

张春阳,Denise Gates,John Stark 等 华南理工大学出版社





张春阳,Denise Gates,John Stark 等  




  实验中心从培养经营管理类学生的动手能力、沟通能力、研究能力和创造性思维出发,率先提出从传统经管课程中“固化”出实验实践课程的思路,这是一种对传统教学模式的突破。  在自然科学、工程、农业和医药等领域,实验是经常需要进行的活动,相应学科的教学中都设有实验课程。但是在像经济、管理、社会等领域,由于涉及人的主观因素和复杂的社会条件,不可控因素过多,再加上规模和成本、安全和道德等原因,无法进行像自然科学和工农医等领域中的实验。但是随着信息学科与系统学科的发展,仿真技术不但进入了理工农医学科,也进入了经济、管理等学科,可以认为是一种广义的实验。


Chapter 1 Role of Communication in Business Organizatio1.1 Warm-up Exercise1.2 Key Concepts1.2.1 What Is Managerial Communication1.2.2 Overview of Theories in Managerial Communication1.2.3 Types of Communication1.3 Chapter Review1.4 Application: The Crisis of an Iurance CompanyChapter 2 The Managerial Communication Process2.1 Warm-up Exercise2.2 Key Concepts2.2.1 Levels of Managerial Communication2.2.2 Basic Elements of Communication2.2.3 Basic Communication Principles2.2.4 Managerial Communication and Organizational Socialization2.2.5 Barrie to Effective Communication2.2.6 Strategies for Effective Communication2.3 Chapter Review2.4 Application: The Dilemma of a Female ColleagueChapter 3 Intra-organizational Communication3.1 Warm-up Exercise3.2 Key Concepts3.2.1 Definition of Intra-organizational Communication3.2.2 Communication Flows and Networks in an Organization3.2.3 Barrie to Effective Internal Communication3.2.4 Improving Internal Communication3.3 Chapter Review3.4 Application: Ⅰ.A Division Manager's IssuesⅡ.Christmas OrdeChapter 4 Inter-organizational Communication4.1 Warm-up Exercise4.2 Key Concepts4.2.1 Organizational Environment and Inter-organizational Communication4.2.2 Maintaining Good Inter-organizational Relatiohips4.2.3 Boosting Organizational Image4.2.4 Providing Customer Services4.3 Chapter Review4.4 Application : Singan SupermarketChapter 5 Interpeonal Communication5.1 Warm-up Exercise5.2 Key Concepts5.2.I Definition of Interpeonal Communication5.2.2 Issues in Interpeonal Communication5.2.3 Communication and Conflict5.2.4 Strategies for Building Harmonious Workplace Relatiohips5.3 Chapter Review5.4 Application: Yuri's DilemmaChapter 6 Intercultural Communication6.1 Warm-up Exercise6.2 Key Concepts6.2.1 Intercultural and the Myths of Intercultural Communication6.2.2 What Is Culture6.2.3 Cultural Differences6.2.4 Characteristics of an Effective Intercultural Communicator6.3 Chapter Review6.4 Application: Expatriate Training ChallengeChapter 7 Managerial Listening7.1 Warm-up Exercise7.2 Key Concepts7.2.1 Benefits of Listening7.2.2 Barrie to Listening7.2.3 Techniques for Effective Listening7.3 Chapter Review7.4 Application : Listening-Skill Training ExerciseChapter 8 Memos8.1 Warm-up Exercise8.2 Key Concepts8.2.1 Memos vs Lette8.2.2 What Is a Good Memo8.2.3 Writing Process8.2.4 AMemoModel8.3 Chapter Review8.4 Application : Memo Writing ExercisesChapter 9 Reports9.1 Warm-up Exercise9.2 Key Concepts9.2.1 Types of Reports9.2.2 Rules for Writing a Report9.2.3 Elements of Memo Reports9.2.4 Elements of Formal Reports9.3 Chapter Review9.4 Application : Report Writing ExercisesChapter 10 Oral Presentatio10.1 Warm-up Exercise10.2 Key Concepts10.2.1 Presentation Problems10.2.2 Preparing a Presentation10.2.3 Delivering Presentatio10.3 Chapter Review10.4 Application : Haler GroupChapter 11 Conducting Interviews11.1 Warm-up Exercise11.2 Key Concepts11.2.1 What Is Interviewing11.2.2 Barrie in the Interview Process11.2.3 Effective Interviewing on the Part of Interviewer11.2.4 Effective Interviewing on the Part of Interviewee11.3 Chapter Review11.4 Application: Tom Smith and His Interview




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