

周琳 编 上海财经大学出版社有限公司





周琳 编  




  “外贸英语函电”是国际商务专业及商务英语专业的核心课程之一,是一门将英语与国际贸易业务环节相结合的课程。《外贸英语函电》介绍国际贸易实务中各种英文业务函件及电子邮件的写作格式和表达方法,以及对外贸易各环节的具体做法,旨在提高学生英语水平的同时,使其掌握国际贸易实务中常用的基本术语及表达技巧,培养和强化其外贸业务能力,为从事国际贸易工作服务。  《外贸英语函电》的主要特点是:  (1)以对外经贸商务活动的成交过程为主线;  (2)信函范例精选国际贸易活动的最新材料和实例;  (3)突出基本词汇、句型和格式,学会撰写规范的国际贸易函电;  (4)练习形式多样化,有针对性,力求做到学以致用。  《外贸英语函电》共13章。第1章系统介绍了英文商务信函写作的基本知识。第2~13章则遵循外贸常规流程,依次介绍业务关系建立、资信调查、询盘和发盘、还盘和接受、订单及其履行、支付方式、信用证、包装、装运、保险、索赔和理赔、贸易方式、业务合同订立等内容。书后附有参考文献和单元练习的参考答案。另外,我们为选择《外贸英语函电》作教材的教师提供电子课件。  《外贸英语函电》由周琳担任主编,范隽瑜、盛晓辉为副主编。具体编写分工为:前言和第1、2章由翁婷婷编写。第3、4、5章由周琳编写。第6、7章由杨敏编写。第8、9章由盛晓辉编写。第10、11章由范隽瑜编写。第12、13章由何艳编写。  由于编写时间和水平有限,书中不妥之处在所难免,敬请同仁和广大读者不吝赐教,批评指正。




前言Chapter 1 Business Letter WritingLearning AimsSection 1Section 2Section 3NotesExercisesChapter 2 Establishing Business RelationsLearning AimsCase 2-1Case 2-2Case 2-3NotesIntroduce Sentence PatternsExercisesChapter 3 Enquiries and RepliesLearning AimsCase 3-1Case 3-2Case 3-3Case 3-4NotesExercisesChapter 4 Offers and Counter-offersLearning AimsCase 4-1Case 4-2Case 4-3Case 4-4Case 4-5NotesExercisesChapter 5 AcceptanceLearning AimsCase 5-1Case 5-2Case 5-3Case 5-4Case 5-5NotesExercisesChapter 6 Sending Proforma InvoiceLearning AimsCase 6-1Case 6-2Case 6-3Case 6-4NotesExercisesChapter 7 Modes of Modern CommunicationLearning AimsSection 1 TelegramSection 2 TelexSection 3 FaxSection 4 E-mailNotesExercisesChapter 8 Sales PromotionLearning AimsCase 8-1Case 8-2Case 8-3Case 8-4NotesExercisesChapter 9 Terms of PaymentLearning AimsCase 9-1Case 9-2Case 9-3Case 9-4Case 9-5NotesExercisesChapter 10 PackingLearning AimsCase 10-1Case 10-2Case 10-3Case l0-4NotesExercisesChapter 11 InsuranceLearning AimsCase 11-1Case 11-2Case 11-3Case 11-4NotesExercisesChapter 12 ShipmentLearning AimsCase 12-1Case 12-2Case 12-3Case 12-4NotesExercisesChapter 13 Complaints & ClaimsLearning AimsCase 13-1Case 13-2Case 13-3Case 13-4NotesExercisesSuggested AnswersChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Reference


  1. Cartons, as a kind of packing container, have been extensively used in foreign trade. Therefore, you need not worry about their seaworthiness.  2. Prices of goods usually include the cost of packing. The phrases "including export packing" means that the quotation includes the costs of packing suitable for exports, tf the quotation does not include the cost of packing, the word "Export packing is for buyersaccount" should be inserted in the contract.  3. We are afraid that we have to charge you extra for the designated packing, as it will call for additional labor and cost.  4. We sincerely hope that you will take this matter into consideration and make necessary improvements so as to avoid unforeseen trouble arising from faulty packing.  5. These cartons are well protected against moisture by plastic lining.  6. We trust that you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid damage to the goods in transit.  7. The goods are to be packed in wooden cases containing 20 dozen each.  8. I must make it clear that with the different packing material, the packing expense will be different.  9. On the outer packing , please mark it with the phrase" Handle with Care".  10. Each case is lined with foam plastic in order to protect the goods against impact.




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