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荀露玲 等 著  




  目前,国内高职高专院校的大学英语教学改革不断走向深入,“以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度”的指导原则已经深入人心。在这一背景下,出现了不少各具特色的大学英语教材,它们都不同程度地、从不同的角度反映了新形势下高职高专院校大学英语教学的需要。但是由于创新型国家的建设与和谐社会的构建不断对高职高专实用创新型人才的培养提出更高的要求,由于高职高专院校大学英语教学改革不断深入,也由于高职高专生源的地域差异和学生毕业后所就业的行业差异较大,更好地反映和引导改革中种种新的尝试和新探索的新教材的开发仍然十分必要。  基于这一考虑,重庆大学出版社组织四川省相关领域的专家和20多所院校的一线教师,在广泛调研的基础上,编写了这套《高职高专创新大学英语系列教材》。参与教材编写的既有教育部在该地区重点高校的骨干教师,也有长期在高职高专教学一线的骨干教师。  本教材以教育部《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》为依据,以四川省和其他西部省市的高职高专教育以及大学英语教育的实际为出发点,以“打好基础,注重培养实际使用语言的技能,特别是使用英语处理日常和涉外业务活动的能力”为原则,以“实用为主,够用为度”为编写指导思想,使本套教材具有以下特点:  (1)着眼于培养技术、生产、管理和服务等领域的高等应用性专门人才的实际需求,强调学生基础知识的扎实掌握和基本能力.的充分训练,注重培养学生的语言应用能力,特别是实用口语和实用写作等方面的交际能力。  (2)将学生的应用性交际能力的培养融汇在基本技能的雕琢中,充分体现“双基”教学的需要;让学生充分扎实地掌握大纲所规定的知识和能力,强调学以致用和学用结合。




Unit One LoveText A An Amazing True Love StoryAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsTranslation TechniquesGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B Let Me Love YouWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for ListeningUnit Two CultureText A The History of April Fools DayAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsTranslation TechniquesGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B Tea Brewers in the Modern Age of Tea DrinkingWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for ListeningUnit Three CustomsText A Stereotypes About AmericansAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsTranslation TechniquesGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B Customs and Culture in the Middle EastWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for ListeningUnit Four EmploymentText A The People Behind the TableAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsTranslation TechniquesGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B The Importance of a Covering LetterWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for ListeningUnit Five ResponsibilityText A Social ResponsibilityAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsTranslation TechniquesGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B Rebuilding Trust and UnderstandingWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for ListeningUnit Six MoralsText A Public MoralityAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisTranslation TechniquesPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsWord BuildingGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B The BridgeWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for ListeningUnit Seven BusinessText A Types of Business OrganizationsAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsTranslation TechniquesGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B Five Resources You Need to Succeed in Starting a BusinessWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for ListeningUnit Eight Financial AffairsText A Money and Its EvolutionAn Introduction to the TopicWarming-up QuestionsSentence AnalysisWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsDifferentiations and Analysis of Words and ExpressionsTranslation TechniquesGrammar FocusLanguage Tips for WritingText B BankingWriting Features of Text BWord StudyPhrases and ExpressionsKey to ExercisesTranslations of the TextsScripts for Listening


  Communication is the lifeline of modem business.Without it business cannot function.Everytransaction needs communication.  The objective of business is to produce and sell for profit thegoods and services that satisfysociety’s needs and wants. Such goods and services are made available in the market. It is at themarket that supply and demand are achieved in a lJurchase.sale transaction at a certain price.Theprofit is the seller’S motive for being engaged in business.  Successful enterprise management rests 013 three basic elements:leadership,motivation andcommunication.When a highly successful company begins to go down,it is usually a consequenceof incompetent leadership and a failure in communicatiori.  Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and servicesfrom producer to consumers or users.Simply to produce a product is not enough.The productmust be transported,stored,priced,advertised,and sold to satisfy human needs and wants. The right product must be offered for sale in the fight place and at the fight price and thefight message must be communicated via the right media to the fight market targets at the fighttime.It is necessary to provide information the buyers need to make purchasing decisions.Marketing activities promote the exchange of goods.




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