Three Housing Problem in the USA美国的住房问题 Section CCompound Dictation Competition of Modern Society当代社会的激烈竞争 … Unit 3 The Social Hot Spots 社会热点Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One Shortage of Oil匮乏的石油资源 Passage Two Facing Grain Crisis面临粮食危机 Passage Three On Water Resources话说淡水资源 Section CCompound Dictation More Concerns about Environmental Crisis, Please 请多多关注环境危机 Unit 4 Career Development 奋斗职场Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One On Interview谈谈面试 Passage Two Most Women Prefer Working for Male Bosses 女人更愿意为男上司工作 Passage Three Interview, Have You Suceeded?面试,你成功了吗? Section CCompound Dictation Tall People Lead Happier Lives高个子生活更幸福 Unit 5 Life of Wealth 财富人生Section AShort ConversationsLong Conversations Section BPassage One Woolworths Faces Bankruptcy老牌零售商濒临倒闭 Passage Two The Business of America Is Business公事公办Passage Three Bumper Chinese Car Sales中国汽车销售量跃居世界第一 Section CCompound Dictation US Households Getting Richer愈加富裕的美国家庭 Unit 6 Figures 人物万花筒Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One Nina Simone:American Famous Singer 妮娜.西蒙:美国乐坛的黑玫瑰 Passage Two Mary Cassatt Broke Social Barriers with Her Art 玛丽.卡萨特:用艺术打破社会壁垒 Passage Three The First Black Player in Modern Major League Baseball 现代美国职业棒球大联盟的第一名黑人运动员 Section C Compound Dictation Father of Hollywood好莱坞之父 Unit 7 Being Healthy 健康人生Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One A Lifetime of Dental Care今日护齿,受益终生 Passage Two Hoarseness: A Sign of Serious Illness 声音嘶哑:重病的征兆 Passage Three Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep 安眠药物不仅仅安眠 Section C Compound Dictation Emotions on Health情绪健康,你才真的健康 Unit 8 Bright Life 斑斓生活Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One Names in America美国人的名字 Passage Two Wedding Customs in the US美式婚礼习俗 Passage Three Electronic Gifts Loved by American Youth 美国年轻人喜欢的电子礼物 Section CCompound Dictation The Unemployed? The Volunteer?失业者?志愿者? Unit 9 Foreign Culture 异域文化Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section APassage One Welcome to American Parties欢迎参加美国聚会 Passage Two The Birth of Father’s Day父亲节的由来Passage Three What Do You Know about the White House Section C Compound Dictation Have a Wonderful Christmas in the US美国的快乐圣诞 Unit 10 Education 文化教育Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One How to Write a Term Paper教你写学期论文 Passage Two Education: A New Start教育:新的开始 Passage Three Studying in the US: A Free Year at a Community College 学在美国:社区大学可免一年学费 Section C Compound Dictation NYU Pushes Foreign Study纽约大学带动出国留学热 Unit 11 Human and Nature 人与自然Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One Wetland Nature Reserve湿地保护区 Passage Two Heavy Snow Hits the UK大雪袭英国Passage Three Tree-planting Scheme植树计划 Section C Compound Dictation The Relationship Between Human and Nature人与自然,紧密相连 Unit 12 Entertainment Circles 艺术人生Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One Passage Three Susan Boyle: the Instantly Famous Aunt苏珊.波伊尔:一夜成名的苏珊大妈 Passage Two The Last Performacne of Michael Jackson迈克尔.杰克逊的最后演出 Passage Three Golden Globe Awards金球奖,你知道吗 Section C Compound Dictation Harry Potter Premiere哈里.波特首映式 Unit 13 Science and Technology 科技新主张Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section B Passage One On Modern Technology现代科技小酌 Passage Two Gee, Computer Virus哇,中 “毒 ”了 Passage Three Technological Agriculture Is Here科技农业来了 Section C Compound Dictation Genetically Modi.ed Foods: Tomatoes Are Tomatoes?转基因食品:番茄还是那个番茄吗? Unit 14 Language 来吧,一起学语言Section AShort Conversations Long Conversations Section BPassage One English Study: A Long Journey to Go学习英语:漫漫长路 Passage Two The Story of English Dictionaries英语字典的故事Passage Three The Birth of Technical Words专业词汇的由来 Section C Compound Dictation Historical Thesaurus to be Published巨型历代同义词词典,你终于可以出版了 Unit 15 Aero Space 航空航天——人类已久的梦Section A Short Conversations Long Conversations Section B Passage One Return to The Moon返回月球 Passage Two Space Heroes, Welcome Back航天英雄,欢迎回来Passage Three Space Trash, So Dangerous危险的太空垃圾 Section C Compound Dictation NASA Completes First Asteroid Landing人类探测器首次降临小行星 =
The White House was the largest house in the country until after the Civil War in 1860s. The White House has 132 rooms, including 16 family andguest rooms, 35 bathrooms and 3 kitchens. There are 6 levels. The first level has many famous rooms. For example, the West Wing ofthe White House includes the Oval Office. This is where the president worksand meets with his advisers. The president receives guests in the Blue Room.And the State Dining Room can hold 140 people for official dinners in honorof foreign leaders. The second and third floors are the familys private areas. When it iscold outside, the president and his family can warm up near one Of the WhiteHouses 28 fireplaces. And when it is hot outside, they can swim in theoutdoor pool. The White House offers lots of things to do for entertainment. The firstfamily can watch a movie in the small theater, play ping-pong in the familygame room or bowl in the small bowling alley. The White House has been home to forty-three presidents. Americasfirst president, George Washington supervised the building process whichbegan in 1792. But he never lived there. John and Abigail Adams became thebuildings first family in 1800. Since then, the White House has experiencedmany changes.
让四级听力时尚起来吧! 单元编排:四级听力高频话题 材料精选:VOA,BBC,雅思,托福 社会多棱镜 社会热点 财富人生 健康人生 异域文化 人与自然 科技新主张 航空航天一人类已久的梦 焦点访谈 奋斗职场 人物万花筒 斑斓生活 文化教育 艺术人生 来吧,一起学语言