李艺虹 编
The goal of the student of Chinese Made Easier is to speakChinese well so as to be able to live and work in China and make friends with Chinese people, This Workbook complements Chinese Made Easier Book 3.Chinese Made Easier Book 3 introduces you to a wider range ofeveryday topics as well as taking you ever deeper into the mysteries of Chinese grammar. The purpose of this Workbook is to help you practice each les-son's topic, new vocabulary and grammar. After you have prepared a lesson at home and then practiced it with your teacher at school,don't forget to go outside and use it with your Chinese friends and acquaintances -- for what goes in quickly disappears quickly if you don't use it quickly!
41. Eating at McDonalds42. Wandering around a Night Market43. College Sports Day44. Buying Food45. FestivalsLesson 41 Lesson 45 Characters46. Telephoning My Brother-in-Law47. University Clubs48. Inviting Friends Home for a Meal49. International Trading50. Farming LifeLesson 46 Lesson 50 Characters51. Household Repairs52. Teacher' s Day53. Buying Daily Necessities54.Planning a Trip to S.E. Asia55. Physical CheckupLesson 51--Lesson 55 Characters56.Striving for the Future57. Servicing a Car58. Leisure Activities59. Finding a Job60. Planning a TripLesson56--Lesson 60 Characters