(英)巴里,(美)格里菲思 著
通过此书,你将学习: 你是否曾经希望可以从一本书里学习如何编程?如果你以前没有编程经验,你可能想知道该从哪里开始。 《深入浅出程序设计》介绍了编写计算机程序的核心概念:变量、判断、循环、函数与对象——无论运用哪种编程语言,都能在动态且多用途的Python语言中使用具体示例和练习来运用并巩固这些概念。 学习基本的工具来开始编写你感兴趣的程序,而不是其他人认为你应该使用的通用软件,并对软件能做什么(不能做什么)有一个更好的了解。当你完成这些,你就拥有了必要的基础去使用任何一种你需要或想要学习的语言或软件项目。 本书的特别之处在于: 我们认为你的时间如此宝贵以至于不应该花费在为新概念伤脑筋上面。《深入浅出程序设计》用最新的认知科学和学习理论打造多感官的学习体验,运用适合大脑工作方式的直观的格式编排,而不是令人昏昏欲睡的密密麻麻的文字。
作者:(英国)巴里(Paul Barry) (美国)格里菲思(David Griffiths)巴里(Paul Barry) recently worked out that he hasbeen programming for close to a quarter century, afact that came as a bit of a shock. In that time, Paulhas programmed in lots of different programminglanguages, lived and worked in two countries on twocontinents, got married, had three kids (well... his wifeDeirdre actually had them, but Paul did play his part),completed a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computing, writtentwo other books, written a bunch of technical articlesfor Linux Fournal, and managed not to lose his hair.., asituation that, sadly, may in fact be changing.格里菲思(David Griffiths) began programming at age 12,when he saw a documentary on the work of Seymour Papert. At age 15, he wrote an implementation ofPapert's computer language LOGO. After studyingPure Mathematics at University, he began writing codefor computers and magazine articles for humans. He'sworked as an agile coach, a developer, and a garageattendant, but not in that order. He can write code inover I0 languages and prose in just one, and when notwriting, coding, or coaching, he spends much of hisspare time travelling with his lovely wife——and fellowHead First author——Dawn.
Intro1 Starting to Code: Finding Your Way2 Textual Data: Every String Has Its Place3 Functions: Let's Get Organized4 Data Files and Arrays: Sort It Out5 Hashes and Databases: Putting Data in Its Place6 Modular Programming: Keeping Things Straight7 Building a Graphical User Interface: Going All Gooey8 GUIs and Data: Data Entry Widgets8 1/2 Exceptions and Message Boxes: Get the Message?9 Graphical Interface Elements: Selecting the Right Tool10 Custom Widgets and Classes: With an Object in Mindi Leftovers: The Top Ten Things (We Didn't Cover)
《深入浅出程序设计》使用迭代过程做出了非常出色的编程教学添加一点点,多一点点解释,使程序更好一点点这是现实世界中的编程工作我推荐这本书给任何想要涉足编程却又不知道从哪里开始的人”。 ——Jeremy Jones《Python fot Unix and Linux System Administration》的合著者“本书的两位作者已经精心创作出了’深入浅出’系列最新的佳作有什么是你希望你的计算机可以做但又无法为其编程的吗?在《深入浅出程序设计》里,你将学习如何编写代码,让你的计算机按你的方式做事。” ——Bill Mietelski软件工程师
恒经典的书,值得拥有,就是...略贵啊 呵呵