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30多年来,我一直从事大学英语基础教学并讲授英语四、六级考试以及考研辅导班的课程。长期的教学实践使我接触了大量的翻译错误和写作中存在的问题,这些问题的症结几乎都是学生不能正确理解和运用惯用语所造成的。 惯用语在英语中占有重要地位,它不仅数量大,而且表述简练生动,表意准确。千百年的使用和锤炼,使惯用语的丰富的内容和完美的形式达到了和谐统一。正确理解和运用惯用语,对中国学生来说并非易事,这是因为惯用法是英语国家的人惯常使用的结果。有些可以讲出道理,有些则是约定俗成。因此,惯用法也是英语教学中的一个重要方面。在英语教学中,教师不仅要关心学生们语法上的正确与否,更应该关心他们所讲或所写的英语是否通顺和合乎习惯。例如,英语中该说:ItisalongwayfromLondon.而不说*ItisafarplacefromLondon.这是因为习惯用法来自生动活泼的语言实践,而非来自语法推理。学生遇到的另一个困难是同义词辨析问题。英语词汇十分丰富,而同义词又可谓绚丽多彩,但它们却不能百花齐放,而只能各司其职,各尽所能。也就是说,真正同义而又能相互替用的词屈指可数。例如“电脑走进千家万户”,译成英语应该是:Computershavefoundtheirwaysintomillionsofhomes.而不是*Computershaveenteredmillionsofhomes.同时,学生还会遇到成对的相关词语易混淆问题所带来的困难,如outofquestion(毫无疑问),outofthequestion(毫无可能);capitol(议会大厦),capital(首都),等等。还有一些名词的单复数形式也具有不同含义,如damage(毁坏),damages(赔偿费);attainment(达到),attainments(造诣),等等。
A1.a+不同冢禽单位词的惯用2.a bunch of+同一类别可数名词复数的惯用3.a+不同食物单位词的惯用4.a+不同类别事物单位词的惯用5. a career teacher; a professional teacher6. a few dollars, a little money7. a five-star, the fifth star8. a full-grown man, a full grown man9. a heap of, a pile of10. a kind of, one kind of11. a little, not a little12. a little-used car, a little used car13. a lot, a lot of14. a narrow majority, the silent majority15. a number of, the number of16. a number of, a quantity of17. a series of, a sequence of18. a/the succession of, a string of19. a severe father, a stem father, a strict father20; a thousand and one, a thousand to one, one in a thousand21. abed, in bed22. ability, aptitude, capability, capacity, faculty23. able, capable24. aboard, abroad25. abound in, abound with26. about, in, on27. about, around28. above all, after all29. abuse, abuses30. abuse one's function, perform one's function31. access to, accession to32. accent, delivery33. accept, receive34. accident, incident35. accommodate, fit in36. accommodation, accommodations37. accomplishment, accomplishments38. accord, accordance39. according as, according to, accordingly40. according to schedule, on schedule, on the schedule41. account, accounts42. accountable, countable43. accurate, exact, precise44. accuse sb. of sth. , charge sb. with sth.45. accustomed to sth. , used to do sth.46. acknowledge, admit47. acquisition, acquisitions48. acquire knowledge, learn English49. across, through, throughout50. act, action51. act as, act for52. active help, positive help53. actual, real54. add up, add up to55. adherence, adhesion56. admiration for, admiration of57. admiring, admirable58. admission, admittance59. admit of, admit to60. adopt, take61. adopted, adoptive62. advance, advancement63. advantage, advantages64. advantage, benefit, profit65. adventure, venture66. advice, advices67. advise sb. to do sth. , advise sb. against sth. , advice with sb. on sth.68. affair, affairs69. affect, influence, effect70. affectation, affection, affections71. affected, unnatural72. affiliate oneself with, be affiliated with73. afford, can afford74. afraid of sb. , afraid for sb.75. after a fashion, after the fashion of76. after a time, after time77. after his Martin...78. again, second again79. against, over against80. age, epoch, era81. ago, before82. agree on, agree with, agree to, agree in83. ahead of schedule, behind schedule84. ahead of time, against time85. aid, aids88. aid, assist, help87. aim at sth. , aim at doing sth.88. air, airs89. all, complete90. all day, all the day91. all out, all over92. all of, the whole of93. all the better, all the more94. all this, all that95. allow for, allow of96. almost, nearly97. alone, lone, lonely, lonesome98. along of, along with99. aloud, loud, loudly100. already, all ready101. already, yet102. also, by the way103. alter, change, vary104. alternate, rotate105. alternate, alternative106. alternately, alternatively107. altitude, latitude, attitude108. although, though, as109. although, while110. altogether, all together111. amiable, amicable112. among, amidst113. amount, number114. ample, enough115. amusement, amusements116. an amount of, a quantity of117. aneient, old118. and, and also119. and, if120. angry about sth. , angry with sb.121. annoyed, annoying122. answer up, answer up to123. anxiety, anxieties124. anxiety, care125. anxious about sth. , anxious to do sth.126. anything but, all but127. anything but, nothing but128. anything like, like anything129. any more, any further, any longer130. anyway, any way131. anywhere, everywhere132. apart from, besides, except133. appeal to sb. for sth. , appeal to sb. to do sth.134. appearance, look135. appeal for, appeal to136. application, applications137. apply for, apply to138. apply oneself to, apply one's mind to139. appointment, date140. appreciable, appreciative141. appreciate, enjoy142. approach to, way of143. apt, likely144. area, region145. argument, controversy, dispute146. arise, rise147. armful, armload148. army, troops……BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