一套供青少年和英语爱好者阅读的丛书,应满足三个要求: Read for pleasure; Read for information; Read for language improvement. 《Black Cat有声名著阶梯阅读》满足了以上要求而有余。 首先,这是一套同时供听觉享受的书。一部作品,当它由专业演员朗读时,就能以其优美的声音、抑扬顿挫的语调、加上传神的表达,使读者和听者真正身临其境,最充分地领会作品中的情、境、思。而这一效果,就不是只有白纸黑字的书面材料所能提供的了。加之这套书图文并茂,更使视、听两种感官得以完美地结合。 其次,这套书为读、听者提供了有益的背景资料,包括作家生平、时代背景、人文知识等,有助于培养青少年的跨文化意识。书中许多传世名画,更给人充分的艺术享受。 再者,虽是读物,却兼具教科书的功能。每本书都编入为数不少的练习,涉及阅读理解、词汇辨释以及语法结构等,为课堂的语言教学提供了有效的补充。 在教育部颁布的国家英语课程标准中指出了泛读的重要性,明确规定了学生每学期的课外阅读量。学习任何外语,只有课内的精读,没有课外大量的泛读,是不可能学好的,更不用说获得语感。《Black Cat有声名著阶梯阅读》丛书的编印出版,为广大青少年和英语爱好者提供了一个学习英语的新天地——我为你们庆幸。
作者:(美国)马克·吐温(Twain M) 改编:克莱门(Clemen G.D.B.)
认识斯蒂文森一 嗜酒如命的老船长二 老船长的水手箱三 独脚大盗佯装厨师四 假说中的金银岛五 少年吉姆失踪了六 两帮人马大决斗七 吉姆想将大船据为已有八 吉姆沦为独脚大盗的俘虏九 寻宝行动升级测试练习答案和测试答案
版权页: 插图: "Portia, you are so beautiful! When the two gentlemen meetyou, they will give me any job and any salary I ask for." "Henry, please remember that if we ask for too much, wewill get nothing. Then what will happen to us?" "Don't be afraid, Portia." When we arrived, the same servant opened the door. Therewere the two old gentlemen having tea. They were surprised tosee Portia. I introduced her to them. Then I said, "Gentlemen, I am ready to report to you." "We are pleased to hear this," said one gentleman. "Nowwe can decide the bet that my brother Abel and I made. If youwon for me, you can have any job in my power. Do you havethe million-pound note?" "Here it is, sir," and I gave it to him. "I won!" he shouted. "Now what do you say, Abel?" "I say he survived, and I lost twenty thousand pounds. Ican't believe it! "I have more to tell you," I said. "But, it's a long story. I'lltell you another time. For now, look at this." "What! A Certificate 1 of Deposit 2 for 200,000. Is it yours?" "It's mine. I earned it by using the banknote you lent me fora month." "This is astonishing! 3 I can't believe it." Portia looked at me with surprise and said, "Henry, is thatreally your money? You didn't tell me the truth." "No, I didn't. But, I know you'll forgive 1 me." "Don't be so sure! You told me a lie, Henry." "Dearest Portia, it was only for fun. Come, let's go now." "But, wait, wait!" my gentleman said. "I want to give yonthe job and the salary you choose." "Thank you, thank you with all my heart. But I don't wantthe job." "Henry, you didn't thank the good gentleman in the rightway. Can I do it for you?" Portia said. "Of course you can, my dear." Portia walked to my gentleman, sat on his lap 2 and kissedhim on the mouth. Then the two old gentlemen shouted and laughed. I wasamazed. 3 What was happening? "Papa," said Portia, "Henry doesn't want your job. I feelvery hurt." "Darling, is that your father?" I asked. "Yes, he's my stepfather, 4 a dear man. Now do youunderstand why I laughed when you told me your story?" "My dearest sir," I said, "I want to take back 5 what I said. There is a job that I want." "Tell me!"
《黑猫英语精选:LEVEL 4(有声名著)(套装共8册)》作者马克·吐温在这部作品中用漫画笔法勾勒了“百万英镑”面前的世相百态,令人忍俊不禁。