

吴劲松 编 华东理工大学出版社





吴劲松 编  






  学习英语,中学生最头痛的就是语法,因为语法这东西纷繁复杂,抽象乏味。那能不能把这纷繁复杂的语法现象变得简单明了、易懂易学,把抽象乏味的语法概念变得具体形象、生动有趣,从而使语法书成为一本中学生爱看且看了就会、考时实用的工具书呢?  本书正是在这种思想指导下写成的。本书依据最新教学大纲、考纲,在对近年来高考试题深入研究的基础上,结合高中学生平时学习和临考实际,分章编写。  其显著特点是:  1.突出重点难点,侧重技巧应用,不求面面俱到,只求实用实惠。  2.某些知识点中安排了“巧记”内容,即以图形、顺口溜等多种趣味形式提炼出要点精华及学习和掌握这些要点的技巧。“巧记”力求高度概括,生动形象,易懂易记。一般说来,只要记住几句话或者一个图,或许就能将有关语法知识熟记于心并运用自如。  3.知识点讲解突出重点,针对性强,同时对易混易错点也作了辨析和例释。每章后配有“专项训练”。  语法具有抽象性。这是由其自身的性质所决定的,因为它毕竟是对某种语言规律的总结。理论虽然抽象,但学习理论却可以有各种不同的方法。本书对学习语法进行经验性的总结,以期为读者提供一些具体而又实用的学习方法和窍门。倘若本书所提供的东西能给您的学习带来实实在在的帮助,那我们的目的也就达到了。  书中如有谬误之处,还望读者批评指正。


本书依据新课标最新教学要求,在对近年来高考试题深入研究的基础上,结合高中生平时学习和临考实际编写而成。全书显著特点是:  1. 突出重点难点,侧重技巧应用。  2. 在某些知识点中安排“巧记”内容,以图形、顺口溜等多种趣味形式提炼出要点精华及学习和掌握这些要点的技巧。  3. 知识点讲解突出重点,针对性强,对易混淆易错点也作了辨析和例释,另配有专项训练供读者巩固所学知识点。


第二章 名词第三章 冠词第四章 代词第五章 数词第六章 形容词和副词第七章 介词第八章 连词第九章 动词第十章 情态动词第十一章 动词时态和语态第十二章 虚拟语气第十三章 非谓语动词——不定式第十四章 非谓语动词——动名词第十五章 非谓语动词——分词第十六章 简单句第十七章 并列句第十八章 复合句——名词性从句第十九章 复合句——定语从句第二十章 复合句——状语从句第二十一章 主谓一致第二十二章 倒装、省略、强调、插入第二十三章 构词法附录一 普通高校招生全国统一考试英语科考试大纲语法项目表附录二 功能意念项目表参考答案


  18. All the people at the conference are __  A. mathematic teachers  B. mathematics teachers  C. mathematics teacher  D. mathematics teachers  19. Professor Mackay told us that __ of lead are its softness and its resistance.  A. some property  B. some properties  C. properties  D. property  20. Physics __ with matter and motion.  A. deal  B. deals  C. dealing  D. are  21. He has written several books, but his last works __ well known among his friends.  A. have  B. have been  C. is  D. are  22. After he checked up my __ heart, the doctor advised him to rest for a few days.  A. father-in-laws  B. father-in-law  C. fathers-in-law  D. fathers-in-laws  23. He told me __ would come to his birthday party.  A. many Jack friends  B. Jacks many friends  C. many Jacks friend  D. many friends of Jacks  24. I had my hair cut at the __ around the corner.  A. barber  B. barbers  C. barbers  D. barbers  25. Yesterday evening we had a lovely evening at __  A. Peter and Helens B. Peter and Helen  C. Peter and Helens D. Peters and Helens  26. __ receives only a small portion of the total amount of the suns energy.  A. The earths surface  B. The surface earth  C. The surface of earth  D. The earth surface  27. Numerous materials are available to  A. today of designers  B. todays designers  C. todays of designers  D. today designers  28. Why did you speak to Peter that way? Dont you know he is an old friend of ?  A. my brother  B. my brothers  C. my brothers  D. my brothers friend  29. __ is a well-informed man. He can tell you anything you want to know.  A. This Johns old friend  B. This old friend of John  C. Thats Jahns old friend  D. This old friend of Johns  30. __ is too much for a little boy to carry.  A. A bikes weight  B. The weights of a bike  C. The weight of a bike  D. Bikes weight  31. Generally there are __ television programs for children on Saturday.  A. little  B. much  C. a large number of D. a large amount of  32. When they got to the lecture-room, there were __ left.  A. only few seats  B. a very few seats  C. only a few seats D. so a few seats  33. __ travels faster when the zip code is indicated on the envelope.  A. A little mail  B. A piece of mail  C. A mail  D. A small mail  34. The Department purchased __ to improve the working conditions there.  A. a new equipment  B. a new piece of equipment  C. new equipments  D. new pieces of equipments  35. The boy tried hard but there has been __ in his work.  A. little improvement  B. a little improvement  C. many improvements  D. few improvements


  学习英语,语法就那么令人头痛吗?  作者结合多年教学经验,就高中生一定要掌握的语法知识,总结出诸多快速记忆法,从而使纷繁复杂的语法现象变得简单明了、易懂易学,把抽象乏味的语法概念变得具体形象、生动有趣。  学习高中语法,看这本就够了!  拥有本书,让你的语法学习从此不再寂寞!




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