

张义君,刘燕梅 主编 首都经济贸易大学出版社





张义君,刘燕梅 主编  








Unit 1 Global Education
Text A Indcpth Reading-Non-traditional Learning
Text B Critical Reading-Discussing Distance Education
Text C Further Reading-Beyond Job Creation
Text D Enjoyable Reading-The Story of the Good Little Boy
Text E Timed Reading-Higher Education in the United States
Practical Writing Application Letters
Unit 2 Diversified Lifestyles
Text A Indepth Reading-Not Sky-high
Text B Critical Reading-Americans Evenly Divided on Morality of
Text C Further Reading-Your Lifestyle, Your Genes and Cancer
Text D Enjoyable Reading-The Great Gatsby
Text E Timed Reading-10 Ways to Embrace Change
Practical Writing Graphs writting
Unit 3 Literary Journey
Text A Indepth Reading-Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Text B Critical Reading-The Californian's Tale
Text C Further Reading-The Story of an Hour
Text D Enjoyable Reading-On Being in Love
Text E Timed Reading-Blue Wednesday
Practical Writing Reaction Essay
Unit 4 Remarkable Individuals
Text A Indepth Reading-Confucius
Text B Critical Reading-Picasso
Text C Further Reading-Tim Duncan
Text D Enjoyable Reading-Earnest Hemingway
Text E Timed Reading-Elvis Presley
Practical Writing Notes
Unit 5 Employment
Text A Indepth Reading-Green-collar Jobs?
Text B Critical Reading-Smoothing the Way to Self-employment
Text C Further Reading-" You' re fired!"-Memories of a Dark
Text D Enjoyable Reading-The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the
Importance of Imagination
Text E Timed Reading-How to Fight Your Career Fears
Practical Writing Resume
Unit 6 Gender Equality
Text A Indepth Reading-Is True Gender Equality Possible?
Text B Critical Reading-What Larry Summers Got Right
Text C Further Reading-We Do Not Count Women
Text D Enjoyable Reading-Jane Eyre (adapted)
Text E Timed Reading-We Did It
Practical Writing Summary
Unit 7 Business World
Text A Indepth Reading-How You Do Things as a Company Matters More
Today Than Ever
Text B Critical Reading-People Respond to Incentives
Text C Further Reading-A Very European Crisis
Text D Enjoyable Reading-The Merchant of Venice
Text E Timed Reading-Steve Jobs and the iPad of hope Practical
Writing Abstract
Unit 8 Environment
Text A Indepth Reading-Protecting Wildlife from Trash
Text B Critical Reading-Global Warming
Text C Further Reading-Global Trends in Energy Technology
Text D Enjoyable Reading-Thinking Like a Mountain
Text E Timed Reading-Water Pollution Facts and Figures
Practical Writing Book Review


  2. This good little boy read all the Sunday-school books; they were his greatest delight. This was the whole secret of it. He believed in the good little boys they put in the Sunday-school books; he had every confidence in them. He longed to come across one of them alive once; but he never did. They all died before his time, maybe. Whenever he read about a particularly good one he turned over quickly to the end to see what became of him, because he wanted to travel thousands of miles and gaze on him ; but it wasn' t any use; that good little boy always died in the last chapter, and there was a picture of the funeral, with all his relations and the Sunday-school children standing around the grave in pantaloons that were too short, and bonnets that were too large, and everybody crying into handkerchiefs that had as much as a yard and a half of stuff in them. He was always headed off in this way. He never could see one of those good little boys on account of his always dying in the last chapter.   3. Jacob had a noble ambition to be put in a Sunday-school book. He wanted to be put in, with pictures representing him gloriously declining to lie to his mother, and her weeping for joy about it; and pictures representing him standing on the doorstep giving a penny to a poor beggar-woman with six children, and telling her to spend it freely, but not to be extravagant, because extravagance is a sin. That was the ambition of young Jacob Blivens. He knew it was more fatal than consumption to be supernaturally good as the boys in the books were; he knew that none of them had ever been able to stand it long, and it pained him to think that if they put him in a book he wouldn' t ever see it, or even if they did get the book out before he died it he wouldn' t be popular without any. picture of his funeral in the back part of it. It couldn' t be much of a Sunday-school book that couldn' t tell about the advice he gave to the community when he was dying. So at last, of course, he had to make up his mind to do the best he could under the circum-stances-to live right, and hang on as long as he could, and have his dying speech all ready when his time came.   4. But somehow nothing ever went right with this good little boy, nothing ever turned out with him the way it turned out with the good little boys in the books. They always had a good time, and the bad boys had the broken legs; but in his case there was a screw loose somewhere, and it all happened just the other way. When he found Jim Blake steal-ing apples, and went under the tree to read to him about the bad little boy who fell out of a neighbor' s apple tree and broke his arm, Jim fell out of the tree, too, but he fell on him and broke his arm,and Jim wasn' t hurt at all. Jacob couldn' t understand that. There wasn't anything in the books like it.   ……






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