

徐泉,王婷 著 华中师范大学出版社





徐泉,王婷 著  








Unit 1 Basic Considerations in English Teaching1.1 A successful EFL teacher1.2 Teacher and teaching methods1.3 The roles of teachers1.4 SamplesQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 2 Teaching Pronunciation2.1 Reasons for teaching pronunciation2.2 Basic phonological items involved in pronunciation teaching2.3 Basic principles for teaching pronunciation2.4 Basic methods of pronunciation teaching2.5 Samples of pronunciation teachingQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 3 Teaching Vocabulary3.1 The significance of teaching vocabulary3.2 Basic aspects of vocabulary worth teaching3.3 Basic principles for teaching vocabulary3.4 Basic methods of vocabulary teaching3.5 Samples of vocabulary teachingQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 4 Teaching Grammar4.1 The place of grammar teaching4.2 Basic features of grammar4.3 Basic approaches to teaching grammar4.4 Basic principles for teaching grammar4.5 Basic methods of grammar teaching4.6 Samples of grammar teachingQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 5 Teaching Listening5.1 Basic issues related to listening teaching5.2 Basic principles for teaching listening5.3 Listening activities5.4 Samples of listening lessonsQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 6 Teaching Speaking6.1 Basic relevant notions6.2 Basic principles for teaching speaking6.3 Speaking activities6.4 Oral testing and scoring6.5 Samples of classroom speaking activitiesQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 7 Teaching Reading7.1 The role of reading in EFL learning7.2 Basic issues related to reading7.3 Basic principles for teaching reading7.4 Reading activities7.5 Samples of reading lessonsQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 8 Teaching Writing8.1 Different approaches to writing8.2 Writing activities8.3 Giving feedback on writing8.4 Samples of writing lessonsQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 9 Lesson Planning9.1 Principles of lesson planning9.2 Considerations in lesson planning9.3 Steps of lesson planning9.4 Components of a lesson plan9.5 Samples of lesson plansQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 10 Classroom Management and Interaction10.1 Rules and strategies of classroom management10.2 Samples of classroom management10.3 Rules and skills in classroom interaction10.4 Samples of classroom interactionQuestions and tasksReferencesUnit 11 Testing11.1 Basic concepts11.2 Purpose of test11.3 Designing of test11.4 Samples of testsQuestions and tasksReferences


  Grammar practice can also be facilitated by the game“sentence auctions” Holding“sentence auctionsis a fun way to help students review what they have learnt.It is particularly suitablewhen the rules of sentence construction are practiced.Basically,students are divided into groups of four to five and are given some“money”with which to bid on various sentences provided by the teacher.These sentences are either correct or incorrect..The group which “buys”the most correct sentences wins the game.Before the game,the teacher should explain the rules of the game clearly enough that every student knows how t0 play.For example,the rules may be stated like these:“In this game,you will be given many sentences.Some are correct’while others are incorrect.Each group will have 5,000 yuan to spend and you should try to buy as many correct sentences as possible.Bids begin at 200 yuan and increase by 100 yuan each bid.The sentence will be sold to the highest bidder.  Understand?”If students do not understand the rules,the teacher can explain in Chinese or show arL example to explain how an auction goes.To make the game more interesting,the teacher can use an “auction hammer”. When showing the example,he/she can hold the hammer,saying:“400 yuan gomg once”400 yuan going twice,400 yuan sold to group X!”And then the hammer falls to indicate the successful bid.In this game,students have to be very careful to decide which sentences they would like to buy.Thus,they may get to know how to produce correct sentences by themselves.Once the game has finished.the teacher needs to instruct students to go through all the sentencessaying whether it is correct or incorrect and explaining the reasons.And then optionally,students can be asked to correct the wrong sentences.





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