英文课外自学文库(第二辑 全4册)
英语课外自学文库第二辑。 英语教育家S.E.Paces教授特为华语地区学生精心设计,根据风行世界的英语文学名著改写而成基本的词汇、简单的文法、现代的句式。多多利用动画光盘哟!去听地道原声、随字幕跟读、做自测习题。
1 After Twenty Years2 The Cup of Tea3 A Terribly Strange Bed 4 The Beautiful White Horse5 The Garden Party6 The Moth7 The Boys8 Questions and Language Practice
I undressed and got into my berth, but I could not sleep. I lay awake for some time, looking at the porthole and wondering if it would open. I was half-asleep when I felt a sudden ice-cold draught blowing in and bringing with it drops of sea-water. I jumped up and the rolling of the ship threw me violently to the other side of the cabin. I struggled to my feet. Then I saw that the porthole was wide open -and hooked back! Brisbane saw that we were finding it hard to believe his story,for he said, “This was no nightmare, the result of eating too much at dinner. This is the truth that I‘m telling you. If you had seen the bruises I had from my fall, you would believe me now.” “Go on. Go on.” we begged him. Whether we believed him or not, we were deeply interested in his story. “I shut the porthole,” went on Brisbane, “and turned the screw with all my strength. Look at these,” he said, showing us his powerful hands. “I turned that screw with these although it was very heavy and hard to turn. I screwed the porthole tight and I was certain that it could not be opened by any human being or even by any movement of the ship. Well, I stood there, in the dark. for about a quarter of an hour, my eyes fixed on the orthole,watching and waiting for it to move. ……