Chapter 1 Entry and Exit of Territory1.1 Chinas Regulations and Requirements for Entry, Transit and Departure of Aircraft1.2 Entry, Transit and Departure of Passengers and CrewChapter 2 Dispatching2.1 Responsibility for Operational Control2.2 Eligibility Requirements2.3 Aircraft Dispatcher Qualifications and Duty Time2.4 Dispatching and Flight Release2.5 Records and Reports for All Certificate HoldersChapter 3 Air Cargo3.1 Introduction to Air Cargo Industry3.2 IATA—international Air Transport Association3.3 Two Giants in Air Cargo Industry3.4 Air Cargo Reference GuideChapter 4 Air Fares and Ticketing4.1 Basic Knowledge4.2 Air Fares4.3 TicketingChapter 5 Secretarial English5.1 A Brief Introduction to the Profession of Secretaries5.2 Guidelines for Good English Speaking Skills in Office5.3 Guidelines for Letter Writing