

张梅 编 重庆大学出版社





张梅 编  




  2007年教育部高教司颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》(以下简称《教学要求》)。《教学要求》重新定位了大学英语课程的教学目标,“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力”。听说能力是对学生语言能力进行评价的一项重要指标,社会需求也对大学生的英语能力提出了更高的要求,因此教育部启动了基于计算机网络的大学英语自主教学模式改革。大学英语四级网考于2008年12月开始试点。网考模式加大了听写、视频等方面的分值比例,而占比重较大的视频题在听、读、写中都要涉及到,因此,能真实反映出学生的水平。  大学英语四级网考的反拨作用要求大学英语教学采用现代信息技术,推动以多媒体和网络技术为支撑的英语多媒体教学模式的改革,使英语教学不受时间和地点的限制,向个性化和自主式的学习方向发展,体现英语教学的实用性、知识性和趣味性原则,最终达到“培养学生综合应用能力,全面提高学生的文化素质”的教学目标。  《大学英语网考视听新体验》(1—4册)是以《大学英语课程教学要求》为依据,以“应用性、实用性和真实性”为指导思想,结合目前大学英语教学中对视听课比重加大的实际情况和师生对网考练习材料的需求而编写的,供大学英语教学基础阶段使用。该套教材具有以下特色:  1.突出网考模式的特点。教材无论从选材、难易度还是内容体系上,都以大学英语四级网考题型为蓝本,认真筛选、精心设计,力求让学生在课堂上熟悉、了解网考模式,掌握网考应试技巧,体验网考带来的挑战和乐趣。  2.课堂教学和自主学习相结合。教材既注重课堂教学,又注重学生课外自主学习。教材的编写形式和设计的任务便于教师课堂操作,每个单元的材料除了足够教师课堂使用以外,还可供学生课外操练。  3.选材注重思想性、现代性和真实性。所选音频和视频材料贴近学生的生活和思想,内容健康、积极向上,而且音、视频材料均为近期出现在:BBC、VOA、CNN和CCTV-9中的新闻报道和访谈等节目,具有很强的时代感,语言地道、规范。  4.主题内容的安排由近及远、由浅入深。第一册和第二册的主题涉及学生学习、生活的方方面面,如娱乐休闲、网上学习、友情、健康等话题。第三册和第四册的主题涉及当前社会和世界所关注的热点问题,如计算机安全、环境保护、灾难、商业道德、全球化等话题。每册的语速、难易度和长度基本上呈阶梯状上升。  5.图文并茂,版式新颖。《大学英语网考视听新体验》系列教材配有大量与主题相关的启发性强的图片,为语言学习提供了形象的训练情景,加强了学生对学习和使用语言的实际体验。


《大学英语网考视听新体验4》共8个单元,单元主题包括Science and Technology,Arts,Holidays and Festivals,Transportation,Business and Economy,Shopping,Wealth和Man and Animals。内容题材广泛,语言规范,题型设计、练习难度与大学英语四级网考一致,适合大学英语二年级使用。书后附有参考答案和录音文字材料供学生参考。本书是学生提高听力能力和了解网考听力题型的必备教材。


Unit One Science and Technology Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoUnit Two Arts Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoUnit Three Holidays and Festivals Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoUnit Four Transportation Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoUnit Five Business and Economy Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoUnit Six Shopping Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoUnit Seven Wealth Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoUnit Eight Man and Animals Section A Lead in Section B Listening Comprehension Section C VideoKeysScripts


  Thats right. Money is gonna have the more significant impact on those low incomeindividuals. People who have very little, they are making 20 thousand dollars. They getfrom 20 to 50 thousand dollars,thats gonna have a big impact on them.  That may,that would. But let me tell 15 years in practice. I have never had anybodycome in and say, you know why Im here? I need a little more money. Right, it is allabout do I feel loved,and do I love something in the world. In other words, doing workthat does not speak to your heart and making lots of money is a prescription for disaster.  Yeah, you listened to the surveys of the kinds of jobs that make people thehappiest. They arent necessarily, not even close to jobs that pay the most money. Theyare things like teachers,social workers, ( people like that... )firefighters, (.fireman yeah)not necessarily highly-paid jobs.  I will still align for my own psychiatrist when I was in therapy. He said,the last placeyou wanna be is in the first-class seat, on a plane going somewhere you dont wannago. Absolutely true. Its really about feeling loved. The people come to me,who are inthe toughest spot, arent convinced they are well loved, and they arent convinced, thereare something in the world that they genuinely have passion and love for.  Good, passion is another thing that makes people happy. (Yeah)health and passion.  Health ,health is at the top of the list in terms of what makes you happy. Havinggood relationships with people, having a lot of very close personal friends, having a goodmarriage ,these are the types of things that make people happy.  Well, by the way then, health, money can help you buy happiness there. Becausemoney can give you access to the best health care in the world. (Well,absolutely!)Youstill have to take care of yourself. (thats true),but it can make you healthier.  And if you flip that around,then you 11 get to the core of what really makes peoplehappy. Because sometimes you have to take the negative to see that you are contentnow. So if people were to imagine, Im not going with it these moments that their childrenwere not well got forbidden. (Right) Then they will realize, you know what, I am prettycontent even though my car is year-older than Id like.  Yeah, no question. Well again,the age-old question,we continue to debate it.  Still.  Yeah, youre right !  No question. Vera,thanks.  Thank you ! Thank you, Matt !  Doctor,thank you very much,still trying to get over that line when you said when Iwas in therapy.




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