First Edition Over the past two-plus years, my day job has involved XAML-izing'various parts of the Microsoft universe. My standard refrain when encountering XAML newbies has been "read the XAML appendix from Chris and Ian's book." That appendix (originally printed in the beta edition of this book) was easily the most direct and to-thepoint treatment of the topic I've seen, and several dozen of my coworkers got their first taste of XAML from Ian's excellent writing. (Ian wrote the XAML appendix.) Over the past year, as I've started to make the transition from runfime plumber to pixel pusher, the chapters on WPF proper were super-efficient in getting me off the ground (things have changed a lot since I wrote my last WndProc). At the time this edition hits the shelves, there are numerous books dedicated to WPF, written by some pretty notable folks. This book is unique in that Ian has been telling the story on the road for a couple of years getting the right balance of conceptual understanding and pragmatic "everyone screws this up" experience. I know from personal experience that there's nothing like teaching to hone a story to perfection-this book is evidence of that. . Ian's co-author should thank his lucky stars that lan was willing to travel the planet trying out the material rather than taking a cushy job in Windows. Now that they've gotten this book out, maybe Ian should take a cushy job, too. He's certainly earned it. Second Edition Wow, I can't believe that after all that time in the chute, ,NET 3.0 and Windows Vista have finally shipped. I vividly remember scrambling backstage at PDC 2003 with Chris trying to ready the first live demonstration of .NET 3.0 (then called WinFX) for the keynote speaker, Jim Allchin. It was an especially stressful keynote because Les Angeles was plagued with brush fires at the time and Chris Anderson's flight had been canceled; fortunately Chris Sells had already arrived and was ready to pinch-hit both in preparation and presentation if Chris, in fact, couldn't make it to L.A. in time. At the rime, Chris' job at Microsoft was to make sure that Vista——including WPF——was a smashing success. Little did he know it would take almost four years until the product actually shipped (which of course is a prerequisite for success). So, what's the big deal with WPF? Like its sister .NET 3.0 technology, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), WPF embraces the "it takes a village" approach to software development and uses XAML to allow people with different skill sets to collaborate in the development process. In the case of WF, XAML lets high-level process and rule descriptions integrate with imperative code written in C# or Visual Basic. In the case of WPF, XAML is the bridge between us code monkeys and the beret-wearing, black-turtleneck set who design visuals that look like they weren't designed by, well, us code monkeys. WPF really is an impressive piece of technology: documents, forms, and multimedia all wrapped up nicely in a markupand code-friendly package. What I find even more impressive is the fact that Chris found the time outside his day job to pull together the book you're holding in your hands right now, capturing those four-plus years of experience with WPF (including screenshots!) into a digestible and portable form. I've had the good fortune of having many conversations with Chris over the years about the nuances of WPF——sometimes on the phone, sometimes in his office (it's across the hall from mine), and sometimes at the poker table. This book has taught me a whole lot more. Now that it's all shipped, let the light blinking begin! ——Don Box Architect, Microsoft .. When I joined Microsoft 11 years ago, I first worked in the IT group, building applications to help the Microsoft sales force analyze data. I developed using Visual Basic 4.0 on early versions of Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 before moving over to work on the development team for Visual Basic 5.0, and later, 6.0. As time went on, I worked on Visual J++, Windows Foundation Classes, .NET, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, and eventually the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). When I learned to program Windows, I read the book that was considered the "bible" of Windows programming at the time, Programming Windows 3.1 by Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press). After helping to build the next-generation programming platform for Microsoft——the .NET Framework——I was first introduced to Chris Sells because he'd written the "bible" of programming .NET client applications: Windows Forms Programming (Addison-Wesley). Later, while I was building WPF, Chris and Ian were already writing the first book for that technology, too. As part of his work, Chris provided feedback on early versions of WPF, drawing on his extensive experience as a preeminent author and educator for programming client applications for Windows. In fact, based on his sensibilities, we actually refer to a customer-focused style of system design used in my group as the "Sellsian" approach. Of course, Chris didn't write this book all by himself. Ian Griffiths is a tremendously gifted technologist with a pedigree that includes working with DevelopMentor and now Pluralsight as a consultant, developer, speaker, and author (his works include .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell [O'Reilly]), focusing on a wide range of technologies including Windows Forms and WPF. I've had less opportunity to spend time with Ian; however, in every interaction with him, I have been amazed! Chris and Ian have both followed client technology since the early days of Windows. While I have spent my career building platforms, Chris and Ian have spent their careers making them accessible to fi broad range of developers. As Chris puts it, they've been "following along behind [me] with a broom and a dustpan, cleaning up [my] messes for years." This book is a thorough and comprehensive dive into WPF. Chris and Ian's unique approach to explaining and building software illuminates the corners and open vistas of the platform. When they bump into its limitations, they don't just explain them, but they show you how to work around them and solve real-world problems.
