Chapter One
Writing about Nonliterary Works
Chapter Two
Writing about Fiction (Novels and Short Stories)
Chapter Three
Writing about Drama
Chapter Four
Writing about Poetry
Chapter Five
Writing about Precis
Chapter Six
Writing the Review
Chapter Seven
Writing Plot Summary
Chapter Eight
Writing about Character Development
Chapter Nine
Writing about Setting
Chapter Ten
Writing about Point of View
版权页:插图:Sometimes the introduction or the preliminary pages identify the intended audience. If not, one can usually determine the audience by evaluating the nature of the content, the technical or educational level of the vocabulary, and the so-phistication of the writing style. One needs to know whom the author is address-ing if he is to judge the work's success. Is the presentation logical and each conclusion valid Works that set out to argue or explain must present information in a logical and orderly fashion: otherwise, readers will he confused. Evaluating the logic of the presentation can help one evaluate a work's clarity.An author's conclusioos should he hased on sound logic and concrete sup- port. A thesis, or controlling idea, requires adequate supporting evidence. Many times in setting on the thesis, the author has already surveyed available informa- tion to back up his claim. He selects only the evidence that is reliable and logical- ly related to the thesis. If his evidence is shaky, if his logic has holes in it, if his generalizations have no foundation, he risks losing the readers' confidence.