Report on the 10th World Congress of Semiotics,Staff Correspondent,In the Search for Aesthetic Experience,Eero Tarasti (Finland),Semiotics as the Semantic Organizer of Global Human Sciences-Semiotic,Theory: Western Philosophy-centered Approach Vs.Global,Interdisciplinary Approach等等。
Report on the 10th World Congress of SemioticsStaff CorrespondentIn the Search for Aesthetic ExperienceEero Tarasti (Finland)Semiotics as the Semantic Organizer of Global Human Sciences——SemioticTheory:Western Philosophy-centered Approach Vs.GlobalInterdisciplinary Approach" Youzheng Li (China)The Image Iconicity in the Chinese LanguageZhuanglin Hu (China)Cassirer in the Context of Saussurean SemioticsErsu Ding (China)CSS Anonymous Review of Manuscripts Started——Editors RemarksJiazu (Charles) Gu (China)The Process of Intercultural Communication: A Semiotic PerspectiveJuming Shen (China)Proximal and Distal Deixis in Spoken English:The Choice between This and ThatXin Bin Shen Lei (China)On the Theory of General SemioticsAbraham Solomonick (Israe)Understanding Peircean Semiotics and Its Influence on Linguistics——An Exploration on Triadic Logic System of Categories and Model of SignsCup Hong (China)Dzii-Baa and the Semiotic Junction of Marriage in the Mekuk TribeJean-Claude-Mbarga (Cameroon)Semiotic Interpretation of Metaphors in the Representation of SpeedSwitches of Electric FansLiu Yuhong Liu Yan (China)Peircean Semiotics and Text Linguistic ModelsPaul van den Hoven (The Netherlands)Special Column for the Study of Peircean SemioticsGuest-Edited by Dr. Charls Pearson, American PeoplesAmbassador to China for logic, semiotics, and Peirce studiesAn Introduction to Peircean Semiotics and the Philosophy ofInquiryCharls Pearson ( U. S. A. )The Status of Semiotic TheoryCharls Pearson ( U. S. A. )Understanding Peirces Mathematical Inquiry as a Practice: SomeOntological ImplicationsElizabeth F. Cooke ( U. S. A. )On Contexts, Complexity, and Continuity:Grounding Peirces Theory of Semiosis to Explain Intersubjective Interpretation, as Exemplified by MozartRobert S. Hatten ( U. S. A. )
The 40th anniversary of the foundation of the International Association for Semiotic Studies/Association Internationale de Semiotique (IASS/AIS) was celebrated with the 10th World Congress of Semiotics held in La Coruna (Spain) from September 22 to 26, 2009. The theme of the Congress was "Culture of Communication, Communication of Culture". According to the statement of the official website of the Congress, from a semiotic perspective, the main aim is to analyze and interpret all social and cultural phenomena which make up the contemporary communication society. The Congress attracted more than nine hundred participants and featured forty-five sessions and round tables. Furthermore, international plenary speakers addressed the Congress, including Umberto Eco who gave his speech from home via Internet video, and Salman Rushdie who talked about the role of novel and fiction writers in todays world. Recognized as a truly global congress, this great gathering of semioticians showcased new developments from the last decades, cognitive semiotics, biosemiotics, the semiotics of new information technologies and their impact in the digital age.