中国学生的托福口语成绩长期徘徊在全世界非英语国家考生的中下游,究其原因有很多。在本书中笔者将从出题人(Developer)的角度,从测试学、二语习得原理等角度对中国学生口语成绩的长期不理想进行解构,力图从“道”的层面到“术”的层面全面帮助同学们提高语言输出能力,提高新托福备考的效率,最终获得理想分数。 首先,众所周知在西方主流的八种语言教学法里,我国长期采用的是第一种教学法:Grammar-Translation Based Teaching Methodology(以下简称GT)(基于“文法一翻译”教学法)。这种方法作为西方语言教学和解构的方法原本的目的是帮助学习者进行文学赏析,但很快被西方人自己标注为Non-Scientific(不科学的)。成为一种过时的、不符合语言学习原理的教学法。西方的教学法从GT到Communicative Teaching Methodology(交互式教学法)不断从纯理论的赏析转变为实用主义。新托福考试的改革便是对世界主流教学法的一种回应,以适应大学对国际学生语言能力的要求。GT教学法在中国大陆的主流状态使得中国语言习得者语言的输入(阅读、听力)和输出能力(口语、写作)严重失衡。这种失衡导致中国学生在参加新托福考试时输出能力成为短板。 ……
范亚飞,英国谢菲尔德大学MA Globalizing Education: Policy and Practice;新东方教育科技集团国外考试北美项目教学教研主管;新东方教育科技集团10位演讲师之一;美国ETS培训认证教师;留学考试备考与申请资深专家。 余嘉禾,北京外国语大学BA International Journalism and Communication;CCTV9 Up Close实习编辑;新托福考试高分获得者。
第一章 新托福口语考试设计原理与解题方法
1.1 新托福口语考试设计原理
1.2 新托福口语考试解题方法
第二章 新托福口语Task 1解题方法与历年真题精析
2.1 Task 1解题方法
2.2 历年真题精析与答案
第三章 新托福口语Task 2解题方法与历年真题精析
3.1 Task 2解题方法
3.2 历年真题精析与答案
第四章 新托福口语Task 3解题方法与历年真题精析
4.1 Task 3解题方法
4.2 历年真题精析与答案
第五章 新托福口语Task 4解题方法与历年真题精析
5.1 Task 4解题方法
5.2 历年真题精析与答案
第六章 新托福口语Task 5解题方法与历年真题精析
6.1 Task 5解题方法
6.2 历年真题精析与答案
第七章 新托福口语Task 6解题方法与历年真题精析
7.1 Task 6解题方法
7.2 历年真题精析与答案
附录 新托福口语备考精华语料库
参考答案 Affiliation refers to having a close relationship with one person or a group. This concept has been applied in advertisements to show the product has a close connection with people.The professor gives an example of two ways to make advertisement for a soda company using the affiliation techniques. In one of the ads, people are enjoying themselves at a party and drinking a specific kind of soda. Then the message is delivered that drinking this soda makes people have fun. It forms a good relationship between people and product. In the other ad, people are drinking the same kind of soda at a baseball game when someone takes out a different bottle. This action shocks everyone at the game and creates an awkward moment. TASK 4-14 Ecosystem Everything in the natural world is connected. An ecosystem is a natural community, which includes living organisms such as all plants, animals and microorganisms and physical surroundings such as the air, water, and the soil. All the parts work together to make a balanced system by interacting and interdependent relationships. If the ecosystem is harmed by its surroundings or human activity, "resilience" will allow the ecosystem to return to its original situation. Now listen to part of a talk in a ecology class. The professor is discussing ecosystem. Let me give you an example. When oil tankers spill oil on the fragile coastal ecosystem, the oil is spilled on coral reefs and kills many fish. Living organisms like fish are killed, but more than that, this harms the water by stimulating the growth of aquatic plants and algae. Scientists worry that excessive growth of algae blocks light to deeper water and this brings more death to the ecosystem. Attempts to clean up the spill involve human effort, but more surprisingly, organisms restore nature themselves. This is how it works. Algae increase when fish die, then the living fish replace the dead fish to eat the algae. This way the algae are removed from the water. And also this is how the ecosystem recovers from the spill. Using points and examples from the lecture, explain how the ecosystem is restored in the resilient system. 参考答案 An ecosystem includes living organisms and physical surroundings. All the parts work together to make a balanced system. If the ecosystem is harmed, "resilience" will allow the ecosystem to return to its original situation. The professor explains this by giving an example of the coastal ecosystem. After the oil tankers spill oil on the fragile coastal ecosystem, many living organisms like fish are killed and the water is polluted because aquatic plants and algae grow. Scientists worry it will cause deadly harm to its ecosystem. But surprisingly, organisms restore nature themselves. Algae increase when fish die, then the living fish replace the dead fish to eat the algae. Then the algae are removed from the water. ……
亚飞作为教授北美课程资深教师,在新东方任教8年来备课特别认真,善于不断完善自己,不断追求完美。相信他的这本书对广大托福考生大有用处。 ——张洪伟(新东方教育科技集团助理副总裁兼国外考试推广管理中心主任) 亚飞的这本《新托福口语备考攻略与真题精析》是国内第一本从ETS出题原理出发,从根源上去解构新托福口语考试的优秀作品。这样富有实战性的书值得大家拥有。 ——范猛(北京新东方北美考试部总监) 亚飞的这本书,可以帮助广大托友迅速攻克托福最大的“拦路虎”! ——邱政政(上海新东方国外考试部总监;悉尼大学教育学硕士;2010世博志愿者外语总培训师;13年古董级教师;口译研究中心主任;上海外语频道ICS主持人。) 新东方托福口语名师飞哥带你一起飞。 ——戴云(北京新东方综合能力部总监;新东方集团培训师;授课极受欢迎,人称“黄 衣教主”。) 亚飞老师的这本书最为突出的特点是口语方法论。犹如庖丁解牛,可操作性极强并配有真枪实弹的练习题,外教严格把关参考答案,是市面上第一本对ETS出题原理准确全面解析的极佳备考参考书。 ——赵丽(新东方集团培训师,ETS认证培训师;人称“词汇王”;国内GMAT、GRE、TOEFL、SAT项级名师。) 亚飞老师是一个勤奋、用心、专业的老师,跟着他学习,每天都会有收获。 ——杜昶旭(北京博智天下信息技术有限公司创始人,总裁;Langlib互动英语学习 平台创始人;北京新东方学校国外考试部10年资深教师。) 此书是针对中国考生的托福口语全套解决方案,能迅速帮你找到分数瓶颈并一举突破,强烈推荐! ——谢侃(杭州新东方国外考试部总监;ETS培训认证师;托福资深教师。) 亚飞老师这本书的问世对广大托福的考生将是最好的福音。你看还是不看,这本书都会彰显它的力量。 ——车延斌(新东方优秀管理者;大学生实战口语创始人;畅销书《超越自我的力量》作者。)
《新托福口语备考攻略与真题精析》主要特点:1.ETS培训深入浅出结构出题原理; 2.方法论与真题相互印证出高分不难; 3.收获的不仅仅是高分还有西方思维!
东西感觉还不错 不过还要等我用用再看看吧
细节比较注意 感觉不错 勾画的一些重点