这本书的设计初衷是让你快速掌握微软Windows Presentation Foundation,如果想要构建完全利用Windows Vista和Windows XP用户界面潜能的应用程序,这就是一项你需要学习的技术。读到第二页,你将会编写一个简单的WPF应用程序。第一章结束时,你就已经遍览了WPF的主要元素。 这本《WPF编程》第二版根据WPF正式发布版更新,包括了导航、文本与文档、打印与XPS以及3D图形等主题,还有一个新的附录,涵盖了微软近期发布的用于通过标准Web浏览器传递丰富用户界面的Suverhght平台——其与Adobe Flash十分相似。第一版中的内容已被大量扩展和修改,此外本书还包括: 众多C#和XAML范例,从简单的“Hello,AvaIon”到“井”字游戏,向你展示用什么可以让一个WPF应用程序启动并运行; 关于WPF带给Windows开发强大的新编程风格的极富见地的讨论,特别是它的新控件模型 讲解颜色插值,以更好地阐释WPF对3D、颜色以及其他图形效果的支持 XAML教程,即介绍声明Windows UI的新的类HTML标记语言 说明并比较Windows Form与其他旧Windows应用程序支持的互操作特性 WPF代表了基于控制的Windows和基于内容的Web这两大世界中的最先进技术。《WPF编程》帮助你将它们结合在一起。
作者:(美)塞尔斯 等
ForewordsPreface1. Hello, WPF WPF from Scratch XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs) Content Models Layout Controls Data Binding Dependency Properties Resources Styles Animation Control Templates Graphics 3D Documents and Printing2. Applications and Settings Application Lifetime Application Deployment Settings3. Layout Layout Basics StackPanel WrapPanel DockPanel Grid Canvas Viewbox Common Layout Properties When Content Doesn't Fit ScrollViewer Custom Layout4. Input Routed Events Mouse Input Keyboard Input Ink Input Commands Code-Based Input Handling Versus Triggers5. Controls What Are Controls? Buttons Slider and Scroll Controls ProgressBar Text Controls ToolTip GroupBox and Expander List Controls Menus Toolbars GridSplitter6. Simple Data Binding Without Data Binding Data Binding Debugging Data Binding7. Binding to List Data Binding to List Data Data Source Providers Master-Detail Binding Hierarchical Binding8. Styles Without Styles Inline Styles Named Styles Element-Typed Styles Data Templates and Styles Triggers9. Control Templates Beyond Styles Logical and Visual Trees Data-Driven UI 10. Windows and Dialogs Window Dialogs11. Navigation NavigationWindow Pages Frames XBAPs Navigation to HTML12. Resources Creating and Using Resources Resources and Styles Binary Resources Global Applications13. Graphics Graphics Fundamentals Shapes Bitmaps Brushes and Pens Transformations Visual Layer Programming14. Text and Flow Documents Fonts and Text Styles Text and the User Interface Text Object Model Typography15. Printing and XPS XPs XPS Document Classes Generating XPS Output XPS File Generation Features System.Printing Displaying Fixed Documents16. Animation and Media Animation Fundamentals Timelines Keyframe Animations Path Animations Clocks and Control Transition Animations Audio and Video17. 3D Graphics 3D Content in a 2D World Cameras Models Lights Textures Transforms 3D Data Visualization Hit Testing18. Custom Controls Custom Control Basics Choosing a Base Class Custom Functionality Supporting Templates in Custom Controls Default Styles UserControl AdornersA. XAMLB. InteroperabilityC. Asynchronous and Multithreaded WPF ProgrammingD. WPF Base TypesE. SilverlightIndex
《WPF编程(影印版)(第2版)》是《WPF编程》之第二版,全书共人分18个章节,对导航、文本与文档、打印与XPS以及3D图形等主题作了介绍,另外,还有一个新的附录,涵盖了微软近期发布的用于通过标准Web浏览器传递丰富用户界面的Suverhght平台。该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。 “《WPF编程(影印版)(第2版)》十分全面深入地剖析了WPF。Chris和lan阐释和构建软件的独特方式照亮了每一个角落并且充分展现了平台的全貌。当他们碰到它的缺点时,不会马上解释,而是向你展示如何应付它们,如何解决实际问题。”——Chris Anderson,原Windows Presentation Foundation架构师“这些年来,我非常幸运地与Chris Sells就WPF的细节有过多次对话——有些时候通过电话,有些时候在他的办公室里(在我办公室门前走廊的另一端),有些时候在牌桌上……《WPF编程(影印版)(第2版)》教会我很多东西。”——Don Box,微软架构师
很厚的一本书,英文版的,买的时候没注意 慢慢看吧 还是挺值得的.
这本书出版的时间是2007年(HOW TIME FLIES...哈哈哈),那个时候WPF对很多Windows程序员来说还是一项令人怀疑的,费解的而且令人厌恶的技术。我当时正在用WinForm做桌面应用,因此我很是怀疑还有比WinForm更好的UI Framework。直到2009年底我才接触WPF,很花时间,门槛也很高,需要学习的东西太多了,无数的DataBinding的写法,无数的Template,一时不知道学什么好,特别是Blend的出现更是让自己觉得在万能的工具面前好渺小。所以在混沌中,又过了两年,几乎什么都弄不明白。2012年开始,由于工作的需要,我再也不做WinForm的开发了。从那以后,我就只用WPF了。学了很多东西,但总觉得如果有个人问我WPF到底是什么,我甚至都答不上来。所以我迫切地需要一本书来概括性地介绍WPF。尽管这本书出版的时候,Vista操作系统甚至还没有普及,VS2008也还没有发布,但是书中的基本的概念到今天仍然是适用的。章节的结构组织得很好,作者的行文也很有序,阅读难度不高,都可以理解。在读了两个月之后,我终于可以跟别人说,WPF是一种实现应用程序和用户交互的技术,它可以实现XXX,它的事件模型OOO,VisualTree是这样子的。。。
这本书挺好,《Pro WPF in C# 2008》更好,希望尽快引进!