剑桥标准英语教程2A( 练习册)
Susan Rivers, Georgiana Farnoaga 著
《剑桥标准英语教程》是一套具有突破性和革新意义的专业英语教程,为美式英语的教授与学习提供了前所未有的全新方法。本系列教程以庞大的剑桥国际语料库为基石,根据英语的实际应用构建了一套教学大纲。此套教程引入了独特的“会话管理”策略,更加注重词汇教授及词汇学习的策略,并提出了“以学习者为中心、个性化互动教学”的全新教学理念。本系列教程课程设置前后关联呼应,教学方式简单明晰,内容新颖、话题时尚,教学素材丰富、多样,囊括了视、听、说、网络互动等多种形式。教师用书以教师日常教学需求为出发点,设计出最贴近教学细节、富于创新的教学方案。整套教程易教易学,适用面广,为高校教学和社会培训的最佳美语教学解决方案。本系列教程分为四个级别,各级别均包括学生用书(附自学Audio CD/CD-ROM光盘)、练习册、教师用书、Video活动用书、配套课堂听力光盘和Video DVD光盘等,并配有网站支持。此外,学生用书和练习册分为两个版本——全一册和A、B分册,能够满足广大师生的不同使用需求。详情请登录:http://www.cambridge.org/elt/touchstone/。※ 完美体现语料库教学的最新研究成果※ 突破传统,为美语学习提供全新方案※ 科学构建教学大纲,专注传授真正实用的英语 ※ 课程设置前后关联呼应,突出个性化教学与课堂互动※ 配套教辅细致入微,服务师生,易教易学※ 全面覆盖初级到中高级水平学习者,适用广泛※ 高效提升学习者自然的英语交流能力和综合应用技能剑桥国际语料库:剑桥国际语料库是一个收词超过10亿的大型数据库,收集多种权威口语和书面英语语料资源。该语料库由剑桥大学出版社开发,用于分析英语的实际使用情况,可为英语教材的编撰提供权威语用依据,帮助我们学习最真实鲜活的语言。http://www.cambridge.org/corpus
Susan Rivers 有多年教学经验,更有长达18年的赴台教学经历。曾担任英语教师、教学顾问、教材作者及教师培训师,并多次主持教学培训班和教师发展研习班。 Georgiana Farnoaga 是活跃在欧洲和美国的资深职业教师培训师,并具有多年英语教学经验。曾参与多部教材的编写,在英语语言学习课程及教学辅助教材方面均有所创新。
Unit 1 Making friends Unit 2 Interests Unit3 Health Unit4 Celebrations Unit5 Growing up Unit6 Around town
A Read Joel’S Web journal about his trip to Kenya.Then circle this information in the text.I just returned from an exciting tour of Kenya.It was the trip of a lifetime-there was so much to see! My tour group spent the first two days at Masai Mara,driving around to see animals in their natural environment.We got close to elephants,cheetahs,and zebras,and we took some excellent photographs!On the third day,we went to Lake Naivasha.We stayed in little huts near the lake,where we could see local birds and hippos.1 was surprised to find out that hippos kill more people than any other animal.That night we did some stargazing.The night was clear and perfect——Ive never seen so many stars! The next morning,we visited Lake Nakuru,where we saw a rare black rhino and hundreds of pink flamingos.That night,we camped in a place where we heard lions walking around near our campsite!Luckily,we never saw them,but we did not sleep very well.On day five,we took a trip to Thompson。S Falls.It was hard to climb to the top,but it was worth the effort-the enormous waterfall was beautiful.We had a nice picnic lunch by the water. The next day,we went to Mount Kenya,where we visited a Masai village. That night,we tried to do some traditional Masai dancing,and believe me,we looked very funny!We spent the seventh day hiking on Mount Kenya,and afterwards we made a trip to the local Kikuyu sch001.We talked to the students and teachers there and learned about their projects.Then we ate together,a traditional Kikuyu dish. Back in Nairobi,Kenya’S capital city,we had a tour of the city.Then we took our guides out to dinner to thank them for showing US their beautiful country. The next morning,we made the long journey home.1 was tired,but very sorry to leave.Visiting Kenya was my best vacation ever.
练习册是学生用书的拓展,共分4个级别,每级别含两种装订版本——全一册和A、B分册。练习册针对学生用书中设计的词汇、语法及会话策略,提供全面的巩固练习。 ※ 针对学生用书中涉及的词汇、语法及会话策略的全方位巩固练习 ※ 额外的阅读和写作练习,巩固重要的阅读及写作技巧 ※ 多种形式的练习,并附有提示背景的照片和插图,激发学生的学习热情
Very good.