(美)西格兰,(美)哈梅巴赫 著
WHEN WE WERE FIRST APPROACHED WITH THE IDEA OF A FOLLOW-UP TO BEAUTIFUL CODE, THIS TIMEabout data, we found the idea exciting and very ambitious. Collecting, visualizing, andprocessing data now touches every professional field and so many aspects of daily life thata great collection would have to be almost unreasonably broad in scope. So we contacted ahighly diverse group of people whose work we admired, and were thrilled that so manyagreed to contribute.This book is the result, and we hope it captures just how wide-ranging (and beautiful)working with data can be. In it you'll learn about everything from fighting with govern-ments to working with the Mars lander; you'll learn how to use statistics programs, makevisualizations, and remix a Radiohead video; you'll see maps, DNA, and something we canonly really call "data philosophy."
你很快就会发现基于数据的工作会变得多么广泛和美妙。通过一系列的个人故事,该领域的39位最佳数据从业者解释了他们是如何为各式各样的项目来开发简单而又优雅的解决方案,包括从火星着陆器到电台司令(radiohead)的视频,以及更多。通过这本书,你可以: ·探索大量在线数据集内在的机会和挑战 ·了解如何使用地图和数据糅合来可视化城市犯罪趋势 ·发现众包和透明度如何推进了药品研究的状态 ·理解新数据如何能在覆盖先前数据时提醒用户 ·了解处理dna数据所需的巨量基础设施
编者:(美国)西格兰(Toby Segaran) (美国)哈梅巴赫(Jeff Hammerbacher)
PREFACE 1 SEEING YOUR LiFE IN DATA by Nathan Yau Personal Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) your.flowingdata (YFD) Personal Data Collection Data Storage Data Processing Data Visualization The Point How to Participate 2 THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE: KEEPING USERS iN MIND WHEN DESIGNING DATA COLLECTION METHODS by Jonathan Follett and Matthew Holm Introduction: User Empathy Is the New Black The Project: Surveying Customers About a New Luxury Product Specific Challenges to Data Collection Designing Our Solution Results and Reflection 3 EMBEDDED IMAGE DATA PROCESSING ON MARS by J. M. Hughes
插图:We then purchased an inexpensive data set of IP-to-State information. With it, we wereable to match each IP address collected with the U.S. state in which it resided. Althoughwe could have scripted our pages to access this database and match the numbers at thetime of data collection, we chose to do the matching semi-automatically after the fact. Forstarters, the project budget and timeframe did not warrant purchasing the additionalserver power to handle the task. But more important, from a user perspective, was thedelay this matching would have inevitably built into the survey completion process.Although it might have been more convenient for us to receive finalized data at once, itwould have created an additional inconvenience for our user. When designing a data col-lection experience, it's important to think about what server tasks must take place duringthe survey in order for the user's needs to be met, and what tasks can be delayed until afterdata collection. Don't ask the user to do what you can do——or discover——on your own.All of this leads us back to the central point of this chapter, which is also the final, andcore, aspect of building trust: treat the respondent with respect. By demonstrating thatyou value the respondent and her time and intelligence, by interacting with her in a Con-versational manner (despite the fact that all survey questions are being delivered by a pre-programmed machine), and showing her that you've been "listening" to her answers(don't, for example, ask slight variations of the same question over and over again, whichmakes it seem as though you didn't pay attention to her original response), you'll increasetrust, encourage real answers, and keep the respondent from disengaging.
数据之美(影印版)“数据实际上已经是下一代计算机应用程序的真正核心。在本书中,业界领先者描述了他们的项目是如何采用新方法来攫取数据的威力。对于那些对数据的未来和解决问题的方法感兴趣的人来说,这是一本必须要读的书。” ——Tim O’Reilly,O’Reilly Media,Inc.创始人和CEO