王晓农,张福勇 著
《英语句型与汉英翻译:基于认知语言学相关理论的探讨》包括三部分共七章,主要内容包括接近英语句型;英语句型与句子层次汉译英,其中所选的400个英语句型和汉译英应用实例基本涵盖了实际工作中可能遇到的各类英语句子类型;侧重于英语句法和句型应用的语篇汉译英原则和策略探讨。 《英语句型与汉英翻译:基于认知语言学相关理论的探讨》从英语应用的新视角审视汉译英实践问题,将英语知识和英语应用技能整合在汉译英实践中,注重翻译方法和策略的探讨,以培养基于英语应用能力的汉译英专业核心能力,体现了实用性。《英语句型与汉英翻译:基于认知语言学相关理论的探讨》针对中国高级英语学习者学习翻译的特点,以英语句型应用为切入点,提出了一套以句子汉译英处理为中心,以汉译英语篇认知世界的建构为依归的汉译英语篇翻译策略。
Codes and SignsPart I Approaching English Sentence PatternsChapter 1 Basic Structures of English Sentences and Sentence Patterns1.1 Cognitive basis of the basic sentence structures and sentence patterns as ICMs1.2 Basic sentence structures and their complicationChapter 2 English Sentence Patterns and Chinese-English TranslationPart II Applying English Sentence Patterns on the Sentence Level: Examples of Applying 400 Essential English Sentence PatternsChapter 3 Regular Sentence Patterns: Major Sentences3.1 Patterns introduced by there [unstressed]3.2 Patterns introduced by it3.3 Patterns containing attributive postmodifiers3.4 Patterns containing restrictive attributive clauses3.5 Relative clause as attribute3.6 Patterns containing complex subjects3.7 Patterns containing appositional that-/whether- clauses3.8 Patterns containing what-clauses3.9 Patterns containing wh-ever words3.10 Intransitive verb patterns3.11 Patterns containing continuous tenses and future forms3.12 Adjective patterns3.13 Patterns containing “SPO”3.14 Patterns with wish3.15 More patterns containing “SPO”3.16 Some important patterns containing modal verbs3.17 Patterns containing“SPOiOd”3.18 Patterns containing “SPOCo”3.19 Patterns containing “S+Lv+Cs”3.20 Patterns containing “S+Vi+Cs”3.21 Patterns of co-ordination3.22 Relative clause as co-ordinate or adverbial clause3.23 Patterns containing adverbial clauses, phrases or expressions3.24 More structures containing adverbial phrases3.25 Patterns containing disjuncts3.26 Patterns containing conjuncts3.27 Imperative sentence patterns3.28 Exclamatory sentence patterns3.29 Inversion and emphatic sentence patterns3.30 Elliptical constructionsChapter 4 Irregular Sentence Patterns: Minor Sentences4.1 Phrasal captions to pictures4.2 Block languagePart III Applying English Sentence Patterns on the Textual Level and Developing a C-E Textual Translation Strategy Based on the Cognitive Linguistics Perspective of TextChapter 5 Analysis of Comprehension of the Original Text in Translation in Light of the Cognitive Linguistics Perspective of Text5.1 CL perspective of text introduced5.2 Meaning of text and its understandingChapter 6 TTCE: From Sentence to Text6.1 Differences in mental coherence representations between Chinese and English texts6.2 TTCE: From a perspective of CL6.3 TTCE and the various worldsChapter 7 TTCE: Four Cardinal Principles and Their Application7.1 Cardinal principles over TTCE7.2 Treatment of individual sentences in a text7.3 TTCE on the basis of treatment of its component sentences7.4 Compensation in TTCE7.5 Concluding remarks for the present chapterReferences