ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAbstractChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature ReviewChapter 3 MethologyChapter 4 Results and DiscussionChapter 5 ConclusionReferencesAppendicesBIODATA OF THE AUTHOR
In a study evaluating attrition among bilingual Japanese children, Fujita (2002) hasargued that a number of factors are seen as necessary to maintain the two languages in thereturnee children. Those factors include: age on arrival in the L2 environment, length ofresidence in the L2 environment, and proficiency levels of the L1. Furthermore, shefound that L2 attrition was closely related to another factor: age of the child on returning tothe LI environment. Children returning around or before 9 were more likely to attrite thanthose returning later. Upon returning from overseas, pressure from society, their family,their peers and themselves forced returnee children to switch channels back to the L1 andthey quickly made effort to attain the level of native-like L1 proficiency of their peers. Atthe same time, lack of L2 support in school in particular in society in general resulted inan overall L2 loss. This research, which evidences that many social factors may exertinfluence on language attrition and the older returnees seem to be more resistant to theattrition process, seems plausible.