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  随着世界经济一体化的推进,我国在国际经济活动中的地位不断提高,我们的时代与社会对从事国际商务活动的复合型人才的需求日益迫切,这对国际商务英语教学无疑提出了越来越高的要求。一本服务于国际商务英语教学的好教材也必须与时俱进。  虽然本教材第二版自2007年出版以来仍受读者欢迎,前后重印了10余次,但基于时效性的考虑,我们还是觉得有必要进行修订,使其更加完善,更能跟上时代的节拍。此次修订工作主要涉及以下几个方面:  1.根据广大读者的要求,充实和增补了一部分课文范文及阅读材料,旨在为读者提供更多的商函实例,以便学习和参考。  2.对部分课文的内容做了调整和更新,以使内容和结构更加合理。  3.对部分练习做了删减和补充,以达到更佳的训练效果。  4.对部分课文的词汇与注释做了相应的调整和增补,以帮助读者更好地理解与掌握各个业务环节的知识和技能。  由于编者水平有限,不足之处仍望读者批评指正。


随着世界经济一体化的推进,我国在国际经济活动中的地位不断提高,我们的时代与社会对从事国际商务活动的复合型人才的需求日益迫切,这对国际商务英语教学无疑提出了越来越高的要求。 本教材将基础英语写作技巧、基本翻译技巧、语法重点难点、介词习惯搭配等语言角度的知识与国际贸易实务知识融为一体,一方面解决“够用”与“实用”的问题,另一方面也确保知识基础扎实。对于有一定英语基础并已初步了解国际贸易进出口业务知识的学生来说,掌握好商务英语中的介词用法,就等于学好了英语函电,因此本教材还特别归纳了介词用法。


Unit 1 Modern Business Letters Text A The Language of Modern Business Letters Text B The Parts of Modern Business Letters New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Preposition AT Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 2 Establishing Business Relations Text A Text B Text C New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition IN Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 3 Enquiry Text A Text B Text C New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition ON Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 4 Firm Offer & Non-Firm Offer Text A A Firm Offer Text B A Non-Firm Offer Text C Quotation New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition WITH Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 5 Counter-Offer & Orders Text A A Counter-Offer Text B An Order Text C Counter-Offer New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition BY Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 6 Confirmation & Acceptance Text A Accepting a Repeat Order Text B Confirming an Order Text C Declining an Order New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition FROM Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 7 A Sales Confirmation Text A The Import and Export Contract Text B Sales Confirmation New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Preposition AGAINST Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 8 A Sales Contract New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Preposition INTO Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 9 Payment & Letters of Credit Text A Payment Text B Introducing Terms of Payment Text C Letter of Credit New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition UNDER Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit I0 Examination of an L/C Text A Text B Asking for Amendments to Letters of Credit Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 7 A Sales Confirmation Text A The Import and Export Contract Text B Sales Confirmation New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Preposition AGAINST Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 8 A Sales Contract Text New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Preposition INTO Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 9 Payment & Letters of Credit Text A Payment Text B Introducing Terms of Payment Text C Letter of Credit New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition UNDER Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 10 Examination of an L/C Text A Text B Asking for Amendments to Letters of Credit New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition OF(1) Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 11 Shipment Text A Text B New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition OF(2) Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 12 A Bill of Lading Text A Text B New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition TO(1) Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 13 Insurance Text A Text B New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition TO (2) Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 14 Packing Text A Text B New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition FOR(1) Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 15 Complaints and Claims Text A Text B Complaint Concerning Quality New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition FOR(2) Reading Exercise Skill DrillingUnit 16 Electronic Commerce Text New Words & Expressions Notes Key Words Useful Sentences Preposition FOR(3) Reading Exercise Skill Drilling


  The language of old-style business letters is often long and complicated. Such lettersare liable to confuse the reader. A confused and over long letter may be put aside untilsomeone explains its meaning, and this may mean delays. Since a letter is written for thereader, the language of modem business letters should be simple, clear and direct. Thewriter states the purpose of his letter briefly, and the letter is short and friendly. Suchletters help the writer as much as the reader, and will probably mean an earlier reply.  Nowadays, more and more people like to do business through a fax machine bysending faxes or even on the Web by sending E-mails. The former is the abbreviation offacsimile,which is actually an exact copy of a document, a picture or a piece of writingsent or received by an electronic system using telephone lines. The latter is correspondencesent or received on the Web. At the moment, the E-commerce involves offering, ordering,enquiring, payment and complaint, etc. But all these are still based on the business letters.  Here are two letters. One is an old-fashioned, pompous style of English, which is toolong and complicates the message. The other is in a simple and clear style.




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