Michael McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten, Helen Sandiford 著
教程简介: 《剑桥标准英语教程》是一套具有突破性和革新意义的专业英语教程,为美式英语的教授与学习提供了前所未有的全新方法。本系列教程以庞大的剑桥国际语料库为基石,根据英语的实际应用构建了一套教学大纲。此套教程引入了独特的“会话管理”策略,更加注重词汇教授及词汇学习的策略,并提出了“以学习者为中心、个性化互动教学”的全新教学理念。 本系列教程课程设置前后关联呼应,教学方式简单明晰,内容新颖、话题时尚,教学素材丰富、多样,囊括了视、听、说、网络互动等多种形式。教师用书以教师日常教学需求为出发点,设计出最贴近教学细节、富于创新的教学方案。整套教程易教易学,适用面广,为高校教学和社会培训的最佳美语教学解决方案。 本系列教程分为四个级别,各级别均包括学生用书(附自学Audio CD/CD-ROM光盘)、练习册、教师用书、Video活动用书、配套课堂听力光盘和Video DVD光盘等,并配有网站支持。此外,学生用书和练习册分为两个版本——全一册和A、B分册,能够满足广大师生的不同使用需求。详情请登录:http://www.cambridge.org/elt/touchstone/。 ※ 完美体现语料库教学的最新研究成果 ※ 突破传统,为美语学习提供全新方案 ※ 科学构建教学大纲,专注传授真正实用的英语 ※ 课程设置前后关联呼应,突出个性化教学与课堂互动 ※ 配套教辅细致入微,服务师生,易教易学 ※ 全面覆盖初级到中高级水平学习者,适用广泛 ※ 高效提升学习者自然的英语交流能力和综合应用技能 剑桥国际语料库:剑桥国际语料库是一个收词超过10亿的大型数据库,收集多种权威口语和书面英语语料资源。该语料库由剑桥大学出版社开发,用于分析英语的实际使用情况,可为英语教材的编撰提供权威语用依据,帮助我们学习最真实鲜活的语言。http://www.cambridge.org/corpus
Michael McCarthy 英国诺丁汉大学应用语言学荣休教授,致力于英语口语分析研究,对剑桥国际语料库的开发做出了巨大贡献。目前任美国宾夕法尼亚大学和爱尔兰利默里克大学应用语言学兼职教授。McCarthy教授是当代英语教学界的大师,在词汇教学、教材设计、字典编纂以及口语研究等领域都颇有建树。他的多部外语教学专著颇受教师青睐,其中包括 Spoken Language and Applied Linguistics,以及他与人合著的Vocabulary in Use系列。
Jeanne McCarten 有多国英语教学经验,曾在英国、瑞典、法国、马来西亚等国任教;具有多年的英语教材出版经验,专注于语法和词汇教材出版领域。她对剑桥国际语料库英语口语部分的开发有卓越贡献。
Helen Sandiford 有丰富而广泛的工作经验,曾任英语教师、教师培训师以及营销专员。在日本高中和专科院校从事英语教学工作达九年之久,曾在东亚各国多次主持英语教师培训班。
IntroductionIntroductionCourse componentsstructure of the units in the Student’s BookFeatures of the units in the Student’s BookCorpus frequency: The top 500 spoken wordsAuthors’ acknowledgmentsScope and SequenceStudent’s Book useful languageIdeas on how to check answersTeaching notesUnit 1 All about you Unit 2 In class Unit3 Favorite people Touchstone checkpoint Units 1-3 Unit4 Everyday life Unit5 Free time Unit6 Neighborhoods Touchstone checkpoint Units 4-6 Unit7 Out and about Unit8 Shopping Unit9 A Wide World Touchstone checkpoint Units 7-9 Unit10 Busy lives Unit11 Looking Back Unit12 Fabulous food Touchstone checkpoint Units 10-12 Self-Study listeningHomework ideasLanguage summariesTesting programContentsWritten quizzesWritten quizzes audio scriptsWritten quizzes answer keyWritten testsWritten tests audio scriptsWritten tests answer keyOral quizzesOral quizzes sample answersOral testsOral tests sample answersScore record sheetStudent’s Book audio scriptsWorkbook answer key
LessonASs find pictures in magazines of five celebrities andwrite two sentences about each one(e…g Im a Bono fan.His voice is amazing!).In the next class,Ss form groupsand take turns showing their pictures and reading theirsentences aloud.Group members agree or disagree.LessonBSs choose six words from the lesson to describe peoplethey know or celebrities,and use each one in a true sentence(e.g.,Tom Cruise.Hes smart and interesting.).In the next class,Ss form groups and take turns readingtheir sentences aloud.For celebrities,group members agree or disagree.LessonCSs find photos of several of their family members andwrite two to three pieces of information about eachperson(e…g This is mygrandpa.Hes 71.Hesfriendly.).Inthe next class,Ss form pairs and take turns introducingtheir family members to their partner.LessonDSs write as many sentences as they can about two oftheir friends.In the next class,Ss form groups,exchangepapers,and read about one another’s friends.Groupmembers report on the people they heard about thatthey would like to meet.ggHA_LessonASs write six sentences about typical mornings in theirhomes.Ss say what they or their family members do anddo not do.In the next class.a few Ss tell the class abouttheir family members’mornings.LessonBSs write three questions for a auestionnaire on weeklyroutines.Ss cannot repeat any of the questions orinformation asked for in Exercise 2.In the next class.Ssform pairs,look at both sets of questions,and choosefour of the questions for a questionnaire.Each pair thenjoins another pair.Pairs then take turns asking andanswering the questions.Encourage Ss to give moreinformation than simple yes and no answers.Lesson CSs write four questions that they think are good to askwhen they meet someone for the first time.Ss thenanswer those questions with their own information,starting their answers with Yeah,No,or Well.In the nextclass,each S asks two other Ss the questions to see if anyof their answers are the same.Whan Ss answer,remindthemto answermorethaniustyesandnoandtouse WeIIif they need time or the answer is not a simple yes or no.LessonDSs find a partner and write down each others e-mailaddresses.Before the next class.Sl sends S2 an e.mailmessage about daily routines or interests.S2 respondsto the message.If Ss do not have access to a computer,then they each write a paper“e·mail”message to theirpartners,exchange messages in the next class,and write a reply.