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刘金龙 著  






  大学英语六级考试改革的目标是更准确地测试在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是英语听说能力,以体现社会发展对我国大学生英语综合应用能力的要求。  许多考生由于对大学英语六级考试改革的理解不够透彻,在备考过程中往往具有一定的盲目性,缺乏针对性的训练。为了帮助广大考生更好地应对改革后的各种新题型,破解六级考试过程中的种种难题,笔者组织了长期奋战在大学英语教学和六级培训一线的教师,合力编写了该书。  本书由10套全真预测模拟试题组成,均系编者在对历年真题研究的基础上编写而成。通过对这10套模拟试题的详细讲解和评析,让考生熟悉考试题型、了解考试难度,迅速把握考点和测试要求;精心设计的练习可以帮助考生巩固、强化考试所需的技能。在练习材料的难度方面,兼顾不同水平的考生,设置了不同难度的练习。通过解题技巧的讲解,难度适中练习的操练,可帮助考生达到触类旁通的娴熟境地。  另外,本书还在所附的MP3光盘中,附送2007-2009年5套真题,内容涵盖全套题目、详细的参考答案、听力原文及听力录音。  本书特色  特点之一——作文部分,既有写作指南作指点,又有经典范文作参考,外加亮点解析,指出范文点晴之处。  特点之二——快速阅读和完型填空部分,均配有文章大意,帮助考生理解全文。  特点之三——阅读理解Section A部分,每小题答案详解均配有句子译文。  特点之四——阅读理解Section B部分,均配有全文翻译,便于考生理解全文,更好地解题。  特点之五——翻译部分不仅给出详细的解析,还根据题目特点,对相应语法、词法、句法点均给出拓展性讲解。考生既学习了翻译技巧,又重温了相关语法知识,一举两得。  总之,本书侧重在讲解过程中,除了对考点提供详细的解析外,还发散性地对考点进行了预测点拨,以期达到举一反三、触类旁通之功效。使学生通过练习,“渔”和“鱼”兼得。  本书结合了编者多年的教学、辅导和培训的实践经验,有的编者还多次参加六级考试阅卷工作,对六级考试具有一定的实战经验。书中有不少材料是编者在教学培训过程中使用过的,并得到学员的一致认同。可以说,有了他们的加盟使得本书的材料具有一定的可靠性和真实性。  由于编者学识和水平有限,书中错误之处在所难免,恳请广大同仁和读者批评指正。


本书特色  * 写作部分,既有写作指南,又有经典范文,外加亮点解析,指出范文点睛之处;  * 快速阅读和完型填空,均配有文章大意,帮助考生理解全文;  * 阅读理解,全文翻译,帮助考生更深入地理解全文,顺利地解题;  * 翻译部分不仅给出详细的解析,还根据题目特点,对相应语法、词法、句法均给出开拓性讲解,复习点涵盖翻译技巧和语法知识点,一举两得。


全真预测试题一全真预测试题二全真预测试题三全真预测试题四全真预测试题五全真预测试题六全真预测试题七全真预测试题八全真预测试题九全真预测试题十全真预测试题一 答案与解析全真预测试题二 答案与解析全真预测试题三 答案与解析全真预测试题四 答案与解析全真预测试题五 答案与解析全真预测试题六 答案与解析全真预测试题七 答案与解析全真预测试题八 答案与解析全真预测试题九 答案与解析全真预测试题十 答案与解析2007年12月大学英语六级考试真题(见光盘)2007年12月大学英语六级考试真题答案与解析(见光盘)2008年6月大学英语六级考试真题(见光盘)2008年6月大学英语六级考试真题答案与解析(见光盘)2008年12月大学英语六级考试真题(见光盘)2008年12月大学英语六级考试真题答案与解析(见光盘)2009年6月大学英语六级考试真题(见光盘)2009年6月大学英语六级考试真题答案与解析(见光盘)2009年12月大学英语六级考试真题(见光盘)2009年12月大学英语六级考试真题答案与解析(见光盘)


