很多人学了多年的英语,碰到老外还是张嘴结舌,蹦不出一句漂亮、完整的英语句子。讲起话来就像在坑坑洼洼的马路上开车,颠颠跛跛,令人一阵头晕。其实英语表达能力跟词汇、词组、成语、句型认知多少有直接的关系。当然,最重要的还是跟自己的胆识有关,要“不怕说”。常开口、勤练习,英语能力自然提升。 不过学说英语还是有技巧的!与其等待毕其功于一役,倒不如随学随用,熟能生巧来得实际一些。就好比老外朋友要回去自己的国家了,我们可以很流畅地说“Have a nice trip.”意思就是说“祝你一路平安”,真是窝心又干脆。当然还有其他的表达方式,就待你从《生活英语一路通》挖掘了。
Chapter 1 It's a good idea.(这是一个好主意。)Chapter 2 Welcome!(欢迎光临!)Chapter 3 See you later!(后会有期!)Chapter 4 Let's go!(让我们出发吧;让我们开始吧!)Chapter 5 What is this?(这是什么?)Chapter 6 How do you do?(您好吗?)Chapter 7 How often do you go to the movies?(你多久看一次电影)Chapter 8 I'm a kind person.(我是个仁慈的人。)Chapter 9 I am going to meet you.(我即将去迎接你。)Chapter 10 No talking!(禁止交谈!)Chapter 11 He is taller than me.(他比我高。)Chapter 12 You are the most beautiful girl in my mind.(你是我心中最美丽的女孩。)Chapter 13 I like playing basketball.(我喜欢打篮球。)Chapter 14 Have a nice trip!(旅途愉快!)Chapter 15 I'm free.(我有空。)Chapter 16 It's time to sleep.(该是睡觉的时候了。)Chapter 17 How about a game of chess? (下盘棋如何?)Chapter 18 Are you afraid of ghosts?(你怕鬼吗?)Chapter 19 What a wonderful world!(这世界多美好啊!)Chapter 20 How tall the building is!(这栋建筑物多么高啊!)Chapter 21 Here is my name card.(这是我的名片。)Chapter 22 May I help you?(有什么需要我帮忙的?)Chapter 23 You had better study hard.(你最好努力学习。)Chapter 24 I would like to see her.(我想要见她。)Chapter 25 Would you mind opening the window?(你介意把窗户打开吗?)Chapter 26 You look like a thief.(你看起来像个小偷。)Chapter 27 I agree with you.(我同意你的看法。)Chapter 28 It tastes delicious.(这尝起来美昧极了。)Chapter 29 It's useless to sit up late.(熬夜是没有用的。)Chapter 30 Can you lend me some money?(可以借我一点钱吗?)Chapter 31 You're so smart.(你真聪明。)Chapter 32 Turn on the TV,please.(请打开电视机。)Chapter 33 Would you please open the door?(请你帮我开门好吗?)Chapter 34 That's too bad!(那真是太糟了!)Chapter 35 I can speak English,too.(我也会说英语。)Chapter 36 I'm tired of working.(我厌倦工作了。)Chapter 37 Whose purse is it?(这是谁的皮包?)Chapter 38 Where do you work?(你在哪里工作?)Chapter 39 What did you do this for?(你为什么要做这种事?)Chapter 40 I doubt if your words are true.(我怀疑你的话是否是真的。)Chapter 41 I am a nurse by occupation.(我的职业是护士。)Chapter 42 Strictly speaking,you're a loser.(严格说来,你是个失败者。)Chapter 43 He treats me well.(他待我很好。)Chapter 44 Fight against them for God's sake!(为了上帝,与他们奋战吧!)Chapter 45 I wish I were a millionaire.(我希望我是个百万富翁。)Chapter 46 What time is it?(现在几点了?)Chapter 47 Is this Jacky?(请问是杰克先生吗?)Chapter 48 Why not have a drink?(让我们喝一杯吧?)Chapter 49 We should make use of time.(我们应善用时间。)Chapter 50 I am sure that he wi11 win.(我确定他会赢。)Chapter 51 Will you close the door?(可以把门关上吗?)Chapter 52 I happened to meet her.(我碰巧遇到她。)Chapter 53 He is able to make a good plan.(他能够制订一个好计划。)Chapter 54 I can't beIieve it.(我不敢相信。)Chapter 55 I am good at English.(我精通英语。)Chapter 56 It is said that he is a thief.(据说他是一个小偷。)Chapter 57 What's wrong with you?(你怎么了?)Chapter 58 This house is made of wood.(这房子是木造的。)Chapter 59 She makes bel ieve to be cute.(她假装可爱。)Chapter 60 Pardon me for being late.(原谅我的迟到。)Chapter 61 I suggest you study hard.(我建议你努力学习。)Chapter 62 I don't love you at a11.(我一点也不爱你。)Chapter 63 I would rather stay at home than go out.(我宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。)Chapter 64 Our dream will come true.(我们的梦想会实现。)Chapter 65 To begin with,you must hel p yourself.(首先你必须帮助自己。)Chapter 66 1 will call you later.(我稍后会回电给你。)Chapter 67 No matter what people say,I'll do it.(无论人们说什么,我还是会做下去。)Chapter 68 What day is today?(今天星期几?)Chapter 69 She spent much money on clothes.(她花了很多钱买衣服。)Chapter 70 It is too late to mend.(要补救已经太晚了。)Chapter 71 I can't live without you.(没有你我无法活下去。)Chapter 72 He came here in order to make money.(他来此是为了赚钱。)Chapter 73 When he called,I was reading.(当他打电话时,我正在看书。)Chapter 74 I'm proud of you.(我以你为荣。)Chapter 75 I wonder if he will succeed.(我怀疑他是否会成功。)Chapter 76 No wonder you got angry.(难怪你会生气。)Chapter 77 The book will do you good.(这本书对你有益。)Chapter 78 Do you know what happened?(你知道发生何事吗?)Chapter 79 She seems to be happy.(她似乎是快乐的。)Chapter 80 I hear that he was married.(我听说他结婚了。)Chapter 81 Even if you lose,I will still be proud of you.(即使你输了,我仍然以你为荣。)Chapter 82 How comes it that you have reached an agreement?(你们怎么可能已经达成协议了?)Chapter 83 The more friendly you are,the more popular you become.(你越友善,就越受欢迎。)Chapter 84 According to the weather report,the typhoon is coming tomorrow.(根据气象报告,明天将有台风。)Chapter 85 I can't help kissing her.(我忍不住亲她一下。)Chapter 86 We used to work all day long.(我们以前常工作一整天。)