  The work bolstered her self-confidence. "Volunteering takes the focus off of you. Onething you have thats still valuable is your time. And, of course, you learn that there arethousands of people with a life thats much worse than yours," she says.  Volunteer assignments are also great ways to meet powerful and well-connected people.Over a six-month period, her volunteering evolved into working as a paid consultant and then asa full-time employee, a job she still holds today. In all, she was unemployed for eight months.  Before her job loss, she thought she didnt have time to volunteer while working. "Now,even though I have a demanding job, I still volunteer, because of what I got out of it," says Ms.Perez.Continuing Education  Gene Bellavance, a 36-year-old information-technology project manager, took anotherroute during his unemployment. When he was laid off from a steel company near Cleveland, heknew his immediate prospects were bleak. He expected his search to take a year. He faced adecision: take a job that would set back his career or hold out for an offer he really wanted.  Mr. Bellavance, single and virtually debt free, shifted his finances into survival mode. Hecashed out his pension, sold his house, unloaded things he didnt need at garage sales, and rentedan apartment with a roommate. Then, he says, "I signed up for every benefit I could find."  But he wasnt just waiting out the year. He spent the rest of his search updating his skills,including becoming certified in new database and project-management software.  In addition to income from the occasional IT-consulting assignment, he relied on acombination of displaced-worker-retraining grants and unemployment benefits. "I went out andfound the classes, submitted the paperwork, and dealt with the bureaucracy. You have to stayafter them, keeping your benefits moving forward. Its up to you to make it work with youroverall transition plan," he says.  His job search was one month shy of the full year hed expected. He looked for work duringhis training and says he would have finished the certification programs even if hed been hiredbefore completing them.  "People should not feel guilty" about accepting government aid, he says. "I saw this in a lotof people. They felt they were some kind of loser for taking benefits. My advice is. Get all youcan. Youve been paying for these programs in your entire career, and you may as well start tobenefit from them."Family Matters  In addition to pursuing training or volunteering, some displaced careerists use their time offwork to attend to family matters. Many executives rediscover their children or find time to helptheir parents.  Stanford Rappaport held three jobs in San Francisco, including high-tech and teachingpositions. When he was laid off from the high-tech job last year, he knew it might be a long slogbefore he could get another post like it in the Bay Area. "I was able to do the math," says Mr.Rappaport, 46. "The number of people laid off: huge; and the number of available jobs:miniscule. At the time, I thought it might be two or three years before the tech industry  Mr. Rappaports remaining job, a part-time faculty position with City College of SanFrancisco, didnt pay enough to support him.  Before he found an assignment, his Arkansas-based mother was diagnosed with a seriouschronic illness, and he was called into duty as a son. Mr. Rappaport was able to help his motherget her affairs in order not to interrupt his search by using a San Francisco mail drop andcellphone. "I continued to look for work in California while I was in Fayetteville, Ark., helpingmy mother through this crisis."  He took his mother to medical appointments, made repairs on her house, bought her abetter car, and straightened out her legal and financial affairs. "I even got to go through myfathers effects, which in the five years since he had died were simply piled in boxes in hisoffice," he says.  One of the unexpected benefits was the huge boost in confidence he gained from his role ascaregiver. Hed been feeling depressed and defeated when he left California, but afterreturning, he felt renewed. He landed a job with a former employer after returning to SanFrancisco and remains a part-time faculty member.Discovery and Exploration  Instead of spending time off lamenting your unemployed status, ask yourself: "Is theresomething Ive always wanted to do but havent because of the demands of my job?"  Felice Fisk, a 29-year-old in Seattle, recently left an account-manager position at acontract-furniture company. During seven months of unemployment, she took an interest infine-art painting and completed 18 pieces before returning to work. "I found the art work, orsome kind of creative outlet, to be really beneficial," she says. Shes now an interior designerfor an interior-design firm.  At the executive level, even a very efficient and successful job search may be quite lengthy.It makes sense to spend that time in an enriching and productive manner. These job seekerspursued service, continuing education and shoring up family bonds. How youll look back on aperiod of unemployment depends on what you do with it.


  上海外国语大学博士生导师 张健教授权威推荐  权威预测,六级考试  专家推荐,值得信赖  内容丰富,超值赠送五套真题及480分钟超长听力  边学边练 现学现用 摆脱六级考试的烦恼  从此六级考试不再是沉重的负担  冲刺四级,看这本就够了!





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